Ye Feng after a while pondering, the phone has been connected, Ye Feng this time to gretes said, "I am Ye Feng!"

Gretes didn't show how unexpected he was. He just asked Ye Feng faintly, "a lot of words, we have already said almost in the interrogation room of the Security Bureau. You give me the phone. Is there anything else to add?"

Ye Feng hastily said, "no, I respect your choice as we talked about before. Unless your mind changes, there will be no change on my side!"

Gretes listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but frown a way, "so you call me, what do you want to say?"

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the anxious Zhu Sanjia and the girl staring at him. After taking a deep breath, he said, "there's something I want to ask you for help!"

But gretes sneered, "if you can find me for help, it's doomed to be nothing, isn't it? Can I refuse? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately said, "this matter for you, is a little work, so it is a small matter!" Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, you have the right to refuse. As I said, I don't like forcing others to do things I don't like!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Zhu Sanjia a face of worry, he knew that Gretel will not so easily agree, before and Ye Feng said, if Gretel does not agree, use the list to coerce him, don't want to Ye Feng pour good, unexpectedly promised Gretel can refuse.

After listening to Ye Feng's words, gretez immediately said decisively, "well, I refuse to help!" Then he hung up immediately.

Seeing Ye Feng take away his mobile phone, Zhu Sanjia couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "don't we agree? If he doesn't agree, he will use the list to coerce him! Miss a-nan also said that we have no ability to turn things around except Gretel. If Gretel doesn't help us, not only will we have bad luck, but Hanks will be the first to sacrifice! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, Zhu Sanjia said he understand, but really want him to blackmail Gretel, he really can't do it.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say anything, Zhu Sanjia didn't say much. After all, he was a subordinate of Ye Feng. Even if he had any complaints in his heart, it was hard to express them.

And at this time, Ye Feng did not return to Zhu Sanjia's hand rang up, Ye Feng looked at it, handed the mobile phone to Zhu Sanjia.

Zhu Sanjia sighed helplessly, thinking that it would be ruined in this matter. He impatiently connected the phone and said, "Hello, what's the matter?"

Don't want to phone but came Gretel's voice, "you are not Ye Feng?"

As soon as Zhu Sanjia heard this, his face suddenly moved. He immediately asked Gretel to wait a moment, and then handed his mobile phone to Ye Feng again. He said with a smile, "Gretel!"

Ye Feng can't help wrinkling his brow when he hears the speech. He answers the phone suspiciously. He thinks that Gretel has already rejected himself. What else can he call to do?

Thinking of Ye Feng or connected the phone, just fed a, listen to Gretel said in the mobile phone, "I think for a while, or should ask you what you want me to help you!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and immediately said, "Hanks has involved you. You must know that Hanks is wronged!"

Gretes can't help sneering. "Isn't it your masterpiece that Hanks was wronged?"

Ye Feng then said to gretes, "I don't want to explain to you what's superfluous. I just want you to know that we don't mean to harm Hanks. But now Hanks has involved the director of the Security Bureau and the leader of weichiwuxing. Of course, there's also the leader of tiger guards in the outer Hall of the Han Ding palace. Now the involvement is too big. The director of the Security Bureau will definitely kill Han Now we have a confession from Hanks. The only one who can save Hanks is you! "

Gretes immediately said, "I'm a civilian worker, but I don't have the ability to go to the Security Bureau to break the prison! Are you looking for the wrong person? "

Ye Feng immediately explained to Gretel, "you don't need to break the prison. As long as you give Hanks' confession to the president and let the president hear it, it's helpful for us!"

After pondering for a while, gretes said, "my place of work is between the outer hall and the middle hall. The place where the president sleeps or works is in the inner hall. It's impossible for me to give the confession to the president! Because I don't see the president at all

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. As soon as he was about to say something, gretes immediately said, "but the office of the cabinet is not far away from me. What I can do is to give this confession to the cabinet!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately excited to say, "to the cabinet is OK!"

Zhu Sanjia couldn't help looking happy when he heard this. He didn't expect that gretez would take the initiative to help hand over Hanks' confession to the cabinet?

However, at this time, gretes reminded Ye Feng, "there is something I must tell you. The Secretary General of the cabinet is Qin Feng, the cousin of Qin Lei, the director of the Security Bureau. If this confession is sent, I can't guarantee whether it will fall into Qin Feng's hands. If it falls into his hands, it is likely that it will sink into the sea!"Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath after hearing this, and then asks Gretel to wait a moment, then covers his mobile phone and says to Zhu Sanjia and a Nan, "is cabinet secretary general Qin Feng your secretary's cousin?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately nodded and said to Ye Feng, "but as far as I know, the relationship between Qin Feng and our director is not harmonious!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng asked Zhu Sanjia, "are you sure? This is not for fun. If the confession falls into his hands, he will help the director in the end, and we will have bad luck! "

Zhu Sanjia also took a deep breath, and then nodded to Ye Feng with certainty, "don't worry, my investigation is very clear. Our director's wife was Qin Feng ' I want to kill Qin Lei more than we do

After hearing this, Ye Feng looks at Zhu Sanjia suspiciously, and then says to Gretel on the phone, "Qin Feng and Qin Lei have a feud, even if it falls into his hands, it's OK!"

Gretes said to Ye Feng, "I don't care so much, as long as you rest assured, you can send the recorded confession to my mobile phone, and I'll give it to the cabinet now. As for the result, don't blame me!"

Ye Feng immediately said, of course, he didn't say anything else. Gretes immediately added, "after helping you finish this, even if we don't owe each other, I'll take it as if you didn't use the list to coerce me. After that, even if you use the list to coerce me, I won't do anything for you!"

Ye Feng smell speech then toward greertes a smile way, "no matter how say, you helped me greatly, this time calculate I owe you a favor!"

Gretes didn't say much, just let Ye Feng quickly send him the recorded confession.

After Ye Feng hung up, he returned his mobile phone to Zhu Sanjia and said to him, "immediately send Hanks' recorded confession to gretes, and he will send it to the cabinet!"

As soon as Zhu Sanjia heard this, he clapped his hand excitedly and said, "it's much easier to do!" While speaking, I immediately found the recorded confession on my mobile phone, and then sent it to Gretel's mobile phone.

After giving a confession, Zhu Sanjia immediately said to Ye Feng, "now we are saved!"

Ye Feng looked at Zhu Sanjia thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, he asked Zhu Sanjia, "if gretez is not willing to help anyway, what are you going to do next?"

Zhu Sanjia listened to Ye Feng's question and was shocked. Then he shook his head and said, "I don't know. I didn't think about it. I think as long as you have the list, gretes will help!"

Ye Feng is looking at Zhu Sanjia, did not say a word, he can see Zhu Sanjia did not tell the truth.

Ah Nan then said to Zhu Sanjia, "now gretez has agreed to help. What are you going to do next?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said to a-nan, "of course, we are waiting for the news from the cabinet. Once the cabinet has heard the confession, it is the best time for us to fight back. The only thing we can do now is to wait!"

Ye Feng asked Zhu Sanjia, "what about Hanks? Where is he now? "

Zhu Sanjia sighed, "he has been detained by Qin Lei alone. No one can see him!"

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