Ye Feng can't help but smell speech "Oh" after a, looking at Hanks way, "then you consider after the result?"

Hanks then slowly took out a cigarette and lit it. After a leisurely puff, he nodded to Ye Feng and said, "OK, I promise you, I'll join you!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately took Hanks' hand, shrugged his shoulders and said, "OK, welcome!"

After Hanks shook Ye Feng's hand, he heard a-nan ask himself, "how did you suddenly figure it out?"

Hanks released Ye Feng's hand at this time, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "in fact, there's nothing to figure out. Maybe the answer has already been given when you first talked to me, but I don't know. After experiencing these things, I know it!"

Then Hanks stood up and took a look at Ye Feng and other people. Then he put out his cigarette and said, "well, what should be said has already been said. Now you clean up and go into the palace with me!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown at Hanks and say, "so fast?"

Hanks said to Ye Feng with a smile, "is it fast? I believe you are anxious to see your royal highness, too. Your highness is also anxious to see you. Let's go. The car is waiting downstairs! "

With that, Hanks walked to the front door of his apartment, looking at his watch and saying, "I'll give you ten minutes to prepare!" Then he walked out of the door.

Ye Feng and they were not prepared. Then they followed Hanks out of the door of the apartment. When they got downstairs, they saw an extended car parked in front of the building.

After Hanks got on one of the cars, he signaled Ye Feng to get on. After everyone got on, the car started immediately and began to drive towards the Han Ding palace.

At this time, she asked Hanks, "you're the captain of the central hall guard. How can you do this?"

Hanks explained to a-nan, "generally, the president or the princess will inform the tiger guards in the outer hall to pick up anyone they want to see, but isn't brecos suspended? The post of leader of the tiger guards is still vacant for the time being, so the cabinet asked me to take the post of leader of the tiger guards in the outer hall for the time being, so this job falls on me. "

When Hanks said that, the cat faced man immediately said, "you're not making a lot of money. Now you're in charge of the outer hall and the middle hall?"

Hanks said immediately, "it's only temporary. There has never been a precedent that two people are two team leaders in the Han Ding palace. Now it's just that the tiger guards haven't selected a suitable person. As long as the person is selected, I'll hand it over. Moreover, the cabinet won't agree that one person can control the outer hall and the middle hall, so it's just temporary! ”

after listening to Hanks say so, Ye Feng said to him, "the case of blicos has no great influence on you, has it?"

Hanks immediately said, "it doesn't make any difference at the moment. I'm still what I used to be, but after passing this case, the cabinet seems to have more trust in me!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he heard Hanks say that, "that is to say, we didn't help you at all this time, and you didn't suffer for nothing!"

Hanks chuckled and didn't speak any more. Soon the car had arrived at the square of the palace. From a distance, you could see the magnificent palace in front of you.

The car quickly drove into the gate of the Han Ding palace and drove all the way to the middle hall. Soon after arriving at the middle hall, Hanks asked the driver to stop. Then he said to Ye Feng, "my duty is only in the middle hall. Next, I'm going to the inner hall. The driver will take you there, so I can't accompany you!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding to Hanks, and then said, "it's hard!"

Hanks nodded, made a phone contact gesture, turned and left.

The driver continued to drive with Ye Feng, and they drove into the inner hall. Entering the inner hall from the middle hall, they had to pass through a gate, which also distinguished the middle hall from the inner hall.

After entering the gate, the car continued to drive towards the inside, and soon stopped at the gate of a palace. The soldiers at the gate of the palace immediately came to open the door.

after Ye Feng and others got off the train, the soldiers immediately went to Ye Feng and they said, "Your Highness has been waiting for a long time. This way please!"

After that, the soldiers immediately led Ye Feng and others into the palace. The palace belonged to the type of three entry apartment. It was only after the last door that they walked towards the door of an inner hall. When

arrived at the door, the soldiers immediately shouted to the hall. "Your Highness, the guests have arrived!"

Then, Joanna's voice came from the hall and said, "please come in!"

The soldier immediately stood to one side and motioned for Ye Feng to enter. Ye Feng was the first one to step into the gate. Then he saw that Joanna and Dixie were sitting in front of a table in the hall. The table was full of rich food.

Joanna saw Ye Feng, immediately stood up from the table, took the initiative to meet Ye Feng, said, "you finally come!"

After Ye Feng smiles at Joanna, he immediately looks to the side of Dixie, but sees that Dixie's face has no expression.Joanna then nodded to the girl, the shadow of the moon and the cat face, and asked them to take a seat. She said, "come and sit down first. My father will come soon. When he comes, we'll have dinner!"

After waiting for all of them to sit down, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "when did you enter the palace?"

Before she could speak, Joanna said immediately, "I went out of the palace yesterday and met her, so I brought her in."

At this time, she asked Joanna, "will the president come later?"

Joanna immediately nodded, "that's right. Actually, this dinner is what my father means, mainly because he wants to invite you to dinner! I'm just for company! "

Ye Feng can't help wrinkling when he hears the words, "why does the president want to see us?"

Joanna said to Ye Feng, "I always said in front of him that when I was in Huke Bay, you saved me many times. My father wanted to thank me face to face."

Listen to Joanna say so, Ye Feng this just nodded, cat face this time of the stomach suddenly purr a call up, can't help murmuring, "how still don't come?"

Joanna immediately said, "he's busy. He's expected to arrive in a few minutes. It's really no good. We'll wait while we eat. My father is very obedient. He won't mind!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he was about to move the knife and fork on the table, but a Nan immediately stopped him and said, "let's wait for the president to come and eat together. It's not good!" Then he glared at the cat.

Cat face people can not, had to lean back on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and began to close their eyes.

And just then, a soldier outside suddenly called out, "Your Excellency the president is here!"

As soon as Joanna heard this, she immediately stood up and said to Ye Feng, "my father is coming!" Said immediately toward the door to meet up.

Ye Feng and others also got up one after another and stood on one side of the table. At this time, a burly middle-aged man came into the door. He looked like a man in his forties at most. He didn't look angry.

But his cold look, after seeing Joanna come up and hold his arm, immediately melted like an iceberg, and his face suddenly showed a kind smile and said, "are all your friends here?"

Joanna said immediately, "here we are. I'll introduce you!" Then he took Qiao Huiying to the table.

At the same time, Qiao Huiying's eyes looked at Ye Feng and others. After Joanna's introduction, Qiao Huiying shook hands with them one by one. At the same time, he said, "thank you for taking care of Anna when you are in Huke bay!"

After that, he went to the master's seat and waved his hand. "Everyone doesn't have to be formal. Sit down and talk!" Then he sat down,.

Joanna, sitting on Qiao Huiying's side, also said to Ye Feng, "sit down, my father is very easy to talk, you just think it's in your own home!"

Qiao Huiying nodded and said, "that's right. Just be at home. Don't be too restrained. I'm not used to it!"

Qiao Huiying's eyes fell on Ye Feng, who had just sat down. Then he said, "I heard that there was a case in longarsenbao recently, in which there was a suspect, also called Ye Feng!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "Mr. President, are you talking about the case that tiger guard captain blicos framed guard captain Hanks recently? I'm not a suspect, I'm a witness! "

Qiao Huiying was stunned and said with a smile, "Oh, it's a witness!" Speaking of this, he stared at Ye Feng for a moment, but did not continue to say anything.

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