After a day of Ansheng, nothing happened, but two of brecos's men stayed out all night, as if they were afraid that they might run away. Until the next morning, the one who should come finally came, and the knock on the door was particularly loud.

Ye Feng knew that it must be yesterday's people, and motioned the cat face man to open the door. As soon as the door was opened, he saw a group of people rushing in. Roughly speaking, there were at least a dozen of them, and they all looked like hardcover men.

The cat face man stood at the door and didn't react. He was immediately transferred to the ground and was crushed to the ground. He was held still. The other people rushed into the room to control Ye Feng, a Nan and Yueying.

Just then came a short fat man from the door, with a face of flesh. After entering the door, he saw that although the cat face man was pressed on the ground, he was unconvinced. He went up to the cat face's head and kicked the cat face man faintly.

Then the short fat man came to Ye Feng and took a general look at them. Then he took out an arrest warrant from his pocket and said to Ye Feng, "I believe I've come to you. Do you know what I mean? This is the warrant just issued today. "

The short fat man shakes the arrest warrant in front of Ye Feng and the other three people. Then he gets it in front of him. Looking at the warrant, he says, "I suspect Ye Feng and a Nan are in series with Hanks, the leader of the guard team of the Han Ding palace, trying to plot a wrong plan, assassinate the president and subvert the regime. I hereby order Ye Feng and a nan to be hunted down!"

Having said that, the short fat man took a look at Ye Feng, a Nan and the moon shadow, and finally looked at Ye Feng and said, "you must be Ye Feng, so who is a Nan?"

A Nan immediately stepped forward and said to the short fat man, "I am!"

The short fat man nodded with satisfaction and said, "very good!" Nothing to say, too much nonsense, directly turned and walked towards the door, "take away! All the others are detained here and are not allowed to leave until the case is found out! "

After hearing this, the people behind him immediately escorted Ye Feng and a-nan to the door. As soon as the shadow of the moon without sleeves came forward, Ye Feng turned back to the shadow of the moon without sleeves and said, "you stay here, don't go anywhere!"

While talking, Ye Feng has been pushed to the door. He looks at the cat face man who is dizzy on the ground. He reminds Yueying that she has no sleeves and says, "when he wakes up, tell him not to mess around and wait for our news!"

Yueying no sleeve nodded her head. She saw Ye Feng and a Nan escorted out of the house. After the door was closed again, Yueying no sleeve went to help Maolian man up and sit on the sofa.

However, the cat face man can't wake up for a while. The shadow of the moon has no sleeves and can only sit on one side, but he is worried about Ye Feng and a Nan. Although Ye Feng said yesterday that they would come to arrest them directly and formally start the investigation, he still seems a little flustered when he really comes here today.

After taking a deep breath, Yueying tries her best to calm down. Yefeng has enlightened them several times yesterday. When things happen, don't be too nervous and let them relax as much as possible, but now they can't relax.

And Yefeng said yesterday that he would be taken away by the Security Bureau, but today even Anan was taken away, which was totally unexpected. I believe Yefeng and Anan did not expect.

At this time, Ye Feng and a Nan have been taken to the aircraft on the roof. They are handcuffed to different aircraft. Ye Feng did not expect that the other party would take a Nan with them.

But when I think about it, it's just my conjecture yesterday. At that time, I went to the Han Ding palace with my daughter. There must be a CCTV video on the other side of the Han Ding palace. How could I only catch myself? So it's reasonable to catch me with my daughter.

However, the other party arrested her and a-nan separately, obviously not allowing them to collude with each other again. This should be imaginable, so Ye Feng simply didn't think much about it, and he expected that a-nan would be psychologically prepared. Besides, when she colluded with those two guys yesterday, she knew all the way and believed Dao an The insurance bureau should know what to say.

The aircraft quickly took off and flew away from the top of the building. It flew in the direction of the Security Bureau building. After a while, it stopped on a building. As soon as the aircraft stopped, the door opened. Ye Feng was immediately escorted down to the top floor and began to take the elevator.

Ye Feng saw that the visitor pressed the button on the 18th floor, and he was still in the dark. Shouldn't it be the 18th floor hell? On the earth, especially in China, the number of 18 layers is taboo in many places, so 17b or 19A is generally used to replace it. Obviously, there is no taboo in the culture of eisf.

When the elevator stopped on the 18th floor, Ye Feng was quickly escorted out of the elevator, and quickly brought to a separate interrogation room, leaning Ye Feng on the stool, which is also unknown metal directly welded to the ground, so Ye Feng was directly locked in the interrogation room.

After Ye Feng was handcuffed, everyone immediately left the interrogation room, leaving Ye Feng alone. At this time, Ye Feng first looked at the surrounding environment, which is no different from the detention room of the police station on earth. There is only one table, several stools, a camera in the corner, facing his side, nothing else.Ye Feng immediately closed his eyes and began to close his eyes. He thought that now a-nan must have been taken to another similar room by them and locked up alone. Now he is waiting for the chief judge of the Security Bureau to come and start the trial.

However, the waiting time was totally beyond Ye Feng's imagination. I don't know how long later, Ye Feng felt a little hungry. Then he saw that the door was opened and two people came in. One of them was the short fat man who arrested them, and the other was the one who went to the apartment yesterday.

After they came in, they closed the door tightly and sat opposite Ye Feng. The short fat man just sat down and lit a cigarette. The guy who asked questions took out a notebook and pen and put it on the table. Looking at Ye Feng, he nodded slightly, as if to reassure Ye Feng.

After the short fat man took a few puffs of cigarettes, the questioner picked up his pen and opened the notebook in an orderly way. Then he looked at the short fat man and said, "team leader, can we start?"

The short fat man threw his cigarette on the ground and stamped it out with his feet. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "now we are going to have the first trial on your case. You must tell all the facts you know and all the facts, so as to reduce your crime. Do you understand?"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded, said a know, short fat this just toward the humanity of the question, "so, can formally start!"

At this time, the questioner took out a recorder, opened it and put it on the table. Then he nodded to the short fat man and could start.

After clearing his throat, the short fat man looked at Ye Feng and said, "at 10:23 a.m. yesterday, you stopped a car to receive distinguished guests in the square in front of the Han Ding palace. Then you got on the car and drove into the Han Ding palace. As far as we know, it was gretes on the car. He said you were his man and took you into the Han Ding palace, and we took this as the basis We have already contacted Gretel. After he took you into the Han Ding palace, he immediately informed the tiger guards to make an ambush. Then you were arrested and sent to the convoy. Then you went to the office area of the convoy leader Hanks, about 30 minutes. Then you took Hanks' special car to drive you When you left, what did you talk with Hanks? Why did Hanks send you out of the palace in person, and all the way down to your apartment? What's your relationship with Hanks? "

When Ye Feng heard this, he was totally different from those who asked the questioner yesterday. He couldn't help looking at the questioner who was sitting beside the short fat man. However, his eyes drifted and his face looked helpless.

But the short fat man saw Ye Feng's eyes wandering at this time, immediately slapped the table hard, and said in an angry voice, "I'm asking you, are you listening?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course I'm listening, and I'm listening very clearly!"

The short fat man said with satisfaction, "well, now please answer my question carefully!"

Ye Feng immediately looked at the short fat man and said, "before answering your question, I have a question, I want to ask you!"

Short fat man smell speech complexion immediately a change ground looking at leaf Feng way, "ask me a question, now is I in examine you, still you in examine me?" Although the mouth said so, but still toward Ye Feng way, "what do you want to ask?"

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