Ye Feng could not help noding, and what he said was quite good. Zhu thought that he could arrange a variety of eyeliner in the Security Bureau. If he had more ambitions than the Security Bureau, he would have moved far beyond the scope of the Security Bureau.

and Ye Feng and Nan can see that the ambition of Zhu San Jia is certainly not only limited to the Security Bureau. So Zhu Sanjia's eye liner and connections must be more than just in the Security Bureau, so the two people are relieved.

After another ten minutes, Ye Feng's watch time is almost the same, but still did not see the emergence of Zhu Sanjia, and a-nan reminds Ye Feng, "if Zhu Sanjia's purpose is to win together with the director of the Security Bureau, he may not come back!"

When Ye Feng heard this, her heart suddenly moved. What a Nan said was right. Someone in her security bureau was reporting her. As the director of the Security Bureau, she would certainly control Hanks. No matter whether she had done it or not, she should at least ensure her safety. This is her nature.

In other words, if Zhu Sanjia implicates Hanks in the director of the Security Bureau, then the director of the Security Bureau will fight back on the spot. Not only will he control Hanks, but even the suspicious people will control him personally.

Moreover, Zhu Sanjia said before that he would let the people he arranged with yuchiwuxing to guide Hanks to sit upright. No matter how stupid yuchiwuxing was, he would tell who was the ghost around him. In addition to the relationship between yuchiwuxing and the director, he would tell the director about it.

as long as they seize the ghost in the vicinity of Wei Chi Wu, there must be some way out of their mouths to reveal some of the inside things they want to know. In other words, Zhu San Jia will have nothing to do with it. It will depend on how hard he chooses the eyelid.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help nodding. A Nan said to Ye Feng, "I think we should not underestimate Zhu Sanjia. I have great confidence in this guy now! He's going to save the day! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly ground looking at, looking to a Nan way, "you suddenly have confidence to him so?"

Ah Nan shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "it's not sudden, it's always so confident. If he wasn't such a capable person, he wouldn't have such great ambition! Ambition needs to be complemented by ability. No matter how Zhu Sanjia looks at it, he is not the kind of fool who has no ability but sits on his political dreams all day long

Ye Feng's heart moved and nodded with a smile when she heard that. Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, she immediately said, "but I also want to remind you that Zhu Sanjia's political ambition doesn't matter whether it is realized in you or in the Federation. It's just a political means for him. Do you know what I mean?"

Ye Feng certainly understood what a Nan meant, that is to say, Zhu Sanjia would not care about his means in order to achieve his own goal.

In other words, Zhu Sanjia is a person who can judge the situation. If he has the upper hand on his pillow, it goes without saying that Zhu Sanjia will definitely stand on his side. However, once he has the lower hand on his side, Zhu Sanjia will not hesitate to stand on the side of the Federation and even step on his own feet.

In other words, as long as the political goals in Zhu Sanjia's mind can be achieved, all people and channels are not a problem. Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help laughing and saying, "he's really a good politician!"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I hope the news from Hanks is good. Otherwise, even if Zhu Sanjia came here, he must have brought some bad news to us!"

has not waited for Ye Feng to speak, Zhu Sanjia has already arrived, but he saw Ye Feng hurriedly to face to say, "not good, the Secretary has already prepared ahead of schedule, I arranged in the Wei time star's side eye liner has been taken by Wei Wu Wu Xing, that soft bone has not even used the punishment, is frightened what all said!"

Listen to Zhu Sanjia say so, Ye Feng eyebrows slightly a wrinkle to look at Zhu Sanjia way, "that is to say, you have exposed?"

Zhu Sanjia took a deep breath at this time and said, "not yet!" When

heard this, Ye Feng and ah Nan could not help but be surprised. Neither of them seemed to think that Zhu's identity had not been exposed after his eyes were exposed.

and at this time, he saw C3a's cunning smile toward yucfeng. "When I was developing this eye liner, I was worried that he was found and could not afford to forget the criminal law of Wei Wu Xing, so he did not know who he was. I was ready for the ghost."

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help looking at Zhu Sanjia with admiration. Even ah Nan looked at Zhu Sanjia in surprise and said, "it seems that you have been prepared for a long time!"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said to Ye Feng, "before I was in charge of underground work in the organization, so I was born to be sensitive to these things. Fortunately, I had an extra heart, otherwise it would be really difficult to do it!"

Ye Feng asked Zhu Sanjia at this time, "so now the director already knows that Hanks must be under control?"

Zhu Sanjia nodded and said to Ye Feng, "I can only let Hanks hold on a little longer!"

A Nan was surprised and said, "even if Hanks can survive until tomorrow, everything in front of us is not good for us, and we can't turn things around, can we?"Zhu Sanjia sneered and said, "I've been ready for a long time. I've been ready for the voice of the confession made by Wei Chi Wu Xing, so I've decided to take the risk to send this confession to the president. Then I'll see what the director can do?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech. Even he can't help sighing the depth of Zhu Sanjia's mind, but a Nan says, "can you contact the president? I can't see that you're still my brother's eye-catching character! "

Zhu Sanjia shook his head and said, "I can't get in touch with the president!" Say immediately toward leaf maple way, "but you can!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "we?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said to Ye Feng, "gretez! Don't forget grethels

Ye Feng reminded Zhu Sanjia, "don't forget, I told you before, gretez refused to join us!"

Zhu Sanjia said to Ye Feng, "even so, we have him on the list. It's not that he can't join if he wants to. As long as we use the list to coerce him, he will obey. What's more, for him, it's just a matter of lifting a hand, and we don't want him to risk himself. There should be no problem!"

Ye Feng's brow is even tighter when he hears that he has never thought of using the list to coerce anyone. However, Zhu Sanjia is so scheming that he will consider it if he has to.

But when Ye Feng didn't speak, ah Nan nodded and said, "this is really a way. Gretes should not refuse such a simple favor!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at a-nan in surprise when hearing the speech, but she immediately says, "at an extraordinary moment, we should use extraordinary means. Now if we don't do this, Hanks will suffer immediately. We have to do this. At least we have to save Hanks!"

On hearing this, Zhu Sanjia immediately advised Ye Feng, "yes, what miss a Nan said is all right. Now is the special period! If we can't deliver this statement to the president, we'll be the next one! "

After listening to what a Nan and Zhu Sanjia said, Ye Feng fell into a deep meditation. After a long time, he said, "but we have no way to contact Gretel!"

Zhu Sanjia immediately took out his mobile phone, and Chao Yefeng said, "gretes was arrested by our security bureau today, so he has a temporary holiday. He doesn't use the internal network of the Han Ding palace, and he left his contact information when recording his confession. I can call him now, but you have to communicate with him!"

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Zhu Sanjia. He says in his heart that this guy is really exquisite. He didn't think of some things. This guy has already thought of it. I'm afraid that even the current situation is expected by this guy, right?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he sighed and said to Zhu Sanjia, "give me your mobile phone after you dial the number!"

Zhu Sanjia is waiting for Ye Feng's words. As soon as he hears this, he immediately dials Gretel's number and hands Ye Feng his mobile phone.

Ye Feng holds the phone and stares at Zhu Sanjia, but Zhu Sanjia looks anxious. It seems that she is more concerned about the development of the situation than Ye Feng and a Nan.

Ye Feng thought and didn't talk much, and looked at the door of a Nan, but see a Nan at this time is also staring at himself.

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