Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "since you can come up with this solution, you can definitely find the signal source of Hanks, so I'm absolutely at ease with you!"

A Nan smell speech can't help but white leaf maple one eye, sighed an air way, "you still really regard me as omnipotent!" Although the mouth said so, but still continue to operate the computer, obviously has begun to filter the signal source.

Ye Feng waved to the moon shadow sleeveless and cat face people, indicating that they would go away with themselves, and don't disturb a-nan to continue to work. He can understand that people who do these jobs need absolute quiet once they start to work. Inspiration will appear from time to time. In case of being disturbed, inspiration may not come back before.

After the three walked away, the moon shadow said to Ye Feng quietly, "if you can really use this method to contact Hanks, can you also contact Joanna?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "certainly not. You didn't listen to a Nan. Only those who have military background can understand the code. Joanna has no military background at all. Even if a Nan can find Joanna's signal source and send out the code, Joanna may not understand it. It's meaningless to connect with her

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng so a say, this just suddenly the spot nod a way, "right, I forgot this point!"

At this time, the cat faced man said, "even if Hanks is contacted, what can Hanks do when he knows that blicos wants to hurt him? And I guess Hanks himself knows more or less about the contradiction between blicos and Hanks, so even if he doesn't have to remind him, he should be clear! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "although he knows that blicos has an opinion on him, he also knows that it may harm him, but at least he doesn't know that blicos is going to harm him now? So we have to wake him up! "

After hearing this, the cat faced man suddenly nodded. At this time, the girl over there suddenly said, "we have found the signal source of Hanks. He is just on the phone..."

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, you really won't let me down, said immediately went to the back of a Nan, looking at the computer virtual display in front of a Nan, mouth asked a Nan, "can you hear Hanks phone content?"

A Nan immediately shook her head and said, "of course not. If you can hear the content of the phone, how terrible it will be for the Han Ding palace? It means that any phone call can be cracked in such a simple way. Many federal policies are communicated by politicians on the phone, which means that some people have been the first to know the policies of the Han Ding palace before they are published. What does that mean? "

Ye Feng smelled speech to smile a way, "I also so a ask!"

A Nan asked Ye Feng at this time, "what do you want to say to Hanks?"

Ye Feng pondered a little for a moment, and then said, "remind him that brecos already knows that we have a lot to do with him, so he has come to us. Let's blame Hanks, saying that we are going to subvert the federal government, Hanks is the mastermind, and I have agreed to brecos's request!"

A Nan can't help but look up at Ye Feng and say, "so tell him, isn't it?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, I haven't finished yet. Next, brecos will find someone to record my confession. I will do it according to brecos's request for the time being, but it won't convict Hanks just because of my words. So when brecos thinks he is sure to win, I will turn back and say that everything is brecos's conspiracy. At that time Wait for Hanks to cooperate! If he can receive this message, he will get in touch with us as soon as possible! "

When Ye Feng said these words, a Nan immediately operated the computer, translated all his words into the code of love, and sent it to Hanks' telephone signal source.

At the same time, Hanks was talking on the phone in a palace in the middle hall of the Han Ding palace when he heard a noise coming from the phone. He frowned and murmured, "is the signal so bad?"

With that, Hanks immediately took his cell phone and put it in his ear to listen to it. After listening to it, he felt that it was not right. The noise in it was obviously rhythmic. He could not help but move his eyebrows. He immediately listened to the noise in the phone. In his hand, he immediately took out a pen and paper and recorded the signal on the grass paper.

After the noise disappeared, Hanks recorded all the signals, and then said to the other end of the phone, "it's going to happen another day. I've got something urgent on my side!" Then he hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Hanks immediately took the recorded signal and looked at it carefully. Meanwhile, the pen in his hand was still translating on another piece of paper.

After Hanks had translated it completely, his face suddenly moved and he murmured, "blicos actually found Ye Feng and them? This guy is really a thief

However, after seeing Ye Feng's plan, Hanks can't help pondering. He knows that Ye Feng's plan is a dangerous move. If it is operated properly, he may take the opportunity to uproot brecos, as Ye Feng said. But if it is not operated properly, he may face the most severe capital punishment in the history of the federal government.Hanks pondered for a while, then lit a cigarette, burned the two pieces of paper to ashes, but frowned and thought.

Hanks is very clear that blicos is very dissatisfied with his position as the captain of the guard team. If not for himself, it is likely that his cousin will take the position.

But Ye Feng made the whole thing so complicated, and also involved themselves, obviously not entirely to help themselves, they must also have their own plot, with his understanding of Ye Feng, Ye Feng will never do such a hard but thankless thing, there must be some calculation of his.

And Hanks also expected that Ye Feng would expect that he would guess these, but he did it anyway, and the real purpose was something that Hanks couldn't figure out.

After thinking about it, Hanks forcefully put out the cigarette, and then stood up, thinking, today's plan is to find a way to get in touch with Ye Feng.

But Hanks was also surprised that Ye Feng could use the code to get in touch with him. He also realized that in fact, the location of the Han Ding palace was not as dense as the legend, otherwise Ye Feng would not be able to get in touch with him.

And here, after the girl sent the message, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "I think Hanks has received the message!"

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then asked a Nan, "if you want to contact Hanks again, do you have to be on the phone with Hanks?"

Ah Nan immediately nodded, "of course, if Hanks doesn't get on the phone, we'll never be able to send him any information!"

Ye Feng sighed, "that's a pity. Now it seems that we have to wait indefinitely until Hanks finds a way to contact us."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knock outside the door. Ye Feng and others all moved. A Nan immediately put the computer away before she went to open the door.

After the door was opened, the two retinues before brecos were still standing outside the door, but there were two other strange faces standing at the door.

One of them nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I'm here to give you a confession!" Then he came in.

After entering the door, both of them looked around. Then they sat down on the sofa in the living room. Then they looked up at Ye Feng and a-nan and said, "I believe you are ready."

Ye Feng asked the two humanists, "where's blicos?"

The man immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "he and we are not in the same department. When we are recording statements, he is not suitable to stay at the scene!" Then he took out a recorder and asked Ye Feng, "is it ok now?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I want to preview the questions first, otherwise I won't be able to get the wrong answers, that's not good!"

The man immediately satisfied with a smile, "you're right!" Then he immediately took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ye Feng, saying, "this is the question we want to ask. Take a closer look and think about how to say it. OK, we'll start!"

Ye Feng took the paper and took a general look at it. He found that the pertinence of these problems was obvious, which was obviously aimed at Hanks. That is to say, the two people in front of him should also be arranged by blicos.

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