Gu zhaohuide picked up his mobile phone at this time, dialed a number, and then the smile on his face gradually disappeared. He said in a cold voice, "there are your friends at home, so hurry back!"

After that, Gu zhaohuide didn't speak to Gu zhaohuichi on the other end of the phone. He immediately hung up the phone. Then Gu zhaohuide said to Ye Feng, "the distance between the science and Technology Research Institute and Ye Feng is 30 minutes at most. You two wait a moment. Ah Chi will be back soon!"

Ye Feng nodded. At this time, he asked Gu Zhaohui, "don't you know vice president is familiar with the name of Jock Emma?"

Gu zhaohuide and a Nan didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng would ask so suddenly. They could not help but look at Ye Feng in amazement. Gu zhaohuide was stunned and didn't speak.

Ah Nan is also surprised. Ye Feng suddenly asks Gu Zhaohui that he wants Gu Zhaohui to know the change of Huke Bay?

Gu Zhaohui's face returned to expressionless after pondering for a while. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "listen to you, do you know Jock Emma?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I had an accident before. I almost died. It was dean Jock who saved my life! So of course I'm familiar with it! "

Gu zhaohuide then took a sip of tea, then slowly put down his cup and looked at Ye Feng. "He and I used to be colleagues and researchers in the Institute of science and technology, but our research direction is diametrically opposite! So although they are very familiar with each other, there is no intersection in reality! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but look at Gu Zhaohui and said, "is it the reason why scholars despise each other?"

Gu zhaohuide couldn't help looking at Ye Feng more. Then he shook his head and said, "he studies the micro universe, but I'm just the opposite of him. I study the macro universe. Although it's all the universe, the direction is totally different. There is no intersection in research. In life, you know, researchers like us can only do it in the projects they are interested in I'm very enthusiastic. My life is boring. I don't know if he is. At least I can tell you that I don't look down on him. I can't think that my project is bigger than others' because I study the macro universe. There's no such thing! "

At this time, Ye Feng looked at Gu Zhaohui curiously and said, "what's the specific difference between the macro universe and the micro universe?"

Gu Zhaohui looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you interested in these too?" After taking a deep breath, he said, "how do you say that? I don't know much about the micro universe, but I still know the general principle. Jock Emma's theory is that no matter how small things exist in his universe, which I also admit. But the difference between my macro universe and his direction is that I advocate that the universe is endless. It's not because our technology is limited and we can't explore the end of the universe It means that even if our human technology has reached its peak, which can last hundreds of billions of light years a second, it is impossible to find the boundary of the universe, because the universe has no boundary. Can you understand that? "

When Gu zhaohuide said these things, Ye Feng always paid attention to his expression. As Gu zhaohuide himself said, when they talked about the topics they were interested in, his look was different from before.

Ah Nan then asked Gu Zhaohui, "but isn't everything conserved? If so, the conservation of all things can not exist! This principle should be overturned! "

Gu zhaohuide can't help looking at ah Nan in surprise and said, "do you still know thermodynamics and cosmology?"

A Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I know a little bit, but compared with you, vice president, my point is just a scratch!"

Gu zhaohuide looked at ah Nan with great approval and said, "you're right. In the macrocosmic theory, the conservation of all things doesn't exist. How can it be? Because in the macrocosmic theory, the universe is infinitely expanding and moving! And this state is forever, forever

Just as a Nan was about to say something, the door opened. Ye Feng and a Nan turned to look at the door, but they saw that the door was opened at this time. Gu Zhaohui appeared at the door with a worried and surprised look on his face. However, when they saw Ye Feng and a Nan, their faces suddenly changed, and then they walked over excitedly, "teacher..."

But then he said, "it's you!"

Ye Feng and a Nan immediately nodded to Gu Zhaohui. Gu Zhaohui immediately came over and sat opposite them, looking at the two people, "Why are you here?"

Ah Nan immediately said to Gu Zhaohui, "Oh, we've been here for a few days. I think we should pay a visit too!"

Gu zhaohuide said to Gu Zhaohui later, "you should accompany your friend for a while. I still have something to do. I need to make a few phone calls..." Then he stood up and said to Ye Feng and a Nan, "you sit and chat first. I'll come after I'm busy!"

Ye Feng and a Nan also immediately stood up and said to Gu Zhaohui, "you're busy, aren't we disturbing you?"

Gu zhaohuide waved repeatedly that he would not disturb, and then walked towards the study, leaving Ye Feng and a Nan and his son Gu zhaohuichi.

After Gu zhaohuide left, Ye Feng looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "did you go to work in the science and Technology Research Institute?"Gu Zhaohui was a little late and said, "the FBI can't go back. For the time being, I have to follow my father's arrangement and go to the science and Technology Research Institute to do odd jobs, run errands and become an intern."

A Nan then toward Gu Zhao Hui late way, "this is also very good!"

Gu Zhaohui sighed, "what's good? I'm not interested in the so-called research projects at all! Today, I was scolded for making two special names wrong! "

But a Nan was surprised and said, "you are the son of the vice president. Who dares to scold you? If you don't look at the monk's face, you should also look at the Buddha's face! "

Gu Zhaohui shrugged his shoulders and said, "forget it, I'm the one who does odd jobs and errands for my father, and it's him who scolds me!"

Ye Feng has been observing Gu zhaohuichi at this time, and found that he is not different, that is to say, he did not reveal his identity?

Gu Zhaohui looked at Ye Feng at this time and said, "yes, teacher..." Then he immediately lowered his voice and said, "master, what are you doing recently? What can I do for you? I'm suffocating in the graduate school. Why don't I help you? "

Ye Feng then wry smile a way, "go to me that?"? Standing at the window all day looking at the scenery? "

A Nan said to Gu Zhaohui, "we haven't done anything recently. The federal investigation on us is not over yet."

Gu Zhaohui said to Ye Feng and a-nan after hearing the speech for a while, "before I came back, I was also called to ask questions, but fortunately my father still had some use in speaking, so I didn't come back again!"

At this time, Ye Feng looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "can I ask you something? What did you ask? "

Gu zhaohuichi said immediately, "it's just what I do in Huck Bay, how I know you, and something about Joanna!" He said with a dim look in his eyes. "I haven't seen Joanna for a long time. Have you seen her? Is she all right? "

A Nan immediately shook her head and said, "we haven't seen Joanna since we came to longarsene castle. I don't know what's going on with her now!"

Ye Feng removes the suspicion of Gu zhaohuichi, and then looks at the direction of the study in surprise. Although Gu zhaihuichi's suspicion is eliminated, his father Gu zhaohuide's different attitude makes Ye Feng feel curious.

Seeing Ye Feng looking at his study, a Nan knew what Ye Feng was worried about. She immediately said to Gu Zhaohui, "where does your father go besides going to the science and Technology Research Institute every day?"

Gu Zhaohui frowned and said, "my father? Where else can he go besides the science and Technology Research Institute? I don't know? What are you asking about this? "

Speaking of this, Gu Zhaohui looked at Ye Feng and a Nan slightly and said, "are you investigating my father?"

A Nan immediately shook her head and said, "no, no, we just asked casually! You are too suspicious

Gu Zhaohui took a dubious look at a Nan. Although she said that, she still had some doubts in her heart and could not help looking at the direction of the study.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Gu Zhaohui, "I heard that your father went to the Han Ding Palace once a few days ago?"

Gu Zhaohui was surprised and said, "is that right? I don't know? Who did you listen to? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, this is Joanna tell oneself, of course can't directly tell Gu Zhaohui late.

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