Listen to a Nan say so, Ye Feng didn't talk much, don't know why, and a Nan is in the spaceship just know, but Ye Feng feel a Nan very understand themselves, sometimes even can understand the real idea of their own heart.

It is undeniable that, just as a Nan said, Ye Feng already knew the importance of Hanks. Otherwise, Ye Feng would not have racked his brains to win over Hanks. The reason why he said this is to find an excuse for himself, or to go down the steps.

The greatest advantage of a-nan is that she knows what the point is. She does things and talks the same. Now that the point is reached, there is no need to continue to ask.

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile at her and said, "if we were on earth, maybe we would be the best partners!"

But she frowned at Ye Feng and said, "best partner? My impression, if I remember correctly, is not that your best partner has always been Dixie, whether it's in the earth of the micro universe or in essf? "

Ye Feng can't help but take a breath after hearing the speech. She said to a Nan, "I just want to praise you for being a woman who knows a lot. No matter what you say or what you do, you will do everything, but it seems that I am wrong!"

Hearing this, she shrugged her shoulders and then said with a smile, "some things can be touched, but some can't! For example, just now, if I follow your words and ask you to find my best partner, what would you do? "

Ye Feng was shocked and then laughed again. What a Nan said was right. In fact, a Nan said so, but it was still the end of the point. If a Nan really asked, she really didn't know how to respond to her.

And after a while, Zhu Sanjia came between the two men's detention rooms, and said to Ye Feng, "Hanks fainted just now, and it's estimated that he can't hold it!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately ask Zhu Sanjia way, "he didn't hurt?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said, "how could Wei chiwu star's means not be injured? But you can rest assured that they are all injuries outside the skin. They don't hurt the muscles and bones, they just suffer from some flesh and blood!"

Ye Feng smell speech after nodding, immediately toward Zhu Sanjia way, "almost, should close the net!"

Zhu Sanjia suggested Ye Feng, "I think Hanks can hold on. Let him hold on for a while. Maybe he can drag the director of the Security Bureau into the water!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech. He thinks of the words that a Nan and he said that Zhu Sanjia is not a simple person. Now, according to Zhu Sanjia's request, it's a bit of hypocrisy.

Ye Feng of course can see that Zhu Sanjia wants to take advantage of this incident to eradicate all potential risks of the whole security bureau, so as to let him completely take charge of the Security Bureau.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng didn't answer Zhu Sanjia immediately, but looked at a Nan thoughtfully. Seeing Ye Feng looking at herself, a Nan immediately shrugged her shoulders and said nothing.

Ye Feng asked Zhu Sanjia at this time, "do you think Hanks can survive?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said, "as I said just now, he is all skin and flesh injuries, and has not hurt his muscles and bones. Moreover, Hanks is a tough man indeed. It's no matter how many hours he will last!"

Ye Feng hears the speech and ponders for a long time. A Nan looks at Ye Feng and says to Zhu Sanjia, "let Hanks hold on for another hour or so. Are you sure that Hanks will drag your director into the water?"

Zhu Sanjia can't help but take a look at a Nan, but he only knows Ye Feng at the moment. He can't help but look at Ye Feng again. He seems to be asking Ye Feng with his eyes what she does.

Ye Feng nodded at this time and said to Zhu Sanjia, "answer her, is one hour enough?"

Zhu San Jia heard this, and immediately said, "I have an eyeliner on the side of Wei Xing Wu, and he is one of the interrogates. I can ask him to start the topic to Wei Chi Wu and the director over there. As long as Hanks can support it, he can definitely ask it in an hour!"

Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath, and then said to Zhu Sanjia, "let's do it like this!"

As soon as Zhu Sanjia heard this, he walked away with a smile as if he had received the imperial edict.

As soon as Zhu Sanjia left, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, a Nan immediately said, "do you want to ask me, why do you know Zhu Sanjia is ambitious, just as he wishes?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you are really the roundworm in my stomach!"

A Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "as you said, Zhu Sanjia is indeed ambitious, but we should use his strong points. After all, at the stage when our organization is growing, if Zhu Sanjia controls the Security Bureau, it will be beneficial and harmless to us. At least, it should not be a problem until Zhu Sanjia's political ambition is fully exposed. Besides, Zhu Sanjia's ambition should be strengthened It's much more than a director of a security bureau, so it's the best choice to trap him in the Security Bureau with the help of the position of the director of the security bureau! "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded a way, "yes, this is really what I consider, since you also think so, that means no problem!"

After looking at Ye Feng, a Nan said faintly, "but I'm afraid that after a long time, Zhu Sanjia may not be controlled even in the security bureau!"Ye Feng immediately said, "so I plan to wait for this thing to end, put a person in his side!"

A Nan immediately frowned and said, "you mean..."

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, you and he get along for so long, should know his ability, if you let him accept the Security Bureau, he must do not as good as Zhu Sanjia, but if you let him find Zhu Sanjia has a different heart, completely eradicate Zhu Sanjia, he will do very beautiful!"

A Nan smell speech immediately nodded, "he is indeed a best candidate!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately a smile way, "since you also agree, that so settle!"

But a Nan said, "it's better to go back and ask him. After all, it's just wishful thinking and we need his own consent."

Ye Feng said to a Nan, "I'll go to him and say that he may not agree, but you go to him and say that he will agree! Don't say you just stayed at Zhu TRA's side to make eye liner. Even if you let him die, I don't think he will frown.

A Nan smell speech face slightly move, did not continue to pick up, in fact, Ye Feng and a Nan know each other is talking about cat face person, a Nan also know Ye Feng this meaning, a Nan is not stupid, of course, can see cat face person to his heart.

Ye Feng saw that a Nan didn't continue this topic, and he didn't either. From a Nan, he didn't learn anything else. At least he learned this point.

As time goes by, it's very hard for essf. One hour is one hundred minutes. After about forty minutes, she murmured, "it's almost time to close the net!"

Ye Feng nodded and then said with a smile to her, "I didn't expect that you and I could still take charge of the Security Bureau in this detention room!"

A Nan said, "the position of the security bureau is extraordinary. I'm afraid that our plan here is perfect, but it's making wedding clothes for others!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Ye Feng's eyebrows and say, "you seem to have something to say!"

, however, immediately said to Ye Feng, "no matter how it is said, Zhu is the only group leader of the Security Bureau. I believe there are not dozens of them in the position of the head of the Security Bureau. Although he has been operating in the Security Bureau for so long, he has his connections everywhere, but the position of the director of the security bureau is not the final word of the Security Bureau has the final say."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and said to a Nan, "yes, such an important position must be decided by the president, or at least by the cabinet. Maybe there's someone in your mind there too!"

Ah Nan said with a bitter smile, "yes, so we've been busy here for a long time. Finally, the president or the cabinet decided to send a person to be elected. Then Zhu Sanjia's dream will be shattered!"

After listening to the speech, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it depends on Zhu Sanjia's personal nature! But I'm not so pessimistic. Zhu Sanjia is so active. He must be sure. He is so deep in the city, he must know the political structure of longarsenbao, and he will also think about the accident of parachute. So he must have thought it over. We just come to observe Zhu Sanjia's ability and means to see if we have seen the wrong person! "

A Nan can't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment. Then she says with a smile, "you're right. He's not only ambitious, but also has to see if he can do it. If he really has the ability, his business scope is far beyond the security bureau!"

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