After listening to Ye Feng's words, Yueying no sleeve immediately nodded and said, "that's right. Since you and a Nan were taken away by the Security Bureau on the first day, and Dixie didn't come back that night, I've tried to contact her!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon and say, "at that time, you were not controlled in the apartment by the people of the Security Bureau. How did you try to contact her?"

The moon shadow shrugged and said, "they are just guarding outside the door and don't let us go out. They didn't enter the apartment, so I have more ways to contact the outside world!"

Ye Feng listen to the moon shadow sleeveless say so, think is also, after all, the Security Bureau people are not allowed to leave, and did not limit their action in the apartment, think can't help nodding.

Then Ye Feng thought of something, immediately toward the shadow sleeve way, "maybe that night Dixie came back, just because see the apartment outside the Security Bureau, so did not come back?"

Yueying no sleeve heard Ye Feng say so, can't help nodding, "I've also considered these, so I arranged people to observe near the apartment, but later I didn't find the trace of Dixie!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, and then asks the moon shadow, "what did you find?"

The moon shadow without sleeves shook his head and said, "nothing. That's why I came to tell you this. I'm worried about whether Dixie has met any danger outside!"

Ye Feng hears a burst of meditation, even if Dixie really met any danger outside, now with his unfamiliar life and land in longarsenic castle, it can't help Dixie at all.

Ye Feng also can't help regretting that she should have listened to ah Nan and shouldn't let Dixie leave alone. Now she can't get in touch with Dixie directly.

But now regret has no meaning, the most important thing is how to get in touch with Dixie, to ensure that Dixie did not have any accident.

At this time, a Nan and cat face people came in. As soon as they entered the door, a Nan said to Ye Feng, "he agreed, no problem!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at the cat face person, immediately toward the cat face humanity, "are you sure you agreed? Is there anything else you need to know? "

Cat face person then toward leaf Feng a shrug a way, "don't need to know what, the person that a Nan asks me to do and thing, I will do!"

Ye Feng nodded his head with satisfaction. Just as he thought, the cat face man would do everything for a Nan. As long as a Nan asked, the cat face man would not refuse.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng turned to the cat and said, "even so, you still need to understand some things. Your duty is to look at Zhu Sanjia, but at the same time, you are his subordinate and help him. As long as he asks you to do anything, you have to do it. There is only one possibility that you can not listen to him, that is, he may make a decision against our will You don't need to listen to him when it comes to the damage to the organization. You can persuade him at first. If he is still stubborn, you can do it first and then! "

The cat face man frowned and said, "my mouth doesn't speak as well as you do. As long as I find this guy's misbehavior, I will do it directly, but I don't have the spare time to talk with him slowly! If you can accept this, I will have no problem on my side! "

When Ye Feng heard what the cat face man said, he immediately pondered. The cat face man's character was hot, and what he said was really in line with his character. He was really the kind of person who didn't speak much hard. If you really want him to persuade Zhu Sanjia to turn back, it would be hundreds of times harder than to let him kill. It's better to do it directly.

and at this time, Ye Feng said to her, "if you get to that point, Zhu is not a fool. He must know that he is our eye liner. At that time, he was ready to start his work. What is good to persuade? I totally agree!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and said, "what a Nan said is right. Let's do it. At that time, as long as he does something harmful to the interests of the organization, especially to the lives of the people inside the organization, you can do it easily!"

As soon as the cat face man heard this, he nodded and said it was OK.

Ye Feng looked at the cat face at this time, "by the way, what was your name last time? I've known you for a long time. I can't even name you! "

At this time, moon shadow said with a smile, "I've heard him say that his name is too long. It's better to call him cat!" Then he said with a smile to the cat face, "do you mind?"

Ye Feng thought that the cat face would refuse, but he shrugged his shoulders and said, "casually, it's just a title!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to immediately toward cat face person a smile way, "cat!"

Cat face person can't help but white one eye moon shadow has no sleeve, didn't say anything more, but directly asked Ye Feng way, "so when do I go to Zhu Sanjia there to report?"

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, and then said, "the most urgent thing is to find Dixie. Now Dixie's life and death are uncertain, and his whereabouts are unknown. Now it's all about finding Dixie. When you find Dixie, you can go to report!"

The cat face man nodded, but a Nan looked at Ye Feng and Yueying and said, "what's the situation with Dixie?"Yueying Wuxiu immediately talked about the situation of Dixie with Anan. After hearing this, Anan pondered, "now it's troublesome. It's not easy to find someone in such a big place as longarsenic castle!"

Cat face person immediately toward the moon shadow sleeveless way, "contact her mobile phone?"

The moon shadow without sleeve shook his head and said, "I've contacted you, but I can't get through!"

Ye Feng frowns slightly, this thing is really a moment without a clue, and at this time, there is a knock on the door outside the apartment, a Nan immediately went to open the door, and Ye Feng they three also went to the living room, this time who will come to them? Could it be that Dixie is back?

When a Nan opened the door of the apartment, a familiar face appeared in front of everyone. It was Hanks, who thought it was Dixie, who was disappointed.

Hanks stood at the door and looked at the crowd. Seeing that they were disappointed, he frowned and said, "I don't think I'm welcome!"

Ye Feng immediately adjusted his mood and said with a smile to Hanks, "how can it be? It's just an accident. You'll come to us! "

Hanks just walked into the door and said, "you asked me to cooperate with you in the Security Bureau. The purpose of such a big play is to let me come to you? Now that I'm here, you look surprised? "

After Ye Feng asked Hanks to sit down, he looked at Hanks and said, "so you're going to agree to our previous request this time?"

Hanks pondered for a while, then he said to Ye Feng, "this time I'm here for two main purposes. The first one I said first is that I'm here on the order of the princess. Let me inform you that your friend is at the princess's side now!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move a way, "our friend?"

Hanks looked around and then said to Ye Feng, "who's not here? Do you still use me? She's visiting the princess now. I'm here to pick you up. The princess and the president want to see you

Joanna wants to see them, Ye Feng is not surprised, but the president also wants to see them, it is a bit beyond Ye Feng's expectation.

Hanks seemed to see Ye Feng's doubts, and immediately said, "you made such a big case in the Security Bureau. May the president not know? You are famous now. In the officialdom of longarsenic castle, there will be no one who doesn't know you! "

Ye Feng's heart moved, but he was relieved to know that Dixie was OK for the time being. At this time, he looked at Hanks and said, "you said you came here for two purposes. This is just the first one. What about the second one?"

Hanks immediately took a deep breath, and then said to Ye Feng, "although you do a lot of things that I don't agree with, but you really helped me eradicate blicos. Although he didn't die, at least he no longer served as captain of the tiger guards. I want to thank you!"

A Nan said immediately, "if it's a special trip to thank you, there's no need. You know what we really think!"

Hanks immediately nodded and said, "this is my second purpose. I've been thinking about it for a long time. I've been thinking about it since I knew that blicos was going to deal with me. To tell you the truth, I didn't fully think about it until yesterday's decision of blicos, but now I've thought about it very clearly."

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