Speaking of this, blicos continued to look at Ye Feng and said, "since you are shuangkuaren, I won't talk to you about ink! I just want to know, what's your relationship with Hanks and why do you appear in the palace? What is your purpose? "

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "it seems that you are not a pleasant person. Let me ask for you. I think what you want to ask is, what are we planning with Hanks in the end? Are we going to cooperate with each other and attack the Han Ding palace?"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, blicos's face moved slightly. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he suddenly laughed and stood up. He clapped his hands for Ye Feng and said, "I knew you were a happy person. I didn't disappoint you. Since you all know the purpose of my coming here, please explain it!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Brix immediately said, "since you already know my purpose, please answer this question according to my mind, and we will save the routine here, don't you think?"

Ye Feng listens to such a saying of blicos, immediately sneer a way, "do you want me to admit it? It's even better to make Hanks the mastermind, isn't it? "

Brecos said with a smile, "I don't understand what you're trying to say. Only you know what you're trying to do. What I can tell you is that if you come forward to control Hanks' crime, you will turn yourself in. I will try to minimize your crime. Although you may have to face several years' imprisonment, I can I promise you that after you come out, you will have a new identity, money you can't earn in your life, go to a place where no one knows you any more, and live a life you may not have thought about in your life! "

Speaking of this, blicos fixed his eyes on Ye Feng. When he was talking, he still had a smile on his face, but his expression became more and more severe. He looked at Ye Feng coldly and said, "but if you insist on protecting Hanks, then you will be Hanks' accomplice, and you may be convicted as the chief conspirator. At that time Not only will the future be ruined, but you may have to give your life here. After all, Hanks is the captain of the guard. At that time, there must be a group of people pleading for him, or even excusing him, or even directly blaming you for the crime. At that time, you may be sentenced to death for betraying the Federation! "

Speaking of this, Brix sat down again, then took out his cigarette, lit one and smoked leisurely. While smoking, he also looked at Ye Feng and said faintly, "I've already told you your two endings. It depends on how you choose. If you are really a smart man, I believe you should know how to choose!"

Ye Feng looked at Brix with a smile and said, "I think you want me to choose the first one?"

But blicos shrugged his shoulders and said, "then you must have misunderstood me. I said that you are a smart man and you will choose. I just tell you two results. You can judge for yourself that I don't like other people in qingpo to do things you don't like!"

Ye Feng also took out a cigarette at this time, lit it and took a puff. Then he said, "OK, I'll choose the first one!"

As soon as blicos heard this, he immediately stood up and said with a smile to Ye Feng, "well, you didn't disappoint me. You are really a smart man!"

A Nan, moon shadow and cat face all look at Ye Feng. Obviously, they don't understand that Ye Feng would agree to the request of blicos?

But Ye Feng asked blicos at this time, "so what should I do now?"

Brecos immediately said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to do anything. Just stay here and don't go anywhere. Soon someone will come to you. Then you can just follow this. I'll arrange the rest!"

Then brekos stepped forward, patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "you are a smart man. I don't want you to be a delayer. If you want to lead us away, you should believe in my ability. I can arrest you before you leave longarsene castle!"

But Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said with a smile to blicos, "then you look down on me. I will never leave longarsene castle!"

Brix nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the girls and said with a smile, "it's really worthwhile to come here today and make friends with you With a smile, he walked towards the door of the apartment, and the two retinues behind him immediately followed him.

But blicos stopped at the door and said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, I always mean what I say."

But then the tone of the words became extremely cold and said, "I have two ways of dealing with friends and enemies. I can make you climb the peak of your life, and I can also make you fall into Purgatory. Don't betray me, and I don't want us to become enemies from friends!"

After saying this, brecos immediately opened the door and went out, and the two attendants immediately followed and closed the door.

A Nan immediately went to the door, looked outside from the cat's eye, and then turned to the public, "his two men didn't go, they were standing at the door!"Ye Feng went to the sofa and sat down. Yueying asked Ye Feng, "do you really want to help this guy frame Hanks?"

The cat faced man looked at Ye Feng with a sneer, while a Nan came back and said to Ye Feng, "you must have other ideas, don't you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what this guy named blicos said is very clear. He has a good eye in longarsenic castle. It's easy to deal with us. We can't offend him!"

She frowned and said, "we can't make trouble, but we can avoid him..."

Ye Feng sneered and said, "long arsenic castle is big or small. Where can we hide? Besides, even without us, he would think of N ways to deal with Hanks! "

No matter what method he uses, we can't be his helper, can we

Ye Feng sneered and said, "we are helpers, but this may not harm Hanks. Maybe we have helped him!"

On hearing this, a-nan and Yueying look at Ye Feng with a frown. Yueying asks Ye Feng, "do you really have any plans?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, the cat face man said at this time, "although I don't like Hanks, who also came uninvited, I don't like him even more. I don't think he's as good as Hanks. At least he came alone. This guy even has a bodyguard with him. I'll go out now Kill those two followers and see what he can do! "

A Nan smell speech immediately toward cat face humanity, "don't mischief, Satan do so, certainly have his reason!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "this guy's hand is not as good as Hanks. It's reasonable for him to take bodyguards, but he didn't expect that we, let alone two bodyguards, it's useless to take twenty bodyguards, but it's enough to prove the difference between him and Hanks. Hanks is completely on his own ability to sit in the guard team It's a long position, but it's not necessarily brecos... "

The cat face man said to Ye Feng impatiently, "what do you want to do? I don't have the energy to guess. You might as well say it directly! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Hanks still hesitates about the position between us and the Federation. In this case, we might as well push the boat along the river and directly use external force to push him to our side!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng looked up at the shadow of the moon, and said, "there are many people on the roster, but Hanks is not among them. Although he is not among them, he helps jesteffe hide the whole thing, which is enough to show that his heart is swaying and can be rebellious. Let's start with Hanks and make him the first one we want to win over Elephant

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell a speech to be stunned, immediately but say, "that also need not use this kind of method!"

But Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "you must not have seen" outlaws of the marsh ". I suggest you go to see it when you have time. After you have seen it, you will know why I do it!"

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