Ye Feng and a Nan keep up. As soon as they enter the iron gate, the iron gate is closed with a bang. At this time, Ye Feng and a Nan notice that behind the wall is another scene.

Although the noisy heavy metal music can still be heard here, almost all the people here are sitting here, and the surroundings are sealed, so they can't see the outside, and the lights are dim.

Snooker is still walking ahead, but what is different from the outside is that when people outside see Ye Feng, they can't help throwing strange eyes at them, and people here are more self-conscious.

People here see them as if they didn't see them. They just chat with people around them. Only a few people occasionally look up, but soon their eyes are taken away from them.

Some people who know snooker just say hello to him, and then they are busy going. However, in Ye Feng's eyes, they are like entertainment places on earth. The outside is low-end, and the inside is slightly high-end.

Soon, snooker came to an iron gate. The iron gate was different from the previous one. The former one was the iron fence gate. The iron gate was completely closed, and nothing could be seen inside.

After snooker knocked on the door, he immediately opened a smacking small door on the iron door, which showed a face. After looking at snooker, he completely opened the big iron door and let snooker in.

Snooker then looked back at Ye Feng and a Nan, waved to them, and then walked in. As before, after Ye Feng and a Nan followed, the iron door immediately closed again.

However, the sound insulation effect of this iron door is not bad. After entering the door, you can't hear the noise outside. The level here is a little higher than that in the middle. There are not many people here, and the installation looks more elegant.

In fact, high or not high-end, in addition to look at the decoration, but also look at the people here, men's suits are stiff, women's wear is also very formal, not dress, or women's professional wear, it seems to be a lot of formal.

And the people here don't care about Ye Feng any more. Even when they pass by, they don't even have the face to lift.

After a look at this time, she immediately said to snooker, who was leading the way ahead, "how long do you have to go? What is this place? "

Snooker stopped and pointed to the wall not far ahead. "When you get there, you get there!"

Ye Feng didn't speak. He continued to follow snooker to the front, and soon came to the wall. There was a row of wooden doors. Each door looked similar.

At this time, snooker went to one of the doors, and then he reached out and knocked on the door gently. At this time, he heard a woman's voice inside, which was very thin and soft. He just said, "please come in!"

Ye Feng a listen to this voice, face suddenly a change, immediately toward the side of a Nan looked, a Nan obviously also heard the woman's voice, face is also a move to see Ye Feng, mouth murmured, "the shadow of the moon without sleeve?"

Ye Feng hasn't responded yet. At this time, the door has been opened, but there is a spacious office inside. At this time, Yueying has put on a suit of professional women, and her hair has been combed. At this time, she is sitting behind the office and looking at the door.

Seeing Ye Feng and a Nan standing at the door, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I know you must have this expression!"

At this time, snooker said to Ye Feng and a-nan, "I already said that we are friends. I didn't cheat you

The moon shadow without sleeve waved to snooker and said, "OK, snooker, you can go out!"

Snooker looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "OK!" Then he turned to go out and closed the door.

At this time, Yueying Wuxiu stood up and looked at Ye Feng and a Nan standing at the door. Then she said with a smile, "don't be nervous. Although my identity is special, I can hide it from you, but I can guarantee that I have no malice!"

A Nan immediately asked Yueying, "where are Dixie and my friend?"

The moon shadow without sleeves said to a Nan and Ye Feng, "they are very good, and they should be even better than you think!"

Ye Feng stares at the shadow of the moon at this time. After a long time, he asks, "who are you?"

Moon shadow no sleeve then sat back on the office chair, then pointed to the office sofa Road, "sit down again?" Said to see Ye Feng and a Nan did not want to sit meaning, immediately added a way, "if I want to harm you, already started, why wait until now?"

Ye Feng just sat on the sofa. Seeing that Ye Feng sat down, she immediately sat beside him. However, she immediately asked Yueying, "you go to Huke bay just for Satan and Dixie?"

At this time, Yueying Wuxiu stared at her for a long time, then nodded and said, "yes, we know that Jock Emma of Huck Bay has a plan for the micro universe, and we found that Satan is involved in this plan, so we have already started to deploy in Huck bay!"At this point, Yueying Wuxiu sighed, "I thought we could find Satan immediately when we got to Huke Bay, but unfortunately, we had been lurking in Huke bay for three years, and there was no news at all!"

said that the moonlight sleeveless looked up at the leaf maple, but then he continued, "but the heavenly heavenly body is willing to give up the heart. When we are ready to give up the evacuation, you have a lot of people in Shanghai, and according to our secret investigation, your bodies are all registered by death. How can dead people appear in Huck Bay? Before you are dead, you should say that you have nothing to do with each other. It's easy to arouse my suspicion. So we decided to stay and observe for a while to see who you are. Besides, I didn't expect that you are Satans coming back from the microcosm! "

A Nan heard that Yueying had no sleeves, and immediately asked Yueying, "in other words, you are not the dead servant of the opposition?"

Moon shadow nodded and said, "that's just my hidden identity in Huke Bay, and it's also one of my tasks. I want to hide in the dead servants of the opposition and see how powerful the opposition is in Huke bay!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word all the time. At this time, he couldn't help looking at the moon shadow and said, "in other words, you said you knew me before, and me..." At this point, after a pause, he continued, "are they all fictional?"

The moon shadow without sleeves looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "it can be said that after I came into contact with you, I thought you were very strange, so I deliberately said that you and an acquaintance of mine wanted to, but I didn't expect that gradually you told me that you were Satan!"

Speaking of this, Yueying Wuxiu immediately added, "I also know that you don't have part of your memory, so at that time, I just said that without thinking of cheating you on purpose!"

A Nan didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak. She immediately asked Yueying, "well, here comes the question. You are not the dead servant of the opposition, and you are not a member of the federal government, are you? So who are you? Who are you working for? "

After listening to a-nan's question, Yueying Wuxiu pondered again. After a long time, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "first of all, I am very grateful for your trust in me. Second, I sincerely apologize for my previous deception. Finally, I want to say that we do not work for anyone, we just work for ourselves..."

Hearing this, she frowned and said, "for yourself? So you have your own organization? "

Moon shadow no sleeve immediately nodded, "that's right, and this organization, Dixie and jastefer are members!" Then he immediately looked at Satan and said, "you too!"

When Ye Feng and a Nan heard this, their faces could not help but move. The moon shadow without sleeves immediately added, "it's a pity that your previous memory has been lost, so I'm talking to you now, and you may not believe it!"

Ye Feng asked Yueying at this time, "I just want to know why you choose to expose your identity at this time point?"

Yueying shrugged her shoulders and said, "in fact, on the way to longarsene castle, I wanted to confess to you several times. It happened that we met snooker near Anan's apartment, and he naturally recognized me. We passed through in our way. Now the organization has no leader and is facing disintegration, so I have to expose myself!"

A Nan can't help but frown and say, "your organization is falling apart. What can you solve when you expose yourself?"

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