During the conversation, Joanna immediately said to Qiao Huiying, "Dad, I said they were my life-saving benefactor. How can you talk like interrogating prisoners?"

Qiao Huiying can't help but be stunned when he hears the speech. Then he looks at Joanna in surprise and says, "do I have one?" Then he immediately took a deep breath and said, "well, eat, eat, I won't ask anything!"

Joanna nodded her head and asked Ye Feng to start eating. During the dinner, Qiao Huiying began to talk less. She only occasionally polite to Ye Feng, but her eyes never left Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sees Qiao Huiying staring at himself all the time, and doesn't avoid his eyes. After looking at him for a few eyes, Qiao Huiying doesn't look at Ye Feng much.

After the dinner, Qiao Huiying asked someone to make a pot of tea, and then sat down to one side to chat with Ye Feng, mainly asking about Ye Feng's background and so on.

Ye Feng just said that he was an orphan. He was originally from the coast. He drifted to Huke Bay after the shipwreck. He and a Nan were all villagers.

Qiao Huiying nodded at this time and asked Ye Feng, "I heard you have a good relationship with Hanks!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, even busy way, "just know, I quite like him, he seems to have a good impression on me!"

Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng with interest and said, "Oh? How do you know each other? "

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. Joanna on one side said immediately, "Dad, I just said that. Don't ask questions like interrogating prisoners!"

Qiao Huiying laughs and doesn't speak yet. At this time, the secretary comes and whispers to Qiao Huiying that it's almost time. He has an important meeting in the afternoon.

Listen to the Secretary say so, Qiao Huiying nodded, then toward Ye Feng they a few way, "I still have something to do, don't accompany, also give you some time and Joanna to talk about the past, I'll go first!"

Ye Feng and other people all stood up and watched Qiao Huiying leave. However, Qiao Huiying stopped just a few steps after she left, looked back at Ye Feng and said, "let's have a good chat when I make time to come out!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help heart next move, in the heart secret way, oneself and Qiao Huiying have what good chat? But he said, "no problem! Any time! "

Qiao Huiying nods his head with satisfaction and stares at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he turns and leaves.

As soon as Qiao Huiying left, Joanna took a long breath and said to Ye Feng, "my father is like this. Don't mind!"

Ye Feng is a shrug way, "nothing, as a parent, the children's friends to ask a few more, it is normal, reasonable thing!"

Joanna heard Ye Feng say so, can't help nodding, then said, "that's good!"

A Nan asked Joanna at this time, "have you been staying in the Han Ding palace these days since you came back?"

Joanna nodded and said, "because I was in the Han Ding palace before, my father paid special attention to it this time. He left the Han Ding palace yesterday. It was also a grand occasion. He sent a lot of people to follow me, so he almost closed the street."

At this time, the cat faced man could not help laughing and said, "we common people don't understand the trouble of being a princess."

But Joanna quickly said, "what princess, now is the federal government, not the era of imperial power, where come what princess!"

But the cat face shrugged and said, "the nature is almost the same. Besides, people outside also call you that!"

Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, she took a look at Joanna, who had been secretly looking at herself from time to time. Then she asked, "what's the situation of Gu zhaohuichi recently?"

Joanna shook her head and said, "I don't know. I haven't seen him since I went back to longas castle, but I met his father the other day, but he had something to do with my father. We didn't have a chance to talk at all!"

Speaking of this, Joanna immediately said to Ye Feng, "but look at his father's appearance, Gu chaohuichi must be quite honest at home recently."

A Nan then asked Joanna curiously, "why didn't you invite him to this party?"

Joanna's face moved slightly, and then said, "you know what he thinks of me. I just don't want him to have any misunderstanding, so I deliberately alienate him. I hope he can find a better woman for him in the future."

When a Nan heard this, she stood up and said to the moon shadow, the cat faced man and Dixie, "I have something to ask you. Come with me!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves but frowns, "what can't be said here?" Then, seeing that she winked at herself, she immediately came over and shrugged her shoulders and said, "OK!"

Cat face person and Dixi Si also didn't say much, directly got up and followed a nan to leave, the inner hall of the inner hall of the inner hall of Leiden only leaves Ye Feng and Joanna two people.

Joanna could not help looking at Ye Feng curiously and said, "what are they going to say? You can't say it here? "

Ye Feng knows what a Nan means. She is trying to give herself and Joanna a chance to get along with each other alone.Thinking of Ye Feng, she said to Joanna at this time, "the main purpose of this meal is that you want your father to see me, right?"

Joanna obviously didn't expect Ye Feng to be so straightforward. Her face suddenly turned red, and she quickly denied, "where, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I just want to invite you to dinner!"

Ye Feng as if did not hear Joanna's words, continue to ask Joanna way, "I and you, you told your father?"

Joanna smell speech is a face red looking at Ye Feng, originally want to deny, but think now also she and Ye Feng two people, there is no need to hide anything, not to mention Ye Feng and spirit, nothing can hide him.

Thinking of this, Joanna immediately nodded and said, "is my dad too obvious?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you invited so many guests. Before he left, he only said that he would find a time to meet me alone. Isn't that obvious?"

Joanna immediately complained, "I told him, don't do this, he promised well, come or ask East and West, before leaving, I didn't expect that!"

Said immediately toward leaf maple way, "you won't be angry?"

Ye Feng shrugged to Joanna and said, "as I said just now, it's reasonable for elders to treat their children like this. What's more, what you said to your father is that I'm far from being friends with you. He wants to know too much, which is normal!"

As soon as Joanna heard this, she was completely relieved. Then Ye Feng said, "it's best if you can understand. I'm really afraid you'll be angry!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Joanna, "but your purpose is not pure, right? You don't just want me to meet your father

As soon as Joanna heard this, her face moved slightly, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "I don't want to hide it from you, that's right. I just want you to meet my father and get to know him. He's definitely not the one you've sketched in your mind!"

But Ye Feng nodded to Joanna and said, "it's really different from the president in my impression, but what does it represent?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng saw Joanna's face move, and immediately said to Joanna, "you won't get together with your father for a few days. What's the change in your mind?"

As soon as Joanna heard this, her face moved slightly again, and she immediately said, "I really don't mean that. I just want you and my father to know each other! The others really didn't think much about it. "

After hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and said to Joanna, "we have already said some things, not once or twice. I'll say it again for the last time. We don't have any opinions on your father. What we want to overthrow is the system, not your father himself, so you must keep this in mind!"

Joanna immediately nodded and said, "of course I know that. I won't explain much. I don't have this idea!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's best if we don't have it. I don't want us to fight for it in the future, which will affect our feelings!"

When Joanna heard this, she couldn't help staring at Ye Feng. After a long time, she asked Ye Feng, "do we have any feelings?"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion slightly move, immediately look to Joanna, ask Joanna way, "no?"

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