At this time, Gu Zhaohui in the living room came over and said to Ye Feng and a Nan, "don't blame my father. I'm to blame for this!"

Ye Feng and a Nan frown at Gu zhaohuichi. When they come to Gu zhaohuide's home this time, they are the first to doubt whether Gu zhaohuichi is the problem.

Later, after contact, I found that Gu zhaohuichi should have no problem, but his father Gu zhaohuide's problem. But I didn't expect that now it has become Gu zhaohuichi's problem?

Ah Nan looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "so you betrayed us? Who on earth asked you to do this? "

Before Gu Zhaohui spoke, Gu zhaohuide immediately said, "don't blame ah Chi. It's me. I'm blackmailed, so I'm very sorry for doing such a thing!"

Ye Feng and a Nan can't help looking at each other when they hear the speech. Then they both look at Gu zhaohuide and Gu zhaohuichi. Ye Feng says, "what's the matter?"

Gu zhaohuide immediately said, "when I came back today, I received a phone call saying that I would keep you, or they would attack ah Chi!"

On hearing this, the girl suddenly said, "that's why you opened the door again and let us in?"

Gu Zhaohui immediately nodded and said, "yes, I just got a phone call when I came in. Then I asked ah chi to come back just to see if he was ok, but they called me later..."

Ye Feng immediately frowned, "we are all in the living room, but we didn't hear the phone ring! How did they call you? "

Gu zhaohuide immediately said, "I changed it to vibration, because I was afraid that they would contact me again. So I said at that time that I had something to deal with. In fact, I went to the study to answer the phone. They told me that their people had come!"

A Nan immediately said, "so when Gu Zhaohui was late to send us off, you tried your best to stop him, for fear that his son would be involved?"

Gu zhaohuide immediately nodded and said, "that's right! In a word, we Gu Zhaohui are sorry for this! I'm here to sincerely apologize to both of you. "

Gu zhaohuichi immediately said to Ye Feng and a-nan, "it's not my father's fault for this. They threatened my father with my life!"

Ye Feng looked at Gu zhaohuide and Gu zhaohuichi's father and son, and saw that their eyes were sincere, not like lying.

A Nan immediately asked Gu Zhaohui, "that is to say, you don't know who the other party is?"

Gu zhaohuide immediately shook his head and said, "the other party's voice is obviously changed. I can't hear the original voice at all! I'm not sure if it's a man or a woman! "

Both Ye Feng and a-nan pondered for a while. At this time, Gu zhaohuide said, "there are so many people in longarsenic castle. Just call me with an accent I don't know well. Why should I change my voice? So I think it might be my acquaintance! "

When Gu zhaohuide said that, Ye Feng and a-nan were all moved. Gu zhaohuide was right. There are so many people in longarsenbao, even with similar accents. Why did they change their voice on purpose? What is hard to come true is the work of Gu Zhaohui's acquaintances.

At this time, a Nan immediately asked Gu Zhaohui, "well, vice president, since you can think of so many people, are there any possible candidates in your heart?"

Gu zhaohuide shook his head and said, "I really don't know. I don't even know what the other party's purpose is or what he wants to do. I can't think about it at all." Say to immediately ask leaf Feng and a Nan way, "you exactly offended what person, the other side wants so to you?"

Gu Zhaohui added at this time, "the most important thing is that the other party can deal with you at any time. Why wait for you to come to my house, make a threatening call to my father and ask my father to help them? There must be some reason for that! "

Listening to Gu Zhaohui's words, Ye Feng immediately nodded his head and said, "ah Chi is right. The other party wants to do it anytime and anywhere. Why should we choose this place at this time and blackmail vice president Gu Zhaohui to deal with us?"

After pondering for a while, she said to Ye Feng, "is there a possibility? The other party wants to drag vice president Gu Zhaohui into the water as well! "

Gu zhaohuide was surprised and said, "I don't know what happened. What's good for them to drag me into the water? Besides, this kind of thing only needs to be explained clearly, right? Why the trouble? "

Ye Feng immediately stood up at this time, and then walked toward the door, "maybe the other party's purpose is really to hold us! The purpose is not to let us go back early! "

On hearing this, a Nan's face suddenly moved, and then it seemed that something also sounded. She immediately got up and followed Ye Feng to the door, and said to Ye Feng, "do you mean that their real goal is the apartment?"

Ye Feng nodded, and Gu Zhaohui behind him immediately said, "I'll take you back, I have a private aircraft!"

As soon as Gu zhaohuide heard this, he immediately grabbed Gu zhaohuichi and said, "ah Chi, you can't go..."Gu zhaohuichi pushes Gu zhaohuide's hand away and insists on going out. At this time, Ye Feng turns back to Gu zhaohuide and says, "don't worry, if ah Chi is in danger, I will protect him!"

Gu zhaohuide had no choice but to take a look at them. After all, Gu zhaohuichi is his only son. His life is more important than everything else, so Ye Feng can understand this.

When Hegu zhaohuichi got to the top of the building, he immediately found Gu zhaohuichi's aircraft in the aircraft on the top of the building. Gu zhaohuichi immediately piloted the aircraft, carrying Ye Feng and a Nan, and flew to the direction of the apartment according to the direction that a Nan said.

On the way, Gu Zhaohui said to Ye Feng, "master, don't hate my father. He is also worried about my safety, so he has to!"

Ye Feng, on the other hand, said to Gu Zhaohui, "your father is only one of your children. If he does this, it shows that he attaches more importance to you. I don't care. The most important thing is you. You can see your father's kindness to you!"

Gu Zhaohui can't help nodding when hearing the speech, and then asked Ye Feng, "master, is Dante Emma their man?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and said, "don't rule out this possibility. After all, although Dante Emma said to go to other cities, these other cities also include longarsenic castle!"

At this time, she said to Ye Feng, "I don't know why, but I hope it's Dante Emma. At least we don't have a new enemy in longarsene castle, and we feel more comfortable!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but look at a girl and said, "your theory is really fresh!"

Soon the aircraft stopped on the roof of the apartment building, and just as their aircraft landed, an aircraft on one side was slowly rising into the air.

A Nan subconsciously looked at the aircraft, her face suddenly moved, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "the shadow of the moon has no sleeves!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the speech. He immediately looked at the aircraft, but he saw that the moon shadow was sitting on the aircraft, but Ye Feng didn't know any of the people around him.

And at this time, the shadow of the moon without sleeves is also a face anxiously looking to Ye Feng, their aircraft side, but the aircraft soon flew away.

Ah Nan immediately reminded Gu Zhaohui, "take off quickly, catch up with that aircraft!"

Gu Zhaohui immediately began to take the newly landed aircraft into the air again. However, when they flew out, they saw many private aircraft in the midair in the distance ahead. They could not see the whereabouts of the previous aircraft for a long time.

Gu Zhaohui asked Ye Feng, "master, what should I do now?"

Ye Feng asked Gu Zhaohui to land late, and said, "if the other side holds the moon shadow sleeveless, they will contact us. There's no need to chase us!"

Soon the plane landed again. When Ye Feng, a Nan and Gu Zhaohui came back to the apartment late, they found the door open and the living room in the house was in a mess. It was obvious that they had been fighting.

Ye Feng took a deep breath after sitting down. Gu Zhaohui said at this time, "we might as well call the police! The police station in longarsenic fort is not from Huke Bay, and its efficiency is quite high! "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "what's the purpose of the other party? It's not clear for the moment. We can't act rashly. If we annoy the other party, it will threaten the life of moon shadow's sleeveless!"

At this time, ah Nan pondered, "if it's Dante Emma, their target should be you. Why would they hold the moon shadow without sleeves?"

After Ye Feng took a long breath, he took out his cigarette and lit one. After a slow puff, he said, "I'm thinking about this too!"

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