Ye Feng and others have been sitting in Hanks' car out of the palace, but Hanks didn't mean to stop. They drove directly to the apartment building where they lived, and then stopped. Looking back at Ye Feng and a Nan, they said, "you can stay here and wait for news. If Joanna has any plans, she should contact you. At least I will know a little bit of news, I'll find a way to let you know! "

Ah Nan nodded to Hanks and said thank you, but Ye Feng said to Hanks, "the person who checked us just now, especially the officer, I saw his eyes twinkle. He must have a bad heart. You should be careful!"

Hanks said to Ye Feng, "you worry too much. The three guards of the inner court always have some disagreements. When he saw me, of course he would. We've been used to it for a long time. Don't think about it too much!"

But Ye Feng looked at Hanks and said, "I have not read the wrong person, and I remind you that you should be careful!"

Hanks could not help nodding when he heard Ye Feng say so, and then said to Ye Feng, "since you said so, I'll pay more attention, but if he has a problem, I'm afraid there's danger on your side. Maybe he'll send someone to follow our car and find your foothold!"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately said, "it doesn't matter. Jesteffe has several footholds in lonas castle. If it's exposed here, we'll change another place! I'll try to get in touch with you then! "

Hanks said to her, "don't tell me. If I want to find you, it's very easy. In other words, if you are targeted by their people, there's no need to change places. They can also find you!"

Ye Feng and a Nan nodded to Hanks before they got out of the car. After Hanks turned around, Ye Feng reminded Hanks to be careful of the military. Hanks nodded to Ye Feng before driving away.

Ye Feng and a Nan stood by the side of the road, watching Hanks' car disappear at the end of the street. Then they turned and entered the apartment building. After entering the elevator, a Nan asked Ye Feng, "what if we have been watched?"

But Ye Feng shrugged her shoulders and said, "what can I do? Salad! We need to get used to being watched, because it's going to be the most common daily life in the days to come

After listening to Ye Feng's words, a Nan felt that there was nothing more to say. The elevator soon reached the floor where they were. Unexpectedly, as soon as the elevator opened the door, she saw the familiar "neighbor" standing at the door of the elevator.

The man saw that it was Ye Feng and a Nan, and immediately said with a smile, "what a coincidence?"

Ye Feng and a Nan nodded to the "neighbor", and even after walking out of the elevator, they didn't say much.

The "neighbor" didn't say much, so he went into the elevator directly, but just before the elevator door was about to close, the "neighbor" kept staring at Ye Feng and a Nan. When the elevator door was about to close, his hand immediately reached out and pressed the elevator.

At this time, Ye Feng and a-nan have already walked to the door of the elevator, but they heard the voice of "neighbor" coming from the elevator and said, "by the way, I just knocked on the door of your apartment, and there seems to be no one inside!"

Ye Feng and a-nan look at the "neighbor" and don't talk much. After all, they may be cat faced people. They hear the knock at the door and see the "neighbor" at the door, so they pretend that no one is at home.

However, when Ye Feng and a Nan opened the door, they saw that there was no one in the room. A Nan also called a few times on purpose, and didn't hear any response. Then they changed their face.

Ye Feng is also under the heart of a Lin, according to reason, under this situation, Dixie they will not leave without authorization, but now the fact is, Dixie, moon shadow sleeveless and cat face three people are not in the room.

Ah Nan then looked at Ye Feng and said, "where are they? Where do you think they're going? "

Haven't waited for Ye Feng to reply, at this time the door of the "neighbor" is standing where way, "home really nobody? Can I help you? "

Ye Feng and a Nan smell speech facial expression is a move, this does not know current affairs "neighbor" come of time is really good.

Seeing this, she quickly walked towards her neighbors and said in a loud voice, "did you hide them?"

"Neighbor" a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, a face difficult to understand ground looking at a Nan way, "what meaning? I don't quite understand you! Your friend is not here, how can I hide? The three of them are living. How can I do such a thing? "

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the "neighbor" in front of her. For a long time, she didn't speak. After staring at the "neighbor" for a moment, she immediately said, "well, we don't need any help!" Then he went to the door, trying to close the door.

Don't want that "neighbor" hand press on the door at this time, smile rather than smile of looking at a Nan and Ye Feng way, "I ask you, need help?"

As soon as she frowned, she reached out to close the door. She didn't want the man to press his hand on the door, but she couldn't close the door. She couldn't help looking at the "neighbor" in surprise.

Ye Feng immediately walked towards the door, standing in front of a Nan, blocking her and the "neighbor" line of sight, looking directly at the "neighbor" way, "say, where are the people!"The "neighbor" is staring at Ye Feng, also silent, just looking at Ye Feng, his face is still a smile.

Ye Feng sees this, can't help saying immediately, "since don't want to say, that don't say!" Then he closed the door immediately.

The strength of the "neighbor" is not small, but Ye Feng's strength is greater, "neighbor" hands hard to block, just a moment between the two people's competition has been divided, don't want to be Ye Feng closed the door.

The "neighbor" saw this and immediately said in a loud voice, "OK, OK, I know where they are!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, this just opens the door, didn't look at this man in front of him, sternly say, "what kind of pattern are you doing?"

That "neighbor" at this time, shook his hand, obviously just in the process of competing with Ye Feng hand strength, his strength is too strong, wrist has begun to sour.

"Neighbor" shook his wrist, this just toward Ye Feng way, "no tricks, just want to invite you to have a meal! Your three friends are in place, and now they are waiting for you two! "

A Nan immediately said, "we never know each other. If you have any food to eat, you can take us to pick them up right away."

"Neighbor" stares at a Nan standing behind Ye Feng and says, "your apartment has been watched before you come back. I do it for your good. I have a safer place to avoid all the stalks of longarsene castle!"

Ye Feng smell speech but brow a frown ground looking at in front of "neighbor" way, "you exactly who person? What's the point? "

"Neighbor" immediately toward Ye Feng said, "you can call me snooker, I am absolutely your friend, without a trace of malice!"

Ye Feng immediately said to snooker, "is our friend alive or dead now? Is it safe? "

Snooker sighed, "I wonder if I look like a bad guy? You've been on guard against me from the beginning. Now I'm kind enough to remind you that this apartment is not safe. It's a little unbearable that you're still on guard against me

While speaking, snooker walked into the room, then went to a table, directly lifted the table upside down, immediately took out a black nail size thing under the table, and said, "look at it for yourself!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak to a Nan, snooker immediately went to the other side and took out the same thing behind a pair of murals. Still, he kept walking to another vase. Then he went to the kitchen, the tea table in the bedroom, the sofa, the bedroom, the study on the second floor, the balcony and other places.

Finally, after snooker came out, he stood in front of the two people and opened his hand. Immediately, dozens of black nail sized eavesdroppers fell to the ground, and his mouth said to Ye Feng and a Nan, "every word you say here has been eavesdropped! How safe you think it is here

Ye Feng and a Nan can't help but move when they see this. They don't seem to think that they can find more than ten eavesdroppers in this small apartment.

A Nan immediately said to snooker, "who are you? Why do you know that? "

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