Snooker immediately said to Ye Feng, "they are the people we are trying to attract. Do you know how difficult it is to gather a group of people now?"

Ye Feng said to snooker, "gather a group of people here to drink and shake. What's the help for the organization? What can you expect these people to do when they are really in trouble? "

At this time, snooker immediately said to Ye Feng, "you don't know something. Since Dixie and jesteffe died, you don't know where you are. Soon our organization fell down and broke up. Many people were afraid of implicating themselves. Even if we came to them, they would not be seen at all. Now, after so many years, we have gathered such a group of people again It's not easy. You said you wanted to disband? I'm the first to disagree! "

Ye Feng smell speech but eyebrow slightly a frown ground stares at snooker to see after a long time, this just Dynasty moon shadow has no sleeve way, "this is you say of love, I come back to lead you, my first order, met opposition?"

Yueying Wuxiu immediately said to Yefeng, "snooker doesn't mean that. It's just that most of these people are found by him, and you've gone to the micro universe. I don't know what happened here. Since you disappeared, our organization has been thoroughly cleaned by the Federation, countless people have died, and many people have simply escaped. Don't admit it's us The people who organized it. For so many years, snooker has suffered a lot and wasted a lot in order to hold on to the flag. He has feelings for the organization! "

Ye Feng nodded, then sneered, "I don't deny your contribution to the organization over the years, but I can't hide dirt and accept everyone in order to keep the name of the organization."

Then Ye Feng took a look at snooker, and then said to the moon shadow, "snooker may not know, you may not know, in Huke Bay, we organized a group of fireflies. In my opinion, they are much better than those outside, but what about the result? The first time I went on a mission, I suffered a lot of casualties. This lesson will be enough once! "

Ye Feng said, seeing that Yueying Wuxiu and snooker both wanted to speak, he immediately said in a loud voice, "since you want me to lead you, then I have to say a few words. You listen to me first, and then refute my words!"

Then he took a look at the moon shadow and said, "if you don't have any opinions, I'll continue!" After a pause, he saw that both Yueying Wuxiu and snooker didn't want to continue to talk, so he continued, "you hide so many people here, do you think the federal people don't know?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a look at snooker and said, "the reason why the federal people haven't come to you is that they may also regard them as people without any threat, and they can't pose any challenge by characterizing your gathering as general! That's why there's no action! "

As soon as snooker heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "but have you ever thought that we deliberately let them act like a dandy just to get rid of the eyes of the Federation?"

But Ye Feng sneered, "if so, it's even more unnecessary. What's the purpose of gathering people? Are we going to tell the Federation we're ready to go? Although I'm a little short of memory, I guess I can guess that the previous organization would not be like this? Are you doing this openly against the federal government? So do you think we are qualified? If it's not enough, what's the point of gathering people like this? "

The moon shadow has no sleeves to listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately say to snooker, "Satan said right, outside people gathered here meaningless!"

Snooker smell speech face slightly move, immediately toward Ye Feng and moon shadow sleeveless way, "so say, I have done so many years in vain?"

But Ye Feng said, "it's really meaningless!" As soon as snooker's face changed, he immediately added, "but your words remind me!"

Snooker's face moved, and the moon shadow without sleeve looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what did I remind you of?"

Ye Feng immediately pondered, then took out a cigarette to light one, smoked a mouthful, then said, "these people outside can make cannon fodder!"

Moon shadow sleeveless and snooker can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "what?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "since snooker has been preparing for so many years, although what he has done is meaningless to me, after all, he has been doing it for so many years. It's really not very good that he has been dissolved. In this way, we might as well turn meaningless things into meaningful things!"

Snooker heard Ye Feng say so, immediately said, "how to change? What do you mean by cannon fodder? "

Ye Feng couldn't help smoking a cigarette, then shrugged his shoulders at snooker and said, "didn't you just say that you deliberately made them pretend to be cynical and dandy. In this case, they will keep it and continue to paralyze the Federation! But they can't do anything inside the organization, let alone let them know! "

Snooker immediately said, "they don't know much, but they all come for your name of Satan!"Ye Feng light spit out a cigarette, this just helpless shrug a way, "that also has no way, can't any one person say, I am for you, I will be responsible for them in the end?"? When you recruited them, did you tell them that if you join us, you are likely to die? "

Snooker immediately nodded and said, "of course, I didn't hide them from the beginning. I told them that joining us would probably cost them their lives!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "in this case, they should be ready to sacrifice at any time! In that case, why not help them? "

At this time, Yueying can't help but ask Ye Feng, "do you mean that people outside continue to paralyze the Federation, while we reorganize a new organization?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded his head and said, "it's no use sounding the flag in the past, and now I know why many people on the roster don't want to come out again. When I see these people outside, I don't even want to join you. Besides, in their eyes, most of those people who were so strong in organization in those years have fallen trees and scattered monkeys. Now such a mob can still survive What happened? In the final analysis, the reputation of the previous organization has been rotten, so it can't be used any more, so we must be prepared to be indestructible! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the moon shadow sleeveless and snooker can't help looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders again at this time and said, "this is my suggestion. As the saying goes, if there is something wrong with what I said, it's OK. Let's do our own work!"

Then Ye Feng took a look at the shadow of the moon, and said, "anyway, you know what the purpose of my visit to longarsenbao is. Since our ideas are different, it's better to go our separate ways and act separately, and use the ending to prove who is right or not?"

The moon shadow has no sleeves to listen to Ye Feng say so, after pondering for a long time, this just look to snooker way, "snooker, do you think?"

Snooker was speechless for a moment, and finally sighed, "I'll listen to you! Do as you say! "

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech immediately also ordered to nod, immediately see to leaf Feng way, "I and he are same, also listen to your, you say how to do how to do!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "well, from now on, everything here will continue to be taken care of by snooker, and we will leave here from today, no, from now on, and don't come here again from now on!"

Snooker can't help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "how can I listen to you? What do you mean? Are you going to leave me alone?"

Ye Feng said to snooker, "these people are gathered by you. Of course, they are the most suitable ones for you to continue to take care of. We don't want to work alone, but to divide the work! If you continue to lead them, what should we do? And we will turn from the open to the secret, reorganize our staff and create new members of the organization! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a puff of cigarette and immediately said to snooker in a deep voice, "don't underestimate the role of you. At the critical moment, they need to rush out to make cannon fodder!"

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