Ye Feng thought of this, immediately stood up and walked towards the door, a Nan smell speech can't help but face a move to ask Ye Feng way, "you want to find Gu Zhaohui late?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "do you still need to say? I've been here for a long time. It's time to visit Gu zhaohuide! "

A Nan can't help but feel a move when she hears that Ye Feng is going to visit Gu zhaohuide? Think to immediately toward leaf maple way, "I also go with you! At least I still have some memory of jesteffe. How much can I help you

Ye Feng listens to a Nan's words, and immediately nods. When she comes to the door of Yueying's sleeveless room, she sees that Yueying's sleeveless room is sleeping in bed. Without waking her up, she leaves the apartment with a Nan.

But after arriving downstairs, Ye Feng knew that he didn't know Gu zhaohuide's home address at all. A Nan said to Ye Feng, "fortunately, I'll follow you. Otherwise, it depends on how you go!"

Ye Feng laughs. At this time, a Nan calls for a rental aircraft. They get on the aircraft. After a Nan tells the pilot the address, the pilot flies away immediately.

Soon stopped at the top of a building near the Han Ding palace. Ye Feng and a Nan got off the aircraft and went directly to the top floor. A Nan pressed the button on the 49th floor.

The elevator went down from more than 120 floors to the 49th floor. After the elevator was opened, Ye Feng found that it was a family with one elevator. There was only one door outside the elevator.

Ah Nan takes Ye Feng to the door and knocks, but after waiting for a long time, no one answers. Ah Nan then turns to Ye Feng and says, "it seems that Gu zhaohuide and his son are not at home. Maybe they are at work!"

Then she took a look at the time and said to Ye Feng, "wait a little longer. It's estimated that you'll be off work soon."

Ye Feng nodded when he heard the speech. If he didn't come, he would just light a cigarette in the sky. He went to one side of the window and enjoyed the Han Ding palace in the distance while smoking a cigarette.

The waiting time is one hour. Ye Feng smokes a box of cigarettes. Ah Nan says to Ye Feng, "if you don't go back first, if they work overtime, they don't know when to wait!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "come all come, not wait for an hour, still care to wait a little longer? Go on and wait! "

After another 30 minutes or so, I finally saw that the elevator downstairs started to go up, but it didn't stop when it was over the 49th floor. After another 20 minutes, even Ye Feng lost patience. Finally, another elevator went up and just stopped on the 49th floor.

When the elevator door opened, a middle-aged man stood in the elevator and looked at Ye Feng and a Nan in surprise. A Nan recognized Gu zhaohuide. She immediately touched Ye Feng and reminded him.

Ye Feng immediately understood, and then walked towards the man, at the same time stretched out his hand and said, "vice president! Hello

Gu zhaohuide still looks at Ye Feng and a Nan in surprise. He doesn't stretch out his hand. He just looks at them, "who are you?"

A Nan immediately went to Ye Feng's side and introduced to Gu zhaohuide, "I'm a Nan. He's Ye Feng. We are all friends of your son Gu zhaohuichi!"

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly moved when he heard the words. He immediately looked at them and then walked out of the elevator. "Are you from Huke Bay? I heard ah Chi mention you. Are you looking for ah Chi? He's not at home

Ye Feng said to Gu zhaohuide, "when I met Gu zhaohuichi, I always heard him mention his father. I was fascinated for a long time. At that time, I was far away in Huke Bay, so I couldn't visit him. Now that people have come to longarsenic castle, I still want to visit him!"

Gu zhaohuide had no expression on his face. He went to the door and pressed the fingerprint lock, but after hearing the door click open, he looked back at Ye Feng and ah Nan and said, "ah Chi is now living in his dormitory. He may not come back in the near future, so I won't keep you!"

After saying this, Gu zhaohuide immediately opened the door, entered the door to close, obviously did not intend to let Ye Feng and a Nan into the door.

Ye Feng and a Nan are all moved by this. Is this how Gu zhaohuide treats guests? Or did guchaohuide not treat them as guests at all?

At this time, a Nan immediately asked Gu zhaohuide, "well, where does Gu zhaohuichi work now?"

Gu zhaohuide immediately said, "running errands at the Federal Institute of science and technology! You can look for him over there! " Then he immediately slammed the door shut.

Ye Feng and a Nan were both stunned when they heard the speech, and then they looked at each other. They both looked puzzled. At this time, a Nan said to Ye Feng, "maybe it's scientific researchers, and their temperaments are strange!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. After all, they came to visit him rashly. Gu zhaohuide didn't prepare at all. No wonder others.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to a-nan, "since we know Gu Zhaohui is in the Institute of science and technology, we will go there tomorrow to find him!"

A Nan then said to Ye Feng, "if he goes to work, we'll go there in vain. Now Gu Zhaohui's coming back shows that Gu Zhaohui should get off work too late. Let's go to him at this time."Ye Feng a think is also, nodded, and then two people toward the elevator, don't want this time, behind Gu Zhaohui De's door opened.

When Ye Feng and a Nan heard the sound of opening the door, they could not help but stop and look back. But Gu Zhaohui de came out of the door and said to Ye Feng and a Nan, "would you like to come in and sit down?"

When Ye Feng and a-nan heard this, they all moved. What's the matter with Gu zhaohuide? They just turned them away. Now they are going to leave. Instead, they open the door to let them in?

A Nan didn't say a word. She looked at Ye Feng. She mainly accompanied Ye Feng this time. Of course, she wanted to see what Ye Feng meant.

Ye Feng stared at Gu Zhao Hui de for a moment, then said, "I'm afraid to disturb you, right?"

Gu zhaohuide immediately said, "don't disturb, don't disturb. I was too busy in class just now. I forgot how to treat my guests and turned away my two friends. It was my faux pas. I prepared some thin tea and invited them to have a taste."

Ye Feng smell speech after a while ponder, this just nodded a way, "that trouble vice president!" Then he went to Gu Zhaohui's house immediately.

Ah Nan saw Ye Feng go by, and then followed him. Gu Zhaohui De quickly stood by the door and asked them to go in. His attitude was obviously different from that of just now. Ye Feng and ah Nan were surprised.

After entering the door, Ye Feng and a Nan realized that the single family house was so big. I'm afraid the living room alone is bigger than the whole house of other people.

Gu zhaohuide waited for Ye Feng and a nan to enter the door. Then he closed the door and walked towards the living room. He said, "I've made tea. Please come and taste it!"

Ye Feng and a Nan follow Gu zhaohuide to the living room. After sitting down on the sofa, Gu zhaohuide begins to pour tea for them.

At this time, ah Nan could not help but ask Gu Zhaohui, "vice president, we have some problems. Do you want us to help you?"

After putting down the tea set, Gu zhaohuide immediately sat down and said with a smile, "I have just explained that I met some troubles in the class today, so when I came back, I was a little absent-minded, so I was a bit impolite. I realized my mistakes only when I got back to my senses. This can be regarded as making up for it. There is nothing to trouble you."

After listening to Gu zhaohuide's words, a Nan's heart suddenly moved, but she didn't say much.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the living room with a teacup. It was almost the same as the presidential suite where he went to meet Qiao Huiying before. He said, "vice president, are you still so elegant?"

Gu zhaohuide immediately followed Ye Feng's eyes and saw the antique vase at the door of the study on one side of the living room. He immediately said with a smile, "Oh, it's all from friends. It's said that it's from the founding emperor of the former dynasty. It's supposed to be returned to the Museum of the Han Ding palace, but the president gave it to me, so I kept it all the time!"

In fact, Ye Feng doesn't know anything about antiques. At least he doesn't know about the antiques of eisf. If it's on earth, it's just a thing of the former dynasty. It's nothing at all. But he doesn't know that eisf's former dynasty was four or five thousand years old, and the former dynasty had to be divided into different periods.

Gu zhaohuide asked Ye Feng at this time, "do you want me to call ah Chi and let him come back now?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately say, "so very good, that trouble vice president!" He said so, but in his heart, he felt that Gu Zhaohui's attitude changed, which should not be what he said.

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