Yueying Wuxiu looks at her for a moment. Then she turns her eyes to Ye Feng and says, "aren't you also organizing an anti federal organization? You even have a good name. It's called activism. In this case, why don't we merge the forces of both sides?"

Speaking of this, after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Yueying said, "besides, you were the core members of our organization with Dixie and jester feben, and now you and Dixie are back to the team!"

Moon shadow said a lot of words, see Ye Feng looking at himself, expressionless, even did not say a word, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "you do not speak, you have any questions, or even any suggestions, anything can be said, in my this, you do not need to obscure what, there is no hard to ask!"

Ye Feng listened to Yueying's words, and immediately said to Yueying, "since you said so, I'll ask. You said that Dixie and jastefer are your core members..."

The moon shadow without sleeve immediately interrupted, "didn't you hear what I said before? So are you, and you are in a higher position than both of them! After all, you can be the chief agent of the FBI. No one can do it! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "OK, including me, but what evidence do you have? We don't believe what you say, do we? We need proof! "

The moon shadow has no sleeves to listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately a burst of ponder, for a long time also did not speak, after a long time this just said, "there is no evidence, because I know I can enumerate the evidence is more empty, the witness is also our people, you do not believe it!"

Ye Feng immediately sneered, "what's the point of saying so much? I think the dialogue between the two sides should be based on trust. But now, do you think there is a basis for trust? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the shadow of the moon was speechless, and a-nan immediately said, "besides, I suspect that it's because Hanks went to us and said something about Satan's past that you decided to expose yourself!"

Moon shadow sleeveless listen to a Nan say so, can't help but slightly sigh a way, "you say so, I have nothing to say, and even the words of defense can't be found, because what I say is futile, but I still want to say, I really don't have any malice!" What the doings has the final say,

, Nan, but he is cold and humming. "Is there any malice you do not have to say? It is sometimes not necessary to see what others say, but to see what the other person is doing. What you have done before, we see only cheating, do you not deny it?"

After listening to a-nan's words, moon shadow shrugged her shoulders and said, "in this case, we don't need to continue to talk, because you misunderstood me too much!" Then he grabbed the phone on the desk, dialed a number and said to the phone, "bring them here!"

After hanging up the phone, the shadow of the moon immediately toward Ye Feng they said, "since you don't trust me, then you go back first, I believe time can prove everything!"

A Nan can't help but frown and say, "you let us go?"

The shadow of the moon without sleeves leans back. After looking at her, she shrugs her shoulders and says, "in fact, with your ability, can I keep you? Besides, I have said for a long time, I believe that on the way here, snooker must have been telling you that we are friends, not hostile, so why should I keep you? "

A Nan then coldly said a way, "you are because know can't keep us, so just intentionally say so?"

After listening to a Nan's words, the shadow of the moon sighed, "you have a deep prejudice on me. It seems that you can't kill me in a short time! When you go back, think about it! I have nothing to explain, but I still believe that time will prove everything

But I'm sure snooker said that the apartment you live in is under surveillance all the time, so it's not very safe there, so I personally suggest you change it! Of course, it's just our suggestion. It's up to you to listen or not! "

Just at this time, the door was knocked, and the shadow of the Moon said, "please come in." but after that, Dixie and the cat faced man came in, and behind them was snooker.

The moon shadow without sleeves saw that Dixie and the cat face man came in, and immediately stood up and said to snooker, "snooker, you can send them back!"

Snooker's face was surprised and said, "are we talking so soon?"

The moon shadow shrugged, "they don't trust us, so they don't talk to each other!"

Ye Feng at this time looked at Dixie and cat face people, but see two people are looking at the office with a serious face.

A Nan got up and asked cat face and Dixie, "are you ok?"

The cat face man shook his head and said, "we still don't know what happened! In a daze, here we are! Where is this? "

At this time, Dixie looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "are you poisoning our water?"

Moon shadow without sleeve explained, "correct it, it's not poisoning, it's just using a little overpowering drug. If you poison, can you still stand here?"Although Ye Feng doesn't know how they came here, after listening to their conversation, he can roughly guess that it must be that after he and a-nan left, the moon shadow without sleeves put a magic drug in their water and brought them here after they were dizzy. So, Dixie and cat face are confused.

At this time, a Nan went over and explained to Dixie and the cat face man. The cat face man looked at the shadow of the moon in surprise and said, "how can you hide so deep?"

But Dixie calmly looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "do you think we are from the same organization?"

The moon shadow shrugged and said, "that's right But I said you don't believe it, there's no need to go on! Let's go

Ye Feng asked the moon shadow at this time, "is it your real name?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Yueying no sleeve immediately nodded and said, "that's right. People in our organization all use their real names. The purpose is to forget life and death and give up everything! I'm ready to sacrifice my life to be benevolent, so there's nothing to hide! "

After Ye Feng nodded, he immediately took out the list Hanks gave him and looked at it page by page. The moon shadow could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. "Did Hanks give you the list?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, and continued to look page by page. After a long time, although he didn't see the name of the moon shadow, he saw the name of snooker.

At this time, Ye Feng frowned, looked up at snooker and said, "where do you work in the Federation?"

Snooker immediately said, "I work for the federal Telecommunications Bureau!"

Ye Feng took a look at the notes about snooker on the paper. It was in the Telecommunications Bureau. Then he didn't say anything. He continued to look down. Finally, he saw the name of Yueying sleeveless on one of the pages. He asked Yueying sleeveless, "what about you? What do you do in the Union? "

"I don't have a position in the Federation!" said the moon without sleeves

Ye Feng immediately put away the hands of the roster, immediately toward the public humanitarian, "they should not lie, their list is here!"

A Nan looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "are you sure?"

Ye Feng said, "I saw it in the register! There will be no fake

On hearing this, the girl's face suddenly moved. Then she looked at the moon shadow and snooker. Finally, she said to Ye Feng, "in that case, what shall we do now?"

Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "tell me, what is the purpose of exposing yourself? You don't just want to show us around your site, do you? "

The moon shadow has no sleeve and says to Ye Feng immediately, "since we are on the list, it means that we are absolutely not lying..."

Snooker immediately said, "now that we have the roster, then we can do it easily. As long as we go to find them one by one according to the names on the roster, our organization will soon recover as it did a few years ago..."

But Ye Feng said immediately, "this list can't prove anything, it's just that I trust you intuitively. In a few years, many people may have changed their mind. You go to them, it's no doubt to expose yourself. In addition, there's no other help!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve. After pondering for a while, he says to Ye Feng, "so I'm looking for you..." Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's mainly you. I need you to lead us. It doesn't matter whether the organization is called by its former name or the activist of your new organization, as long as our purpose hasn't changed!"

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