Ye Feng pondered for a long time, but he didn't speak. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, the short fat man immediately pounded the table. Suddenly, he startled the questioner on one side.

The short fat man said to Ye Feng solemnly at this time, "you have come here. Don't expect to cheat. I advise you to be honest and try to be lenient, or you will suffer!"

At this time, Ye Feng said to the short fat man, "give me some time. I'll think about how Hanks contacted me. I can't remember!"

The short fat man immediately took out a cigarette, lit it, stood up and said to Ye Feng, "I'll give you ten minutes to think about it. I'll go out for a cigarette. If you still have this attitude after ten minutes, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Ye Feng nodded, and immediately asked for a cigarette with the short fat man. The short fat man directly put the whole box of cigarettes on the table. Then he asked the humanitarian, "you sit here and watch him, enlighten him, and tell him what the consequences are if he refuses to explain!"

As soon as the questioner heard this, he immediately nodded and said yes. After the short fat man went out, the questioner immediately turned off the recorder, then took out a cigarette and stuffed it into Ye Feng's mouth. After lighting it for him, he also nodded and said, "what's the matter with you?"

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng immediately asked the humanitarian, "I really can't remember how Hanks contacted us. The question you gave me yesterday didn't have this. I can't remember it for a while!"

The questioner immediately said to Ye Feng, "how did Hanks contact you? Just tell me the truth!"

Ye Feng asked humanity, "the problem is that we can't tell the truth, because he didn't contact us at all. We went to the Han Ding palace ourselves!"

That person smell speech eyebrow immediately a wrinkly ground looking at leaf maple way, "what do you mean by this?"? Are you going to retract your confession? "

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said in a voice, "it's not to retract the confession. Now I don't know how Hanks contacted me. Just now, the short fat man said that the internal network of the Han Ding palace is used, so how do we contact Hanks? You teach me? "

When the questioner heard this, he couldn't help pondering for a long time. What the short fat man said was really a problem. The staff of the Han Ding Palace used the internal network of the Han Ding palace. As long as they were within the scope of the Han Ding palace, they couldn't receive other signals or get in touch with other signals.

Thinking of this, the questioner's heart suddenly moved. Yes, why must Hanks contact Ye Feng in the Han Ding palace? Thinking of him, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "of course, he called you. He can call you when he is not in the Han Ding palace..."

Ye Feng immediately asked the humanist, "if it's a phone call, the telecom company will have a phone record. What should we do if we can't find out the phone record?"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, his heart suddenly turns cold. The secret way is the same. Thinking of him, he can't help but look at Ye Feng. The secret way boy is careful. Fortunately, he can see it. Otherwise, if he reports it as evidence, he won't be able to get the evidence at that time. Isn't he busy?

Thinking of this, the questioner immediately said to Ye Feng, "he didn't drive you to your apartment, so of course he went to your apartment to find you. There was no record of face-to-face conversation, so there should be no problem?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward the interrogator stretched out a thumb way, "yes, he is personally come to find us, so there is no record!"

The questioner was completely relieved. He took a cigarette and said to Ye Feng, "if you have any questions, just ask now. Don't ask one later!"

Ye Feng asked humanity, "I don't have any problems. I'm worried that the short fat man will have some tricky problems later. It's hard for me to deal with them."

As soon as the questioner heard this, he immediately pondered. At this time, the wind of evil karma asked humanity, "isn't he with you?"

The questioner immediately said, "of course not. He's our team leader. He doesn't know anything about us at all!"

Ye Feng quickly asked, "what's his name?"

The questioner said quickly, "Zhu Sanjia! What's the matter? "

Ye Feng a listen to this name, the heart immediately move, immediately nodded a way, "nothing, is to ask, if he is not your person, it is difficult to do, his problem is completely different from your problem, if there is any problem at that time, I really don't know how to deal with, you must help me at that time!"

The questioner frowned and said, "how can it be? If there are any more problems later, use your own brain. I don't think you're a fool. You should be able to come up with a solution. Our team leader Zhu is not a fool. If I'm talkative, it's not good!"

Ye Feng just about to speak, this time saw Zhu Sanjia opened the door, with a strange look at Ye Feng and the questioner, then coldly said, "think about it?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "thought of it!"

After Zhu Sanjia came and sat down, he said to Ye Feng, "think of it?" Then he motioned the questioner to open the recorder and immediately asked, "come on, how did Hanks contact you?"Ye Feng immediately said, "he has been to our apartment in person before. He told us to go to the Han Ding palace face to face, and he has arranged how to enter the Han Ding palace. As long as we get there at the appointed time, and then wait for Gretel's car to pass by, everything will be OK."

Zhu Sanjia smelled Yan's eyebrows and looked at Ye Feng. "How can you think so clearly this time? Is this so hard to think about? "

Ye Feng immediately looked at the questioner and then said with a smile to Zhu Sanjia, "I didn't think about it for a while!"

Zhu Sanjia looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully, then looked sideways and asked, "do you know him?"

The questioner's face suddenly moved when he heard the words, and even said, "of course I don't know! Chief Zhu, what's the matter? "

Zhu Sanjia shrugged and said, "Oh, nothing. In the surveillance, I think you're talking very well. I thought you knew each other!"

Hearing this, the questioner's face suddenly changed. He instinctively glanced at the surveillance camera in the corner and explained to Zhu Sanjia, "team leader, he's asking me some questions. I just want to persuade him to think about it for himself."

Zhu Sanjia then stretched out his hand and patted the questioner on the shoulder. He looked at him with a smile and said, "who are you? I have a clear idea. What are you doing when you are so nervous?"

The questioner still wanted to explain a few words, but he was afraid that too much explanation would be a bit like covering up something. But if he didn't explain, he was worried that Zhu Sanjia would misunderstand him. For a moment, he was extremely entangled in his heart, and he didn't know whether to explain well or not,.

Instead of looking at the questioner, Zhu said to Ye Feng, "how did Hanks know where you live? That means it's not the first time you've met? "

But Ye Feng said to Zhu Sanjia, "in his capacity, it shouldn't be difficult to find a person's residence?"

Zhu Sanjia nodded with a smile and said, "that's right. He is the leader of the guard. He used to be a member of the longarsenic Fort military region. It's easy to find a person's address. The key question is, how does he know that you will agree to assassinate the president according to his requirements? Or were you an assassin before? Otherwise, with tens of millions of people in Quanlong arsenic castle, why would Hanks only come to you instead of others? "

Said did not wait for Ye Feng to speak, Zhu Sanjia but suddenly a change of voice, "or what other secret is there?" When he said this, Zhu Sanjia did not know whether he looked at the questioner intentionally or unintentionally.

When the questioner saw Zhu Sanjia looking at him at this time, he felt a sense of extreme uneasiness. He immediately stood up and said to Zhu Sanjia, "team leader, I'm upset. Go to the toilet!"

But Zhu Sanjia looked at the question with a smile, "what's wrong with your stomach? It's a good time to have trouble with your stomach

The questioner immediately said, "I can't help it, team leader..." After that, without waiting for Zhu Sanjia to speak, he immediately ran to the door.

However, when he opened the door, he saw that several people at the door seemed to be waiting for him. As soon as he came out, he immediately took out his handcuffs and shook them in front of him.

When the questioner saw this, his face suddenly changed. He immediately looked back at Zhu Sanjia and said, "chief, what does that mean?"

Zhu Sanjia said with a smile, "nothing!" Then he immediately said to the people outside the door, "he's going to the toilet. You take him there. If he can't pull out today, you can help him!"

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