Listening to Zhu Sanjia, Ye Feng immediately ponders. It seems that Hanks has suffered a lot this time. If possible, Ye Feng plans to make up for Hanks in the future. However, for now, it's better to finish the matter as soon as possible.

Soon Zhu Sanjia came to tell Ye Feng that the cabinet had sent special investigators to investigate the case, and the director of the Security Bureau, Qin Lei, the leader of the Security Bureau, Wei chiwu Xing, and the leader of the tiger guards outside the palace of the Han Ding, Briggs, had been suspended.

What excites Zhu Sanjia most is that as the earliest participant in the case, he is now invited by the officials sent by the cabinet to be the deputy to assist the cabinet in finding out the case. At the same time, Zhu Sanjia also tells Ye Feng that Hanks has been protected by him.

Ye Feng can't help nodding after hearing this, and then tells Zhu Sanjia that he must treat Hanks well and can't let him suffer any more. Zhu Sanjia assures Ye Feng again and again, but let Hanks suffer a little more.

However, Zhu Sanjia also told Ye Feng that the officials under the cabinet are headed by Qin Feng. In the days of investigation, they may have to find Ye Feng to collect evidence several times to prepare him psychologically.

Ye Feng can't help nodding, and then just as Zhu Sanjia said, Qin Feng is really looking for Ye Feng to understand the situation. Ye Feng of course also points the spearhead at blicos, but he doesn't say anything except blicos.

After all, Ye Feng knows that he only needs to bite blicos. After all, only blicos comes into contact with him. If he is involved in other things, it obviously looks fake.

Qin Feng is very satisfied with Ye Feng's confession. Although Qin Feng also hopes Ye Feng can reveal more evidence about his cousin Qin Lei, he knows that Ye Feng can't know more, but as long as Ye Feng bites blicos, the next thing is for them.

In fact, even if ye Feng has any obvious loopholes in his confession, it doesn't matter to Qin Feng. He must take this opportunity to completely make his cousin unable to turn over from now on, so even if there are any loopholes, Qin Feng will help Ye Feng mend them.

Although Ye Feng and Qin Feng didn't say much, they had already understood that their purpose was the same, so there was no need to say some words too clearly.

However, Ye Feng and Zhu Sanjia belittled him. After all, like Hanks, he was born in the longarsenbao military region, and had a lot of contacts there. Moreover, he was a tough man. Qin Feng and Zhu Sanjia could not help but plead not guilty.

After all, the case of assassinating the president is also the talk of the people in the streets and alleys. In addition to the origin of brecos, many people with military background came out to protect him. In the end, it spread to the president.

But these deep-seated things, Ye Feng is not very clear, he himself was wronged, but also helped Hanks wash away the injustice, but also helped Hanks to bring down a potential opponent in the Han Ding palace, has been very satisfied.

After Ye Feng and a-nan return to their apartment, they have no interest in this matter. After all, this kind of case is complicated, and it involves the connections Ye Feng and a-nan never thought of. Everyone may be related to each other.

It took a week or so before the final verdict on this case came down. Qin Lei, the director of the Security Bureau, and Wei chiwu Xing, the leader of the Security Bureau, were executed. But in the end, blicos, who Ye Feng wanted to bring down, had nothing to do with it.

It was not until three days later that Zhu Sanjia came to tell Ye Feng, "the background of brecos is far more complex and powerful than we thought. He was just suspended, without any other punishment!"

When Ye Feng heard Zhu Sanjia say this, he immediately pondered that if he cut the grass and didn't remove the roots, the spring wind would blow again. Now he has offended the brecos. Now brecos is just suspended. As long as he comes back, it's time for them to have bad luck.

In fact, this is what Zhu Sanjia and a-nan are worried about. A-nan said to Ye Feng at this time, "but this case involves too much, and it's not good. Besides, we should have thought about it for a long time. If blicos can work in the Han Ding palace, his background can be imagined. Fortunately, he temporarily stops his job and is unemployed. It's estimated that his strength will be greatly damaged in a short time, and he doesn't dare to deviate from the rules for the time being For

Zhu Sanjia nodded and said, "but if you don't get rid of this guy, it's always a future trouble!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, now things have come to this step, regret and worry are meaningless, can only go step by step.

Thinking of Ye Feng, instead of struggling with this problem, he looked at Zhu Sanjia and said, "do you want to be promoted to director of Security Bureau after this case?"

Zhu Sanjia couldn't help laughing at Ye Feng and said, "for the time being, I'm just acting as an agent, but I've already got a good relationship with Qin Feng in the cabinet, and I'm sure he'll fight for me. It's only a matter of time before I get right!"

Ye Feng listen to Zhu Sanjia so a say, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "you gave Qin Feng sent to cast a name certificate?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately explained to Ye Feng, "during the trial of the case, Qin Feng appreciated me very much. I just took advantage of the situation to have a good relationship with him. This is also to prepare for the future growth of our organization!"Ye Feng's heart moved and he didn't say much. Zhu Sanjia really knew what to do. He had just contacted Qin Feng for about a week, and Qin Feng had been able to trust him so much.

A Nan then asked Zhu Sanjia, "what are your plans after you take over the security bureau?"

Zhu Sanjia's heart moved, and his eyes twinkled a little. He immediately looked at her and said to Ye Feng, "of course, I'll follow the organization's arrangement!"

But ah Nan snorted coldly, "you go to have a good relationship with Qin Feng, and you don't have the arrangement of the organization. Now you think of the organization?"

As soon as Zhu Sanjia heard this, his face suddenly moved, and he immediately explained to Ye Feng, "I just want to help us organize and attract good contacts..."

Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "there's no need to explain what's superfluous. At present, you're doing well. Qin Feng is the Secretary General of the cabinet. It's really good to have a good relationship with him. If you want to maintain this network, it will be useful in the future!"

Zhu Sanjia was relieved when he heard Ye Feng say this. After a long breath, he said respectfully to Ye Feng, "yes, even so, I should have asked you about it first. This time, it's my thoughtlessness! Next time I have something to do, I'll ask for instructions first! "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, you are also a person who works for the organization. You report everything to the organization and wait for instructions. What else can you do? You did the right thing. It's commendable! "

Zhu Sanjia was completely relieved to hear Ye Feng say so. Ye Feng just told Zhu Sanjia to pay close attention to the trend of brecos, which must be reported to them, and the rest of the things are easy to do.

After waiting for Zhu Sanjia to take orders to leave, a Nan says to Ye Feng, "you are growing his arrogance!"

But Ye Feng said to her, "what else can I do? Question him now? Besides, he's right to woo Qin Feng. We really need the connections in the cabinet. We don't even have anyone to use when we have a showdown with Zhu Sanjia at this time! "

A Nan a listen to this words, can't help but also nod, think carefully, Ye Feng do is right, now this time, really is not and Zhu Sanjia showdown time.

But then a Nan thought of a thing, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "I now and he said?"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately a consternation, but immediately remember what is the matter, a Nan must be said to let cat face people to Zhu Sanjia's Security Bureau to monitor Zhu Sanjia.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to a Nan and said, "I'll leave it to you to do it!"

At this time, the moon shadow without sleeves knocked on the door, came in and said to Ye Feng, "Dixie hasn't been back for a week!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, secret way is ah, oneself and a Nan are imprisoned in the Security Bureau this week or so, what is Dixi Si doing? Before she left, she said she would go back to her apartment every day, but now she hasn't been gone for a week?

A Nan immediately got up and went out of the door. Before she left, she said to Ye Feng, "I shouldn't have let you leave. Now I don't know where to start if I want to find her!" Then he went to the cat face man.

And the night breeze in the forehead looking at the moon shadow sleeveless way, "you take the initiative to come to me to say this matter, that you have words behind?"

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