After gretes finished saying this, he didn't say anything more. Then he went to the door and knocked. The door was crooked. Zhu Sanjia, who had been waiting, opened the door and saw gretes standing at the door. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in the room.

Ye Feng said to Zhu Sanjia at this time, "I may be wrong. This has nothing to do with Gretel?"

As soon as Zhu Sanjia heard this, he immediately nodded, then untied the handcuffs on Gretel's hand, and then said to Gretel, "I think I have misunderstood you!"

As soon as gretes heard Zhu Sanjia say this, he couldn't help frowning and staring at Zhu Sanjia for a long time. Then he realized that Zhu Sanjia should also be on Ye Feng's list. Zhu Sanjia and himself chose a different path, and he rejoined the organization.

But grethels didn't say much. He looked back at Ye Feng, who was staring at him. After nodding slightly, he turned and left.

After Gretel left, Zhu Sanjia immediately came in and asked Ye Feng, "since Gretel's suspicion has been ruled out, does it mean Gretel has returned to the team?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, he thinks more about it. He thinks our organization will not succeed, so he refuses to join again!"

Zhu Sanjia can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "then why do you want to let him go? Although we don't have any substantial evidence, we can still keep him for a few more days! "

Ye Feng shrugged and said to Zhu Sanjia, "it's meaningless to force him to stay. In other words, if you change your position, you don't want to join again. Gretes suggested that I continue to detain you. What would you think?"

Zhu Sanjia was stunned when he heard what Ye Feng said. He thought about it for a long time and didn't want to go to the muddy water again. But Ye Feng didn't use the list in his hand. At that time, he was still a little skeptical. Now he's looking at Ye Feng's treatment of Gretel. Zhu Sanjia knows that Ye Feng didn't cheat himself, is he He underestimated Ye Feng. Because of this, Zhu Sanjia knew that his choice was absolutely right. Thinking of this, Zhu Sanjia looked at Ye Feng and said, "your choice is right, so you should do it. It's meaningless to force you to stay!"

Ye Feng stood up at this time, and then asked Zhu Sanjia, "what about Hanks? Did someone bring your security bureau?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately nodded, "people are coming, but our director is with him!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "you director?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately nodded and said, "I told you before that this case involves subversion of the federal regime and assassination of the president. The nature of the case is too big, so the director of our bureau has personally asked about it!"

Ye Feng asked Zhu Sanjia, "that is to say, you can't contact this case?"

Zhu Sanjia said to Ye Feng, "because I have been in contact with this case before, and I am also applying to our director to continue to follow up this case, but our director has not given me the final reply, and as far as I know, another group is also fighting for this case. After all, this will be the biggest case in longarsenbao in recent years. Who will take over this case and solve it After that, it's all a miracle! "

Ye Feng asked Zhu Sanjia, "then how sure are you to continue to accept it?"

Zhu Sanjia shrugged his shoulders and said, "half of it. Although I started to handle the case, the other group has a close relationship with the director. The group leader and the director still have some relatives, so I'm not sure about it."

Ye Feng pondered for a while, looking at Zhu Sanjia and said, "what's the name of the leader of the other group?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said, "Wei Chi Wu Xing!" Say to immediately ask leaf maple way, "have in the register?"

Ye Feng is exactly what he means. Let's see if Wei chiwu star is not on the roster. However, he is very disappointed that there is no such number one person on the roster.

Ye Feng thought of shaking his head, and then asked Zhu Sanjia, "how is Wei chiwu's usual disposition?"

Zhu Sanjia heard the speech and said in a cold voice, "I'm so glad to be successful and do things openly. Except for the people in their group who flatter him all day long, they have conflicts with anyone in the bureau!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning and looking at Zhu Sanjia, "what about you?"

Zhu Sanjia shook his head and said, "although I don't like him, I don't have any contradiction with him."

After listening to this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and asked Zhu Sanjia, "in addition to this Wei Chi Wu star, is there any other group applying?"

Zhu Sanjia explained to Ye Feng, "under normal circumstances, if our group takes over the case, our group will continue to follow up even if the case changes suddenly. Unless our group is unable to solve the case, it will temporarily decide to hand it over to other groups or ask other groups to help. Under normal circumstances, other groups also know this Because of the unwritten rules, no one will apply. Only Wei chiwu Xing knows that once the case is solved, it will be a chance for promotion. He doesn't care about these rules and goes to the director's office to apply for it himself! "Ye Feng listened to Zhu Sanjia and immediately nodded, "that's him!"

Zhu Sanjia smell speech a face don't understand ground looking at leaf maple way, "what meaning?"? What, just him? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "frame Hanks, the spy in the security bureau!"

Zhu Sanjia a listen to this words, or a little understanding ground looking at Ye Feng way, "frame up Hanks's traitor?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "haven't we already caught a man? I believe you must have a way to let him account for yuchiwuxing, right? Since weichiwuxing is so interested in this case, don't argue, just give it to him. At that time, I will say in advance that Hanks was bullied and framed. Let weichiwuxing clean up this mess! "

On hearing this, Zhu Sanjia looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile, "good idea!" Then he immediately suggested, "but it's better for Hanks to bear it for a while, and then it's better for weichi Wuxing to start to punish Hanks. This kind of thing has always been popular in handling cases. At that time, it's easier for people to believe that he and brecos are in a gang!"

Ye Feng a listen to Zhu Sanjia so say, immediately satisfied with the location of the nod way, "yes, then according to this to do it!" Then he reminded Zhu Sanjia, "but you'd better have a chance to meet Hanks and let Hanks hold on!"

Zhu Sanjia smell speech immediately nodded, immediately let people send Ye Feng to detention room, he is to do Ye Feng account down.

Seeing that Ye Feng came back, a Nan immediately stood at the door and looked at Ye Feng and said, "how's Gretel?"

After Ye Feng and others were put in the detention room, he shook his head and said, "everyone has his own ambition. People have no confidence in our organization, so they refuse to join us!"

After hearing the words and pondering for a while, she said to Ye Feng, "now is he?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I let Zhu Sanjia let him go. Since he doesn't want to, there's no need to entangle him. I just hope that he won't be the enemy in the future. And even if he is the enemy, I believe he knows that neither of us will be soft hearted!"

A Nan then asked Ye Feng, "is there no way to save it?"

Ye Feng continued with a shrug, "I have exhausted the way, it seems that there is no other way!"

After a while of pondering, ah Nan said to Ye Feng, "if I have a chance to see him, I want to persuade him again!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but look at ah Nan, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "wait for Hanks to talk about it. But he is an internal affairs officer in the Han Ding palace. We don't have many opportunities to see him!"

Then Ye Feng looked at her and said, "are you so sure you can convince Gretel?"

She nodded, then sighed, "in my impression, the relationship between jesteffe and grethels should be good, and I don't think he completely refused! I always think he's just thinking about it! "

Ye Feng listens to a nan to say so, can't help nodding a way, "hope as you say, I also don't hope to be an enemy with him in the future!"

A Nan takes a deep breath and then asks Ye Feng about Hanks. Ye Feng also talks about the plan she just said to Zhu Sanjia and a Nan.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, a Nan nodded and said, "this weichi Wuxing is really the best person to carry the pot, and the Hanks affair really can't be delayed any longer!"

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