Speaking, Ye Feng immediately said, "if the other party's goal is the shadow of the moon without sleeves, we have no way, but if not, we must leave clues or contact us! Let's look around first

However, after the three people turned around, they didn't find any clues left in the messy house. Finally, they all sat on the sofa in the living room, and no one continued to say anything.

A Nan said to Ye Feng at this time, "will you really be right? The other party's goal is the moon shadow without sleeves. In fact, the whole thing has nothing to do with us?"

Ye Feng took a look at ah Nan and said, "you are wrong. Even if it has nothing to do with us, it has something to do with us. Yueying Wuxiu is our companion. Moving her is moving us. How can you say it doesn't matter?"

A Nan smell speech facial expression immediately move, immediately say, "I don't mean this, I mean, the target of the other party may be the shadow of the moon without sleeve!"

Ye Feng hasn't spoken yet. At this time, his mobile phone suddenly rings. Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves. He thinks that what should come is finally coming. He wants to pick up his mobile phone and have a look. It's a strange number.

Ye Feng took a look at the number, immediately picked up the phone, connected the phone, the voice of the other end of the phone after the voice change processing, and Ye Feng said, "are you Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng rings the phone call Gu zhaohuide received, which is also processed by voice change. His heart can't help but move, and then he says to the other side, "I am. Who are you?"

The other side laughed in a strange voice and said, "you don't care who I am. I'll tell you now that the shadow of the moon is in our hands!"

Although Ye Feng had expected it, he could not help but say, "hmm? What do you want? "

The other side immediately toward Ye Feng said, "we want you to do things, very simple, for you, should be easy!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "don't forgive so many crooks. Isn't it simple? Will you give up?"

The other party immediately said with a smile, "well, I'll make a long story short. We know that you have a long relationship with Joanna, and the federal president has met you alone, so we hope you can help us assassinate the president! It shouldn't be hard for you? "

Ye Feng was originally thinking about whether the other party would be Dante Emma, but now, if Dante Emma was talking to him, he didn't need to change his voice at all.

At this time, however, when he heard this, his heart moved. It turned out that the other party's goal was neither moon shadow without sleeves nor himself. It was Joanna's father, federal president Qiao Huiying. This was beyond Ye Feng's expectation.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "I think you've made a mistake. I'm just an ordinary person. You're more sure to find a professional killer for the action of assassinating the president. You're not afraid that I'll screw things up if you find an ordinary person like me?"

The other party said with a smile, "you can't find the wrong person. If you are really an ordinary people and your friend is kidnapped, your first reaction should be to call the police. When you hear that we ask you to assassinate the president, you should be very surprised and afraid. But you don't have such ordinary people's emotions and actions, which is enough to prove You are definitely not a common people, and we are not looking for the wrong person! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath after hearing what the other party said. It seems that the other party is not simple, although they don't know whether they know their true identity. If they don't know, they can see so many things just by their own words.

The other party saw Ye Feng did not speak, immediately said, "of course, you can also refuse, but your confidant, the shadow of the moon without sleeve, I'm afraid it will die, at that time you can not blame us, blame yourself, you killed her!"

Speaking of this, the other side said with a cold smile, "and I think the beauty of the girl is pretty good. You should know that we are not good men and women. Before the death of the girl, we won't waste it. We must let her do enough to be a woman before she dies. My brothers can't wait..."

Ye Feng listen to the other side so a say, immediately said, "how do I know the shadow of the moon in your hands?"

The other side immediately said, "if you talk like this, you'll be on your way." After that, there was no voice on the phone. After a while, the voice of moon shadow came from the phone and said, "don't worry about me..."

But without waiting for the moon shadow to finish, the other party's voice immediately appeared on the phone again, but he said faintly, "the voice should be heard clearly, right? Are we going to get to the point now? "

Ye Feng listen to that voice, is indeed the voice of the shadow of the moon without sleeve, there will be no false, it seems that the other party is indeed seized the shadow of the moon without sleeve, but Ye Feng is curious, who is the other party in the end, why to assassinate the president.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to each other, "I think your actions are also very fast, and some of your brains know how to use Gu Zhaohui De to delay my time to fight for your time to catch the shadow of the moon. Since you have such great ability, it should be very easy for you to kill a person!"But the other side said with a smile, "it should be no problem to kill other people, but it's still impossible to kill the federal president. After all, this guy has been hiding in the shell of the Han Ding palace all the year round. He comes out occasionally and is surrounded by a lot of bodyguards. We don't have a chance at all. To tell you the truth, we've been waiting for four years in longarsenbao, and we haven't had a chance all the time, but recently I've been waiting for him We found the opportunity, that is you, nearly a year, Qiao Huiying the only time out of the Han Ding palace, is to see you! This is enough to show that you are special, and we know that you have been to the Han Ding palace before, and more than once, and you should still have the chance to enter next, so this task can only be entrusted to you! "

Ye Feng can't help sneering, "please? You're not asking, are you? "

But the other side sneered, "but what's the attitude? We must cooperate. After it's done, we will not only release the moon shadow without sleeves, but also promise you any request!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion immediately move, promise others any a request, this word is not easy to export, he thought immediately murmur tunnel, "any a request?"

The other side said faintly, "yes, any request, including my death! All right! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately is a move, this guy, even if want him to die all willing?

Think of here, the other party immediately said, "you don't doubt my sincerity, although I don't need to prove my sincerity to you at all, but I still want to tell you, I do what I say!"

After listening to the speech and pondering for a long time, Ye Feng said to each other, "shall we meet? Face to face

But the other side sneered, "what I'm saying is that after you're done, you can promise anything, but it's definitely not now."

Ye Feng then said, "I am very curious, why do you want to assassinate the president! You know, even if you kill a president, the cabinet doesn't need half a day to elect a new president! "

The other side is toward Ye Feng said, "this does not need you to know, you do your thing on the line!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "even if I promise you, it's no use. I don't know when I can enter the Han Ding palace again, and even if I do, I won't be able to see the President..."

The other party immediately said with a smile, "you don't have to worry about this. We don't have to worry about it. We can wait until the opportunity comes. Besides, the president will choose you to be his son-in-law. You will have a lot of opportunities to meet each other in the future. I'm not afraid of no chance!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately a Lin, secret way each other even Qiao Huiying to do their own door son-in-law this thing all know, this guy is also too powerful, right? Only Qiao Huiying, herself and a-nan know about this. How do these guys know about it?

But the other party and see through Ye Feng's mind in general, directly in the phone toward Ye Feng said, "you don't have to guess, how do we know the president to choose you to do the door-to-door son-in-law thing, we naturally have our channel to know, now I just ask you, agree or not, just a word thing, I don't have the patience to continue to talk with you so much! Now we need to know the answer! "

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