Snooker listened to such a question and immediately said, "you don't care who I am, as long as you know I'm not your enemy!"

But Ye Feng sneered and said, "if you say that, do we have to believe you?"

Snooker looked at Ye Feng and shrugged, "do you have any choice now? Unless you can ignore the life and death of your three friends! "

A Nan pondered for a while, and then looked at Ye Feng. She knew that now Dixie, Yueying Wuxiu and Maolian were all in his hands. If he was the enemy, their safety would become a problem.

Ye Feng was also silent at this time. For a long time, he did not speak and looked at snooker in front of him. Snooker did not seem to be worried. He just looked at them and waited for their reply.

After a long time, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, you win. Take us to see them!"

Snooker seems to have expected that Ye Feng would answer like this, but it's not surprising. After all, he now has the life and death of moon shadow sleeveless, Dixie and cat face man in his hands. Unless Ye Feng doesn't care about the life and death of the three, he must be subject to him.

At this time, snooker shrugged and said, "it's a waste of time to have explained so much to you." He walked towards the door and said, "follow me!"

Ye Feng and a-nan look at each other. A-nan obviously has something to say, but Ye Feng signals a-nan not to speak. Even if she keeps up with snooker, a-nan has to keep up with him and doesn't say anything.

After they followed snooker out of the apartment gate, they saw that snooker was walking towards the elevator door. When they got to the elevator door, they looked back at Ye Feng and a Nan and said, "hurry up, the aircraft has been waiting for you on the roof for a long time!"

Ye Feng and a-nan look at each other and secretly say that snooker may have taken them after they left the apartment. Now they are waiting for them to come back.

They still didn't say anything. After snooker got on the elevator, snooker pressed the button on the top floor, then looked at Ye Feng and a Nan and said, "we are not enemies. You look so serious, which makes me nervous. The atmosphere is not good! Be happy

Ye Feng and a Nan still keep a serious look. There is no smile on their faces. Snooker sighs, shakes his head and says nothing more.

Soon the elevator reached the top floor. After the elevator door was opened, snooker took the two people to the safe passage, and then went up to the top floor. The top floor was empty. Many buildings were higher than this side, standing on the left and right sides. Naturally, many buildings were lower than this side, trapped on both sides.

Not far away from the edge of the roof, an aircraft was stopping. Seeing three people coming up, the driver opened the window and urged, "here we are. Hurry up! After a while, traffic control will be in trouble! "

Snooker continued, "here we are. What are you worried about?" Then he opened the door of the aircraft, jumped up, looked back at Ye Feng and a Nan and said, "come on!"

Ye Feng and a Nan looked at each other again, but they still didn't say anything, so they got on the aircraft. As soon as they got on the aircraft, the pilot immediately started the aircraft, and the aircraft slowly flew away from the roof and toward the distance.

On the plane, snooker glanced at Ye Feng and a Nan, and immediately said, "don't be nervous. How many times do I have to explain that we are friends, not enemies?"

Ye Feng said to snooker, "since you are a friend, please tell me where we are going now."

Snooker immediately toward Ye Feng way, "don't worry, absolutely won't sell you, is to a belongs to our world!"

A Nan smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "between friends can't have so mysterious?"

Snooker said impatiently, "if you don't tell me, I can't tell you what the place is. Anyway, you'll know when you go!" Speaking of this, he looked at the girl and said, "and even if the place is dangerous, you've all got on the plane. Let's take it easy?"

A Nan didn't speak any more, but looked at Ye Feng. Ye Feng sat there, staring at the driver in front of her.

Snooker looked in his eyes and reminded Ye Feng, "I advise you not to play tricks. It's not good for me or you. I know you have some skills, but here is half empty after all. If you start here, the aircraft will fall down, it's not for fun!"

Ye Feng stares at snooker for a long time and doesn't speak. With his serious look and sharp eyes, snooker can't help feeling empty.

Ye Feng said faintly to snooker, "since I'm a friend, I won't worry about what I do!"

Listen to Ye Feng so hungry say, snooker immediately a stunned, and then a smile, "yes, we are all friends! Believe me, it can't be wrong! "

Then the aircraft fell into a quiet atmosphere for a long time, as if a needle could be heard when it fell to the ground.

And Ye Feng also found that the aircraft flew directly out of the scope of longarsenbao city. Although there were many tall buildings outside, it didn't look as prosperous as the city.It's like a city, but it's not as busy as longarsenbao city. It should be similar to the feeling of urban-rural fringe on earth.

To be exact, this should be the urban-rural fringe of longarsenburg.

Soon, the aircraft flew towards the top of a dilapidated building. After flying to the top of the building, it began to land slowly.

It was not until the aircraft came to a complete stop that snooker opened the door, jumped down, turned back and said to Ye Feng and a Nan, "come on, you'll fall in love here!"

Ye Feng and a Nan both moved their eyebrows, but they still didn't say anything. They followed snooker out of the aircraft. As soon as he was standing, snooker walked towards the safe passage and waved to Ye Feng and a Nan from time to time to signal them to follow.

Ye Feng and a Nan followed closely, and soon they got to the top floor. Snooker immediately went and pressed the elevator button, but the elevator was on the ground floor and was slowly rising.

Snooker then took out a cigarette and looked back at Ye Feng

Ye Feng himself took out a cigarette, lit on the road, "I have!"

Snooker didn't say much. He dropped the cigarette in his mouth and lit it. After taking a sip, he said, "it's been such a long time. Should mustard be put down? I didn't do anything to you, did I? "

But a Nan said to snooker, "nothing is done now, it doesn't mean nothing will be done next!"

Snooker smiles at a girl and doesn't speak any more. He continues to smoke cigarettes and wait for the elevator. Soon the elevator arrives. Snooker goes in and signals Ye Feng and a girl to go in as soon as possible.

After Ye Feng and a Nan went in, snooker pressed the button on the eighth floor and said, "don't worry, you'll see your friends soon, and I'm sure they'll have a good time!"

Ye Feng and a Nan didn't say a word. They looked at the floor of the elevator, which showed that it was falling one floor at a time. The top floor was forty-three floors, and now it's only thirty floors.

After Ye Feng smoked a large part of his cigarette, the elevator finally stopped on the eighth floor. Before the elevator door was opened, he heard a burst of heavy metal music coming in from outside the elevator, which made his ears explode.

After the elevator door is opened, the sound of heavy metal music is even louder, and Ye Feng and a Nan are totally unable to adapt.

But Ye Feng looked out, but he saw that there were people everywhere. It seemed that the whole floor of the building had been opened, and hundreds of people gathered. Moreover, these people seemed to be wearing some strange clothes, and they were swinging with the music.

At this time, snooker said loudly to Ye Feng, "follow me..." With that, for fear that Ye Feng and a Nan didn't hear it, he immediately waved to them and motioned them to follow.

Ye Feng and a Nan stand at the door of the elevator and have a general look. They immediately follow snooker to the front, and the roadside in front is full of people. When they see Ye Feng and a Nan, they can't help but cast strange eyes at them.

Snooker continued to walk in front. There was a wall not far in front of him. There was a big iron gate on the wall. Snooker said something loudly to a black man behind the iron gate. The black man immediately opened the big iron gate and waved to Ye Feng and a Nan. He looked very impatient and motioned them to catch up.

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