Ye Feng takes advantage of this time, carrying two people to make a wink toward a Nan, a Nan didn't quite understand Ye Feng's meaning, but still went to Ye Feng's side, toward three humanitarians, "I'll make you a pot of tea?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "well, the two distinguished guests have said so much and wasted so much. Go to make a pot of tea quickly!" Then he held her hand and said, "bring up the best tea!"

A Nan felt that Ye Feng had something in her hand, and her heart moved. But on the surface, she pretended that nothing had happened. She nodded and said, "OK!" Then he immediately turned around and left.

Don't want to ask that person of the words at this time but immediately toward a Nan way, "you stop!"

Ye Feng and a-nan were all moved. They all thought that the man had found something. They didn't want the man to say, "no tea, just plain water!"

A Nan immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said yes. Then she turned around and left. At the same time, she winked at the cat face man. Seeing this, the cat face man immediately followed a nan to the kitchen.

A Nan poured three glasses of water to maorenren and asked him to take it out. She took out what Ye Feng had given her and looked at it. She found that it was a small recorder. She was shocked. At the same time, she immediately understood that the purpose of Ye Feng and those people was to obtain evidence.

However, a Nan knows that Ye Feng can give the recorder to herself at any time, and even when they are gone, she has time to give it to herself at this time. It must be for another purpose.

With a little thought, she immediately understood what Ye Feng meant. Then she left the kitchen, went to the bedroom, took out the computer, and immediately began to trace Hanks' phone signal.

However, to trace Hanks' telephone signal, she still thought that when she contacted Hanks again this time, she must inform him to keep talking with others, so that she could transmit the signal to him at any time.

Fortunately, a Nan soon tracked Hanks' signal. He immediately sent the recording to the computer, edited it into a signal and sent it to Hanks.

Hanks immediately received the news, and immediately began to take out a pen to record the signal. Although he did not know who and who said this conversation, he could see it immediately after it was completely translated. This is Ye Feng. They are revealing their situation to him. It seems that brecos has arranged someone to record the confession for Ye Feng.

But looking at these conversations, Hanks immediately showed a smile and murmured, "this Ye Feng is really not simple. He knows how to do this. Let Brix prepare the map. Thanks for his imagination!"

After burning the translated paper, Hanks immediately lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Then he grabbed the phone and made a call to his staff to come over immediately.

At this time, Ye Feng has already recorded the confession according to the two people's requirements. The two people are quite satisfied. They stand up and shake hands with Ye Feng and say, "you'd better not go anywhere recently. Maybe we'll come here a few times. At that time, we may even take you back to continue to record a formal confession again. But you don't have to worry too much. At that time, we'll say it according to what we said today That's fine. There shouldn't be a big problem! "

After saying this, the two men walked towards the door, but just came to the door and immediately turned back to Ye Feng, "and, if necessary, we may start to formally detain you, now give you a little time, you do the aftermath work, but you can rest assured that we will take good care of you, you are our important witness, we will guarantee your safety! ”

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "I'm completely relieved. I will cooperate with your investigation!"

On hearing this, the man nodded with satisfaction. At this time, there was a knock on the door. When the cat faced man went to open the door, he saw two men of brecos standing at the door. One of them was holding a map and said to the two people, "here's the map!"

The man took it and looked at it. He found that there was a circle mark on the map. Then he handed it to Ye Feng and said, "you should put the map away first. When we find you again, we will let you take this as evidence!"

Ye Feng nodded, toward the two humanitarians, "that hard two, and please bring a message to brix, he must keep his word!"

The man nodded, said nothing, and immediately went out with his companion, but the men of blicos remained in place, standing at the door just like the guard.

After Ye Feng closed the door, he immediately took the map to the sofa and sat down. After a careful study of the map, he found that the map of the Han Ding palace almost caught up with the map of a small city on the earth. The Han Ding palace is mainly divided into three areas: the outer hall, the middle hall and the inner hall. Each area looks very complicated.

At this time, moon shadow sat on the side of Ye Feng, looked at the map and said, "look at the map. If someone really wants to assassinate the president, I'm afraid it will never come back!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, this Han Ding palace is like a labyrinth. Unless there is a map or people who have lived in it for a long time, they can't touch the road at all!"

A Nan came out of her bedroom and said to Ye Feng, "I've sent the message to Hanks!"Ye Feng nodded, and then asked a Nan, "put away the recorder. At the critical moment, the recorder still has a big effect!"

A Nan nodded and saw the map in Ye Feng's hand. She immediately went over and looked at it. Then she sighed, "it's really big!"

Cat face person stands behind the sofa of leaf maple, say toward leaf maple at this time, "I see you see very carefully, you won't have other idea!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, this map is so detailed that people outside the Han Ding palace can't see it. We have to remember all the terrain on this map. It will be useful in the future!"

On hearing this, the three said, "remember this map well?"

A Nan said immediately, "it's easier for me to memorize a string of codes than this map!"

"I can only remember about a quarter of an area at most," said the moon shadow

But the cat face man said immediately, "don't count on me. I'm born a road maniac. Even if you show me the map, you may go wrong, let alone memorize the map!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly, secret way seem can't expect them, can only rely on oneself, think immediately stare at the map to see, can remember how many is how many.

Seeing this, they all know that Ye Feng wants to memorize the map by himself, so they go away without disturbing him.

Moon shadow said at this time, "just heard those two people say that they will come to him again, and then they may detain him. What shall we do at that time?"

A Nan immediately said, "it should be nothing. Since he has recorded, he must want to put blicos together when he officially recorded his confession."

At this time, the cat face man sighed, "he is very good at these intrigues. I'm not sure I can understand them. If you attack me, you can call me!"

At this time, a-nan's computer immediately sent out a prompt sound. A-nan immediately ran to move out the computer and put it on the coffee table. After having a look, she immediately said, "Hanks sent us a message in the same way!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately put down the map in the hand, ask a Nan way, "what does he say?"

As soon as she listened to the signal, she began to record something on the paper with her pen. After listening to all the signals, she began to translate. After the translation, she said to Ye Feng, "he said that we have a complete understanding of the situation here. He is already doing the preparatory work there. How do you need him to cooperate? Please do not hesitate to give orders here, and he will certainly cooperate with us."

Ye Feng, after listening to a-nan's words, couldn't help pondering for a while, and said to a-nan, "you tell Hanks that we will proceed according to the original plan. When the other party formally records a confession, I will still frame him up. Someone will come to him at that time. He just pretends to know nothing and asks him not to admit anything. The evidence in my hand is only in the official record It will only be made public when they go to trial! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, a Nan immediately began to send a signal to Hanks, sending Ye Feng's meaning to Hanks, and soon received the signal from Hanks. A Nan translated, "he says he understands what you mean, and you are ready to catch them all!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's not all in one net, it's inviting the emperor into the urn!" Then he immediately said to her, "this sentence doesn't need to be sent. We have a good idea of it."

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