When Ye Feng was looking at the paper handed by the man, Yueying was looking at these two people. At this time, he couldn't help asking, "which department are you from? Can you show me your ID?"

Two people smell speech facial expression tiny move, immediately stand up to smile a way, "come in of too hasty, forgot to show you!" Then they both took out their certificates.

Yueying took the certificate and took a look. She saw that the two were from the Security Bureau. She wrote down the names of the two people and returned the certificate to them.

Ye Feng this time sat down, toward two people said a way, "I'm good, now start?"

As soon as they heard this, they immediately sat opposite Ye Feng, took out the recorder, and began to ask Ye Feng questions according to the questions on the paper.

One of them said to Ye Feng, "how did you go to the Han Ding palace before?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "Hanks arranged for us to go in!"

The man immediately asked, "Hanks, which Hanks? There are not 100000 Hanks by the name of eisf, at least tens of thousands!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "Hanks, the leader of the Han Ding palace guard! How else can Hanks arrange for us to do our best

After nodding with satisfaction, the man immediately asked, "why did he arrange for you to enter the Han Ding palace? What's the purpose of your entering the Han Ding palace?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "the real purpose do not know, he has not told us, the purpose is to tell us what to do!"

That person listens to Ye Feng to say so, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly looking at Ye Feng way, "don't know? So after you entered the Han Ding palace, didn't he say that? So what are you doing in the Han Ding palace? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "at that time, we just went in and met less than 10 minutes ago. He didn't say anything, but said that the situation had changed. Let's leave quickly. It's obvious that something happened. He didn't tell us anything about it!"

That person listens to Ye Feng to say so, the facial expression suddenly a change, obviously Ye Feng's speech, and in their mind completely different.

But without waiting for them to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "I'm still confused. I feel like I've been fooled by Hanks!"

After two people looked at each other, the man who asked immediately asked, "do you mean that Hanks took you to the Han Ding palace and let you go again without saying anything?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right!"

The man immediately pondered, then turned off the recorder, and then said to Ye Feng, "you shouldn't answer like this?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at the humanitarian, "then how should I answer?"

The man's face moved slightly and said, "don't you have a deal with bricos? Why did you change your mind temporarily? "

Ye Feng frowned more tightly, looked at the man and said, "it's agreed that Hanks arranged us to enter the Han Ding palace. Didn't I tell you the truth?"

The man immediately said anxiously, "the point is not that he arranged for you to enter the Han Ding palace, but what he arranged for you to do. But now you tell me that Hanks didn't ask you to do anything after you went, so what's the meaning of our coming?"

Ye Feng listen to this person say so, can't help toward that person say, "that I should how to say!"

The man frowned immediately, then stood up and said, "what do you mean? Don't you read the question and think about the answer? How can we continue with your attitude? "

Ye Feng saw this, quickly got up to appease the humanitarian, "don't worry, before and brecos said too anxious, a lot of things are not clear, since you think what I said is wrong, we can slowly say, until you are satisfied!"

Said Ye Feng also quickly took out a cigarette, handed the two people each one, but also help them light, according to two people sit down.

Two people see Ye Feng so, can't help but sit down, after smoking a cigarette, this just looked up to Ye Feng way, "so now you think about it, Hanks in the end want you to Han Ding palace to do?"

Ye Feng also lit a cigarette, frowned and looked at the two people, "what do you want us to do?" Then he immediately said, "can you give me some advice?"

One of them said impatiently, "Hanks tried every means to ask you to go to the Han Ding palace, but he didn't ask you to visit it, did he? After all, I want you to do something, or have a conspiracy! "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, yes, there must be some conspiracy!" Then he immediately asked the man, "so what's the plot?"

Two people smell speech and want to stand up, Ye Feng immediately pacify two humanitarian, "don't worry, don't worry, I'm not discussing with you? I mean, I'm worried that if I say it's too light, I can't achieve my goal, or if it's too heavy, it sounds a bit fake. People from the countryside like us don't have much insight, so I'd like you to mention it! Thank you, thank you

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the two of them suddenly changed their faces. Then they both sat down and looked at each other. The man who asked immediately said, "for example Who do you want to assassinate! Or do something dangerous like blasting in the Han Ding palace! "Ye Feng immediately patted his thigh and said, "yes, Hanks wants us to go. He just wants to assassinate the president. Yes, that's it!"

They are very satisfied with the nod, and immediately toward Ye Feng said, "we do not open the recorder, first try to ask, you do not have to worry and nervous, think of what to say, do not understand can ask us, we can help you!"

Ye Feng immediately "grateful" toward the two nodded, "that's the best!"

The man immediately asked Ye Feng, "then how do you prepare to assassinate him?"

Ye Feng eyebrows immediately a wrinkly way, "how to assassinate? I don't know. I didn't do this. I just rushed to kill the president when I saw him

The man immediately frowned and said, "how can it be like this? The Han Ding palace is so big. How can you see the president? What's more, Hanks is in charge of the location of the nave. At most, the president is passing by, and he won't even stop! "

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what should I say?"

The man pondered for a while and said, "it should be how Hanks arranges you to enter the inner hall, and tells you the president's residence, wants you to go directly to the president's residence for the assassination, and how Hanks will help you! For example, I gave you the topographic map of the Han Ding palace, and even marked the location of the president's palace for you! "

Ye Feng immediately patted his thigh and said, "yes, that's right. He gave us a map to mark where the president is! And he gave us the gun! Tell us when and where the president will appear, and so on! "

When the man heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "that's what you think. That's it!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "no, he didn't give me a map!"

The man's face changed as soon as he heard this, "what? Do you want to go back? "

Ye Feng quickly said, "I don't mean that. I mean, since I want to say that Hanks gave me a map, but I don't have it on me, isn't it fake?"

That person hears Ye Feng to say so, immediately eyebrow a wrinkly, think Ye Feng to say is also, think to immediately toward nearby that humane, "you look for a Han Ding palace topographic map to come!"

The man's face moved slightly and said, "I'm not a member of the Han Ding palace. Where can I find this map?"

Ask that person for a while to ponder, the secret way is also, immediately toward that humanity, "you let blicos prepare one! He must have

As soon as the man heard this, he suddenly said, "yes, he is the leader of the tiger guards. He is in charge of the security work of the palace outside the Han Ding. There must be a map. I'll contact him now!" With these words, the man immediately turned to one side and picked up his cell phone to call blicos.

The person who asked immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, blicos must have this map. Mark it at that time, just say it's Hanks mark!"

Ye Feng smell speech to smile a way, "that is good, that I am at ease!"

A Nan, moon shadow and cat face are standing on one side. They didn't understand what Ye Feng was doing, but now they seem to know something.

When the man finished the call, he came over and said, "the map is ready for blicos. He will send someone to deliver it soon. Don't worry!"

Ye Feng nodded with a smile and said, "I'm very relieved!"

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