Snooker's heart suddenly moved when he heard what Ye Feng said. Although he understood Ye Feng's meaning, and although Ye Feng probably didn't like these people, he spent a lot of effort to gather these people in recent years. He really couldn't bear to let them make cannon fodder.

Ye Feng saw snooker's look and guessed what his mind was. However, Ye Feng didn't say anything more. After leaving the building, he said to the moon shadow, "snooker can't be useful!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve, but frowns at Ye Feng and says, "why? Because the people he's looking for are unreliable? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's not this reason, it's because he has the kindness of women! Listen to me, I want to use those people as cannon fodder. He has shown his dissatisfaction several times, but he has not expressed it! "

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech heart next move, immediately toward Ye Feng to say, "this should count as compassion?"? You and I should have both. We have no feelings now, just because these people have nothing to do with us for the time being. But snooker himself found these people one by one, just like the group of fireflies you gathered in Huke Bay. Don't you feel sad when you see their sacrifice? "

Listen to the moon shadow sleeve so a say, Ye Feng can't help but look at her, then nodded and said, "yes, compassion!" After saying this, Ye Feng said nothing more.

When they got to the top of the building, they sat in the flying machine and drove towards the downtown of longarsenbao. On the way, Yueying said to Ye Feng, "that apartment really can't go any more. I believe snooker must have found a lot of monitors to show you."

at this time, a Nan immediately said, "there are other places to go! Jesteffe has several properties in Fort lonarsene! "

At this time, Ye Feng shook his head and said, "this is the secret property of jesterfield. Isn't it already under the surveillance of others? It must be the same with other properties. In this case, why bother yourself? "

After talking about this, Ye Feng pauses for a moment and continues to say, "besides, before we came to longarsene castle, we had already expected that it would be like this. We will certainly live within their surveillance range. So far, there should be no problem. Now if we move away, it is easy to cause unnecessary doubt. We might as well continue to live in the same place!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, a Nan immediately nods a way, "right, then continue to stay in the original apartment!"

"I'm not going to live there. I want to be alone for a while," she said suddenly

After hearing this, everyone could not help but look at him. No one asked him any questions, so he explained to himself, "don't worry, I can protect myself, but I still have some questions in my heart. I have to find the answer myself, or I won't die!"

A Nan immediately said, "if we have fewer people here, I'm afraid we'll have doubts there."

Moon shadow sleeveless also immediately toward Dixie way, "you have any questions, you can ask, I will tell you all I know!"

Dixie said, "no, I believe in my own judgment more than others say. I want to investigate for a while by myself." Then she said to her daughter, "don't worry. One less person won't have much doubt. Besides, I will go back to you every day to reduce their doubt as much as possible."

When a Nan wanted to say something, Ye Feng nodded and said, "in that case, you should be more careful!"

Dixie smell speech toward Ye Feng nodded, said a know, then no longer speak.

Soon the plane stopped on the top of their apartment building. A group of people got off the plane. When they got to the top floor and entered the elevator, a Nan pressed the floor where they lived, while Dixie pressed the first floor.

After the elevator stopped on their floor, Dixie stood in the elevator and watched Ye Feng go out. She still stood in the elevator and watched Ye Feng leave. Then she pressed the door close button.

Ye Feng stood outside the elevator and took a look at Dixie. She didn't say anything until the elevator door was closed. Ah Nan said to Ye Feng, "you really shouldn't let her leave!"

Ye Feng can't help shrugging her shoulders and said, "it's the second time that she has said that she wants to act alone. She only tells us that she respects us. With her character, she can leave without saying anything, but she doesn't do it. We should respect her, don't you think?"

Moon shadow no sleeve nodded at this time and said to her, "even if we force her to stay, can we really keep her then? It's not the same result. Instead of making everyone unhappy, it's better to let her go! "

A Nan looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "now she's doubting you. If she trusts you, what's the need for a separate investigation?"

The moon shadow shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no way to do this. What I said is completely right for me, but you may not believe it completely. It's reasonable! If I firmly do not agree with her to conduct an independent investigation, I am afraid she will not be the only one who doubts me at that time, and you should all doubt me, rightAfter listening to what Yueying Wuxiu said, a-nan thinks that if Yueying Wuxiu really tries her best to prevent Dixie from leaving, she will doubt the truth of those words just like Yueying Wuxiu said.

When several people re-enter the door of the apartment, their faces suddenly move. In the living room, there is a man sitting at this time. He looks like he is about thirty years old. Behind him, there are two people. At this time, the eyes of the three people all fall on Ye Feng and others at the door.

The man sitting on the sofa looked at Ye Feng and immediately stood up, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm very sorry, I came uninvited!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, the man immediately continued, "please allow me to introduce myself. I'm brecos, the leader of the tiger guard of the Han Ding palace."

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart could not help but move. This name was heard when Hanks sent them out of the Han Ding palace and was checked by the tiger guards. He did not expect that this man would appear in their apartment so soon.

At this time, a Nan immediately said, "can the leader of the palace tiger guard of the Han Ding do the same thing? When you enter someone's private apartment, you don't even have to knock on the door? "

Brecos said with a smile, "to tell you the truth, I knocked at the door, but you are not there, and I have been waiting at the door for about 15 minutes, so I can't wait. I have to come in first. Besides, you will not be there. If you are there, I believe you won't be willing to let the guests wait at the door for 15 minutes for such a long time?"

Ye Feng walked toward blicos at this time, and said, "we should have nothing to do with the tiger guards, right?"

But blicos shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, it really had nothing to do with it before. Maybe I didn't even have a chance to meet in my life, but from this moment on, it has something to do with it!"

After that, blicos sat down again and continued, "I heard my staff say that you've been to the palace, and Hanks himself took you out of the palace and came here, so I'm very curious, what kind of person is it that can let the captain of the guard, Hanks himself take you out!"

After looking at the crowd, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't get me wrong. I'm just curious. Besides, Hanks and I are friends. We are all from longarsenburg military region. Xiri is also a comrade in arms fighting side by side!"

Ah Nan snorted coldly, "so now you are investigating your comrades in arms who fight side by side every night. What else do you say friends are not friends?"

But blicos said with a smile, "it's because I regard him as a friend that I care about him. It's not easy for him to be the captain of the guard. Don't make friends with people who shouldn't be and delay his future! As a friend and comrade in arms, I will worry about him! It's human, isn't it? "

At this time, Ye Feng said to blicos, "now that you're here, let's get to the point. You don't come to us just for your friend's sake. Let's explain your intention directly! Everyone in the province is suspicious of each other! "

As soon as blicos heard this, he immediately clapped his hands and said, "OK, I'm so happy. I just like to talk to people who are so happy!"

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