Ye Feng can't help but move his brow when he hears that, which reminds him of the same thing that krisson said to himself before. He also wants to lead the geek vanguard himself, but in the end, it's just a way to deceive himself.

Now the moon shadow without sleeve also said almost the same thing as herself, but how many of the words that the moon shadow without sleeve said are true or false?

Moon shadow no sleeve see Ye Feng staring at himself, also don't speak, can't help frowning at Ye Feng way, "what's the matter? I said that. What's the problem? "

A Nan knows about Ye Feng and crimson. Seeing that Ye Feng doesn't speak, she knows the general meaning. She immediately asks Yueying for Ye Feng and says, "your organization is so big, why do you have to ask him to lead you? Don't you have a leader among you?"

Moon shadow no sleeve listen to a Nan such a question, did not immediately answer, but looked at Ye Feng, obviously in the eyes of questioning Ye Feng, he himself is not this meaning.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Yueying said, "we really don't lack leaders here, but who is more famous in eisf than Satan? You may not know that many people have heard that Satan is here before our organization grew up. That's why they came here! "

Ye Feng said immediately at this time, "if I remember correctly, Dixie Si and jiestfei both died in my hands, and they probably chose me to kill them in order not to expose me, so as to prove my innocence. If as you said, a lot of people come from admiring my name, then what is the significance of sacrifice of jiestfei and Dixie Si Where? Are you all idiots in the federal government? Can't the investigation come out? There is more than one FBI under the federal government, and there are many departments that can investigate! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Yueying Wuxiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "you are right. Although many people admire your name, you are not in our organization in name, and the official has been investigating you many times according to this message, but there is no substantial evidence. You also used this to say that this is just a rumor we released In other words, the purpose is to divide the relationship between you and the Federation, so that there is a scene of you killing Dixie and jestfel, and the purpose is to prove your innocence... "

At this point, Yueying looked at Ye Feng slightly and said, "in fact, you only remember that there are only jasterfeld and Dixie. There are dozens of our members who really died in your hands You obviously don't remember that! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move ground looking at the moon shadow, have no sleeve way, "what do you say?"

Moon shadow immediately continued, "the Federation's suspicion of you is also gradual, not immediately, and at the beginning, the Federation didn't suspect Dixie and jestfel. So in order to prove your innocence, the Federation often handed over our people to you. There are not a few people who have been dealt with by you, but these people are in the organization Although you have been doing this all the time, it has not completely eliminated the federal suspicion of you. After knowing that Dixie and jasteffe are exposed, the federal knows their importance in our organization, so it will let you kill them in person! "

At this point, Yueying stares at Ye Feng without sleeves, and continues to say, "when Dixie was found, there was no possibility of running, so she would rather die in your hands, let you ask for credit, and lift the Federation's suspicion of you!"

Dixie has been listening, at this time to listen to the moon shadow sleeveless said, can't help staring at the moon shadow sleeveless looked for a moment, then said, "so, I died in his hands voluntarily?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech then nodded a way, "you have no any escape possibility, want to clear the charge is impossible, the only can do before you die, is let Ye Feng kill you, guarantee his innocence, this is what you meet, if it is me, or any person in the patient organization, will not hesitate to do so, this is also understandable Yes

At this point, Yueying Wuxiu immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "before Dixie was found, jesteffe had already received the wind, so he escaped from longarsene castle. However, the Federation obviously didn't want to let her go, so it sent you. You thought Dixie had died in your hands, so you just injured jesteffe in public, let her go, and thought the Federation would Let's give up now. The federal government wants her to die in your hands, so it sends you to continue to hunt down jestefel. In the end, jestefel can only die! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng's heart moves. Although he has heard many people say many versions of these things, the details may be different, but they are basically the same. Although Ye Feng knows the process and result of the matter, he still has some waves in his heart when he hears the moon shadow's sleeve less saying it again.

At this time, moon shadow continued to say, "that is, when you are chasing jestefel, you happen to meet Jock Emma who went to Huck bay island to build a research institute. In his mouth, you know the plan of the micro universe, so you want to take Dixie and jestefel to join Jock Emma's micro universe plan, but jestefel's body is preserved It's not good, but Dixie's body is well preserved, so you go back to longarsenic castle, steal Dixie's body, and then go to Huck bay to participate in Jock Emma's Micro universe project... "At this point, Yueying Wuxiu looked at Ye Feng and said, "at that time, we don't know what you think. Jesteffe and Dixie choose to sacrifice themselves in order to protect your identity, but you choose to expose yourself at the last moment. You take Dixie to participate in the micro universe project, and you are telling the Federation that their doubts are correct! What did you think of the final and initial decision? "

Ye Feng can't help looking at Yueying Wuxiu, but he naturally doesn't remember what he thought at that time. Obviously Yueying Wuxiu also knows that Ye Feng's memory has not been restored, and immediately sighs, "it seems you don't remember, but it doesn't matter. Now you come back, I hope you can complete the mission you didn't complete, although Dixie is resurrected, But jesteffe has died. Besides jesteffe, there are hundreds of people who died to protect you. Have you ever thought about them? "

At this point, after a pause, Yueying immediately said, "that's why I asked you to come, and it's also the main reason why I came to Huke bay to find you! I've said so much. Isn't it clear? "

Listen to the shadow of such a sleeveless say, Ye Feng immediately after a long sigh of relief, this just toward the shadow of the sleeveless way, "OK, I promise you!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech complexion can't help looking at leaf maple way, "you agreed?"

It's obvious that Ye Feng's promise is too straightforward. On the contrary, it makes Yueying feel a little surprised.

Ye Feng nodded again at this time and said, "yes, do you need me to say it again? I think I've made it very clear? "

As soon as snooker heard this, he said excitedly, "that's the best!"

Moon shadow sleeveless also showed a happy smile, looking at Ye Feng way, "you promise nature is the best, then we will all listen to your deployment, what is our next step plan?"

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "are you sure that all of you will follow my plan?"

The shadow of the moon immediately said, "of course, we come back to you to lead us. If we don't listen to you, who else can we listen to?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately nodded, then looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "well, my first order is..."

Ye Feng said pause for a while, and moon shadow sleeveless and snooker immediately a face seriously looking at Ye Feng, full face is looking forward to, don't know Ye Feng issued the first order will be what.

And a Nan, Dixie and cat face people also look at Ye Feng in surprise at this time. Obviously, they didn't expect that the situation would change so quickly.

Ye Feng continues to say at this time, "disband everyone outside!"

On hearing this, Yueying Wuxiu and snooker couldn't help but look a little moved. Yueying Wuxiu immediately said, "what?"

Snooker immediately said, "what? Disband the owners? Why? "

Ye Feng just looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "what happened in Huke Bay, you won't forget so soon. The organization is not that the more people there are, the better, but the more refined. I don't see what contribution people outside can make to the organization. The more people there are, the faster the organization will be lax, and the more dangerous it will be."

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