Ye Feng nodded and said nothing. In fact, he knew in his heart that, as a Nan said, this matter can't be delayed for too long. They didn't come to longarsenic castle just for brecos.

Compared with Ye Feng's real purpose, a little blicos, let alone the leader of the tiger guards in the palace outside the Han Ding, is not worth mentioning, even the commander of the military region of longarsenbao.

In the evening, Zhu Sanjia sent a victory report. He told Ye Feng that according to Ye Feng's plan, Zhu Sanjia gave the right to interrogate Hanks to yuchiwuxing, and yuchiwuxing was punishing Hanks at this time.

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, and then asked Zhu Sanjia, "Hanks still hold?"

Zhu Sanjia couldn't help praising, "I have to say that Hanks is a man. I've heard of many of weichiwuxing's methods even if I haven't seen them with my own eyes. Even if the iron man comes in, it's said that he can't hold on. Hanks can hold on till now!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but toward Zhu Sanjia way, "have you ever and Hanks stone breath, let him can't hold on to time to inform a?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said to Ye Feng, "I've already informed him, and there are my people watching over there in Yuchi Wuxing. If I feel that he can't hold on, I'll be informed!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned at Zhu Sanjia and said, "are you still there in yuchiwu star?"

Zhu Sanjia said to Ye Feng, "to tell you the truth, over the years, although the organization has collapsed, I have been doing underground work. In the whole security bureau, I can say that there are my people everywhere, but they are only working for me now, and they don't know what the organization is doing!"

Ye Feng can't help staring at Zhu Sanjia. After a long time, he murmured, "it seems that you are much more capable than I imagined!"

Zhu Sanjia said to Ye Feng, "for so many years, I firmly believe that someone will reorganize the organization. I just don't know when and who it will be."

Ye Feng sighed sincerely, "if there were more comrades like you in the organization, our work would be much better!"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's the organization that gives me the opportunity. I will take this opportunity well! We won't let the organization down! "

Ye Feng just nodded and didn't speak much. After Zhu Sanjia left, Ye Feng asked the opposite girl, "why didn't you say a word when Zhu Sanjia was there just now?"

A Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "everything is in your plan. Zhu Sanjia's arrangement is so proper. What can I say?"

But Ye Feng said to a Nan, "the more you have nothing to say, it means that you think there is something wrong with it, just don't want to say it!"

A Nan can't help but look at Ye Feng when she hears the speech. Then she shrugs her shoulders and says, "yes, I don't want to say something!"

Ye Feng looked at her and asked, "what if I want you to say?"

After listening to the speech and pondering for a moment, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "since you have to ask me to say it, I'll say a few words!"

Speaking of this, after a pause, she continued, "I don't think Zhu Sanjia is simple!"

Ye Feng "Oh" after a sound, looking at a Nan way, "where is not simple?"

After staring at Ye Feng, a Nan said, "I believe you have seen it, but you don't say it yourself! Zhu Sanjia is definitely not as simple as we think. If he can arrange so many people in the Security Bureau, it shows that he is an ambitious person, and the purpose of arranging people is not to wait for the restoration of the organization as he said, but his political ambition is at work, and he wants to get ahead in the Security Bureau. Now it just happens It's time for us to come, so he's pushing the boat with the current, saying that these people are preparing for the restoration of the organization! "

Ye Feng listen to a Nan so say, can't help a while ponder, for a long time also didn't speak.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know if you can see it. If you think I'm suspicious, then I don't say anything!"

Ye Feng then sighed to her, "you are not suspicious. Since I contacted Zhu Sanjia, I have already felt that this person is not simple! You're just saying what's in my heart! "

A Nan can't help but look at Ye Feng a few more eyes, and immediately shrugged, "since you've seen it, then I have nothing to say!"

Ye Feng stares at a nan to see a way, "you actually want to ask me, since already saw Zhu Sanjia this person is not simple, why still want to use him?"

A Nan then said to Ye Feng, "since you dare to use this man on the premise that you know he is ambitious, it means that you are ready."

Ye Feng said to her, "in fact, I'm not prepared to tell you the truth, but now the organization has just started, and we have to use it when we are employing people. As for the future, let's see later! What's more, we must be good at employing people, not short of them. Since he has his strong points in the Security Bureau, we don't have to use them. Aren't we stupid? "After listening to Ye Feng's words, she can't help saying to Ye Feng, "since you know everything, I just hope you can remember it all the time. Don't be like Li Bo Zhihui to Huke Bay. It will be out of control at that time!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded to a Nan and said, "don't worry, it's absolutely impossible to have such a result. Libo Zhihui and I had a deep relationship. I really think others are good, so I believe him again and again at the key time. Even now, I still think Libo Zhihui is a good person, just standing in the wrong team and following the wrong person, but after all, he is a good person He is a student of Jock Emma, and he has no choice, but Zhu Sanjia is not the same. I can't make friends with him at all. If he can be used for me, I will use it. When I can't use it for me, or even want to use it for him, I will never show mercy! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, a Nan can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. After a slight sigh, she says to Ye Feng, "if you meet Li Bo Zhihui again, what will you do?"

Ye Feng was stunned and thought about it for a moment. Then he shook his head and sighed to her, "I really don't know. It's futile to be cruel now. Only when I really meet you can I know!"

Listen to Ye Feng say, can't help but also with a sigh, "also, now let you promise, are futile, only really face, just know their own heart!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to her, "I believe Hanks will have a result today. We can go out soon!"

A Nan said to Ye Feng, "although you can handle brix, Hanks may not agree with us!"

Ye Feng sighed a little at this time, "in fact, after today's experience in the Security Bureau, especially after meeting Gretel, I also want to understand some things. Since I didn't force Gretel to make a choice, why did Hanks make a choice? So I'm going to look at Hanks' heart after this. Of course, it's best if he wants to, and it's better if he doesn't want to! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, she can't help saying to Ye Feng, "Hanks is not the same as gretes. Gretes is just an internal affairs officer, and Hanks is in charge of the military power of the middle hall of the Han Ding palace. At least one third of the troops of the Han Ding Palace are in our hands!"

Ye Feng said to a-nan, "compared with the whole Han Ding palace, even if Hanks surrendered, we would only have one-third of the military power. Besides, Hanks is still in charge of the middle hall. If he is in charge of the outer hall, at least we can enter the Han Ding Palace at will. If he is in charge of the inner hall, we can control the officials of the inner court at will, but it is the middle hall He said, "it's not that heavy!"

A Nan said to Ye Feng, "don't underestimate the central hall. The reason why there is a central hall is that they can help when there is something wrong in the outer hall, and they can help when there is something wrong in the inner hall. The central hall guard plays a crucial role in connecting the past and the future. First of all, he can prevent the tiger guards in the outer hall from entering the inner hall, and can also trap the guards in the inner hall Living, in my opinion, is very important! "

Listen to a Nan so say, leaf maple can't help but toward a Nan a smile way, "it seems that you still know military?"

Ah Nan glanced at Ye Feng and said, "you don't know the importance of him. You just want to find an excuse for yourself so that you don't want to embarrass Hanks. Do you think I can't see it?"

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