Ye Feng just looked at the short fat man and said, "is gretes a witness, or is the suspect brought here by you for questioning?"

The short fat man can't help but frown and say, "what do you mean by that and what's your purpose?"

Ye Feng shrugged at the short fat man and said, "Oh, I'm just curious. Why don't you doubt that Gretel will take us to the Han Ding palace?"

The short fat man said immediately, "didn't I just say that? He brought you into the Han Ding palace just to invite you into the urn. And as soon as you went in, he informed the tiger guards and the guards, which is enough to show that he was under your duress and could make proper arrangements in the face of danger. "

Ye Feng listened to the short fat man and nodded, "Oh, according to you, that is to say, gretes was taken as a witness by you, right?" Then he took a look at the short fat man, nodded his head and said, "it's good, it's good!"

Short fat man listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but frown tightly, surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "what do you mean? Shouldn't grethels be seen as a witness? "

Ye Feng immediately busily nodded, and said, "no, no, I didn't mean that. I just asked. I knew he was OK!"

He didn't explain it. The more he explained it, the more the short fat man looked at Ye Feng suspiciously. "Wait a minute. According to your opinion, gretes intentionally took you into the Han Ding palace?"

Ye Feng quickly shook his head and denied, "no, no, I didn't mean that!"

The short fat man didn't believe Ye Feng's words. After pondering for a while, he suddenly realized and said, "I see. Gretes is also one of you. That's it. Grester is responsible for taking you into the Han Ding palace, but he's afraid of causing doubt, so he deliberately informed the people of the tiger guards to round you up, but he didn't give you to the tiger guards in the end, I was surprised at first. Now I understand that the purpose of informing the tiger guards is to let them testify to him, and then hand you over to hanks of the guard. This is really a perfect handover! "

Ye Feng heard here, his face immediately showed a panic look, or lost his voice denied, "no, this is your conjecture!"

The short fat man sneered, "guess? Yes, it's really my conjecture, but I can see from your look that my conjecture is absolutely correct! " Then he stood up immediately, went to the door, opened the door, and said to the people outside, "arrest gretes immediately!" Said to return specially accentuated tone to emphasize a way, "yes, not please come over to assist to investigate, is arrest to bring a case to justice!"

Ye Feng took advantage of this time, immediately to the opposite interrogator whispered, "these questions, yesterday did not ask!"

The questioner immediately turned off the recorder and whispered, "I don't know, but it's just a routine question. But what's the matter with gretes? I didn't hear from you yesterday! "

Ye Feng hasn't said anything yet. The short fat man has come over and looks at Ye Feng with pride. He looks as if he is Sherlock Holmes. Just through his smart mind and sharp eyes, he has seen through Ye Feng's mind and found gretes.

The short fat man sat on the opposite side of Ye Feng again with a proud face. He looked at Ye Feng with a proud face and said, "let's continue!"

Ye Feng immediately stressed, "you have wronged good people. Our business has nothing to do with gretes!"

But the short fat man said with a sneer, "at this time, still sophistry? It doesn't matter. When he comes, we'll find out! "

Then the short fat man pauses for a moment, and immediately continues to ask Ye Feng, "well, now tell me, you and the woman went to Hanks' office area, stayed for half an hour, what did you talk about?"

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the short fat man and asked him, "give me a cigarette!"

Short fat man hesitated for a moment, or handed Ye Feng a cigarette, holding a lighter to help him light, this just said, "you are honest and clear, you smoke!"

After taking a puff of ecstasy, Ye Feng immediately said, "he gave us a map, which is the topographic map of the Han Ding palace. It marks the president's residence!"

The short fat man immediately said with a smile, "that's a little interesting!" Then he said in a sharp voice, "mark your Highness's residence. What do you want to do?"

Ye Feng immediately smoked a cigarette, shrugged his shoulders and said, "what else can I do, of course, to assassinate the president!"

Short fat man a listen to this words, immediately excited up, looking at Ye Feng way, "assassinate the president?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "otherwise? Would you like to invite the president to dinner? "

The short fat man immediately looked at Ye Feng seriously, slapped the table hard, and yelled at Ye Feng, "no nonsense!" Then he immediately asked Ye Feng, "so, you mean, Hanks asked you to assassinate the president?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, otherwise we don't know the president, and we don't have a problem with him. What do we do to assassinate the president?"Short fat man is very excited toward Ye Feng said, "that is to say, Hanks is your mastermind?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I don't know what plot, anyway, he told me to do so, other I don't know!"

The short fat man immediately asked Ye Feng, "then why didn't you implement it, but take you out of the Han Ding palace?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "don't you know what a stampede is? First, he asked us to go into the Han Ding palace and have a look. The most important thing is to give us a map... "

The short fat man immediately patted the table and said, "no, here's the map. He can bring it out to you. Why let you go into the Han Ding palace and take such a big risk to get a map?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "then I don't know. That's all I know. The details are as follows Oh, I don't know what Hanks thinks

Listen to Ye Feng so a say, opposite sit to make a record of the interrogator face color Dun when move, immediately stare Ye Feng one eye.

The short fat man frowned and said, "what's the specific cloth?"

Ye Feng quickly said, "I mean, how Hanks arranged his plan, I don't know what he thought!"

The short fat man suddenly nodded and said, "I see!" Then he stood up immediately, went to the door, opened the door, called a man outside, and snapped, "go and arrest Hanks at once! It's arrest! "

At this time, the questioner immediately turned off the recorder and took the opportunity to say to Ye Feng in a deep voice, "be careful when you speak! Don't be nervous

Ye Feng pretended to be nervous and said, "it's my first time to face such a thing. It's inevitable to be nervous!"

And at this time the short fat man has come back, see Ye Feng seems to be saying something, immediately frown a way, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "I didn't say anything!"

The short fat man looked at Ye Feng dubiously. He saw what Ye Feng was saying just now, but he didn't admit it?

The short fat man hesitated to sit down. At this time, he saw the questioner pick up the recorder and put it down again. He could not help frowning and said, "what's the matter?"

The questioner immediately said, "Oh, I'll see if the recorder has electricity!"

The short fat man didn't take it seriously, nodded and said to Ye Feng, "let's continue! That is to say, Hanks asked you to enter the palace and prepare to assassinate the president? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it should be like this!"

The short fat man frowned and said, "should I? What is supposed to be? Yes, no, no! What's wrong with it? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "after we went, he gave us a map, and we knew what he meant, but then we were sent out of the Han Ding palace!"

Short fat man smell speech brow wrinkle more tight, looking at Ye Feng way, "so he has said the specific time of action?"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "no, nothing!"

On hearing this, the short fat man immediately pondered, "so how do you get in touch? As far as I know, the staff of the Han Ding palace use the mobile phones of the intranet. They can't get in touch with the outside world. What's your contact information? "

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the words. Then he looks at the questioner and murmurs, "contact information? I don't know! "

The short fat man saw that Ye Feng looked at the questioner, and immediately frowned and said, "I'm asking you something. If you don't look at me, what will he do? What do you mean you don't know? I don't know how Hanks contacted you and asked you to go to Han Ding palace? "

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