Joanna listens to what Ye Feng says and stares at Ye Feng immediately. She even knows what Ye Feng means. He just wants to use his strength to become normal in their future communication.

Although Joanna doesn't have any emotional experience, and she is not very old, she is also from a family. She belongs to a proud woman. She can't let go of her haughty attitude at any time, even if she likes the man in front of her.

Joanna did not avoid Ye Feng's eyes, but looked at Ye Feng in such a way. It was just a small matter. However, Joanna knew that if she was shy at this time, she would always be in front of Ye Feng in the future.

Ye Feng doesn't seem to expect that Joanna won't eat her own way. She stares at her without saying anything. Joanna knows the truth, but Ye Feng certainly doesn't understand it. After all, he is not a young man who hasn't been around for a long time.

As soon as Joanna's eyes appear, Ye Feng has already guessed Joanna's mind. At this time, he can't help but slightly raise his mouth. After looking at Joanna with a smile, he immediately approaches Joanna and embraces her waist. Then he forcibly drags her to her body and kisses her.

Obviously, Joanna didn't expect that Ye Feng would suddenly be like this at this time. Joanna didn't have any defense in her heart. She opened her eyes wide and stared at Ye Feng. Her whole heart was beating all the time, as if she could jump out of her own throat soon.

Joanna had thought that after she didn't lose sight in her eyes, Ye Feng would give in to her, but she didn't expect that Ye Feng would make an inch, so far she started, no, she started to talk.

When Joanna comes back to herself, she immediately reaches out her hand to push Ye Feng away. Although she has a good feeling for this man, she is still unable to accept such a thing without any psychological preparation.

She instinctively reaches out to push Ye Feng in front of her, but Ye Feng firmly holds her in her arms at this time. Joanna can't move at all. However, although Ye Feng's behavior is rough, she is very gentle when she kisses herself.

Ye Feng's rich lips are like the warm sun. The book is gentle and warm. How can Joanna, who has no experience in men and women, withstand Ye Feng's attack? Even the iceberg is melted by Ye Feng's kiss at this time.

Joanna felt that her breathing became difficult and her heart beat hard, and her heart was like a deer bumping into each other. At this time, her mood could not be expressed. She wanted to push Ye Feng away, but she was afraid that she would lose after pushing Ye Feng away.

Just when Joanna was in a dilemma, Ye Feng released Joanna's mouth, but her hot eyes were still staring at her.

Joanna can also look at Ye Feng before, but at this time, seeing Ye Feng's eyes like this, she has already blushed and got hot. She doesn't dare to look directly at Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng sees that Joanna is so cute, he thinks that Joanna is really cute. Unexpectedly, he just kisses her and becomes so. He can't help but feel that if he is not in the Han Ding palace, he will think about further.

But now there are a-nan and Dixie outside. They really can't go through any more deviant behavior. They can only restrain themselves. Then they sit up straight and say, "I'm sorry, I can't help it for a moment!"

It's OK that Ye Feng doesn't speak. As soon as she says this, Joanna feels embarrassed. She blushes like a ripe persimmon, which may break when she pinches it.

Ye Feng saw that Joanna lowered her head. At this time, she reached out and held Joanna's hand. She felt that Joanna wanted to retract, but after he grasped it, he did not retract.

At this time, Ye Feng put his other hand around Joanna's shoulder and put her head on her shoulder. Then he said softly, "no matter what happens in the future, I won't let you be hurt!"

Joanna listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately heart next move, he naturally understand Ye Feng meaning, his mouth don't let himself hurt, also includes won't hurt his father.

Think of here, Joanna immediately side head in leaf maple cheek kiss a, then soft voice way, "thank you!"

Ye Feng see Joanna at this time tender feelings infinite, heart can not help but is a swing, just ready to kiss Joanna again, this time, but listen to the outside came the voice of the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "you can't leave, before we have been looking for you for a long time!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he knew that it must be Dixie that Yueying Wuxiu said. At this moment, he immediately got up and walked towards the door. On his lips, he said to Joanna, "let's go out first. We've been here too long!"

Joanna can't help feeling lost when she hears the words. This kind of time spent alone with Ye Feng is too fast, which makes her feel reluctant. But Ye Feng is right. They have been here alone for too long, and they don't know what to think.

But Joanna didn't go out with Ye Feng immediately. She felt that her cheek was still a little hot. She needed to calm down before she went out, so as not to be laughed at by them.

Ye Feng went out at this time, but saw that Dixie had already come to the gate of the palace, while Yueying Wuxiu stood outside to stop her, and a-nan and maorenren followed behind to persuade Dixie.After seeing Ye Feng come out, the moon shadow without sleeve said to Dixie immediately, "you should make it clear with him first, and then go no later!"

At this time, Ye Feng quickly walked over and looked at the crowd. Then he looked at Dixie and said, "where are you going again?"

Dixie looked back and said faintly, "I just promised Joanna to come to handing palace for a meal. Now that the meal is finished, of course I'm going to do my own work!"

Ye Feng asked Dixie at this time, "what did you trace? Can't you share it with us? "

Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "in fact, I didn't find anything. I didn't need to go any more if I found anything."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but toward Dixi Si way, "since what didn't check, that don't need to check again, everybody together, more at ease! I didn't see you a week ago. Do you know how worried people are about you? "

After taking a deep breath, he looked at the crowd and said to Ye Feng, "I feel like you don't want to know anything about the past after you come to longarsenic castle!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly ground looking at di Xi Si way, "you this words what meaning?"

"It's not interesting!" said Dixie with a shrug

Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "you seem to be dissatisfied with us?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "didn't we come to longarsenic castle to retrieve our lost memory? Now that you've been here for so many days, let me ask you, do you have any new progress in your memory of the past

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "this kind of thing is not that we can progress quickly in a hurry. It's the same on earth. Sometimes the loss and return of memory are instantaneous things that we can't control. What we do now is also very important!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dixie breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly, "I don't think anything is as important as my memory. Now I feel more and more unreal and unrealistic. This kind of feeling makes me very uneasy. I have to find myself!"

After that, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Dixie immediately said, "I don't know if you have the same feeling, but I'm just like this now. I'm extremely insecure. I want to find my true self!"

At this time, the cat faced man could not help but say to Dixie, "don't you hear about your past from many people's mouths? Put these together... "

Without waiting for the cat face man to finish, Dixie immediately said to the cat face, "it's just me in other people's mouth, not the real me, at least not the complete me, and what they said is true or false, no one can be sure, I only believe the answer I found!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng sighed a little, and then said to the moon shadow outside the door, "you don't have to stop her. I know her. She wants to go. No one can stop her!"

Dixi Si smell speech toward Ye Feng said a thank you, immediately turned and left.

But at this time, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "I just want you to know that you still have our friends in eisf. Whether you believe us or not, we really care about you!"

After hearing this, she stopped for a moment, but did not look back. She just said thank you and walked away immediately.

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