Half an hour soon arrived, the other party's phone also called on time, a minute did not delay, Ye Feng heard the phone ring, looked at it, but did not answer immediately.

A Nan looked at Ye Feng at this time and said, "you can decide for yourself. If you believe in your own judgment, you can do it according to your decision."

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng nodded to a Nan and then connected the phone. As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of the man came from there and said, "is it not enough after half an hour's consideration? Is it so slow to answer the phone? It seems that we haven't considered it clearly! But unfortunately, the time has come. You have to give an answer. "

At this time, Ye Feng immediately said to the other side, "I've already thought about it!"

The other party immediately said, "Oh? So is the answer satisfactory to me? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and then said to the other side, "I refuse!"

The other party smell speech unexpectedly Leng for a long time, obviously didn't expect Ye Feng to consider half an hour and fifty minutes of the result will be to refuse his words.

After a while, this just toward leaf maple fierce voice way, "you can want to consider clear, you don't want your beauty bosom friend's life?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng continued, "everyone has his own life. If you have to kill her, I have no choice, but I can assure you that you will regret it!"

At this time, the other party snorted coldly, "it seems that we don't give you any color to see. You really think we are joking with you. Well, since you have decided, we respect your decision, you can wait!"

Finish saying the other party immediately hung up the phone, Ye Feng can't help looking at the mobile phone for a while in a daze, after a long time to come back to God, listen to the tone of the other party, the other party seems really angry.

A Nan looked at Ye Feng and said, "what does the other party mean?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it seems very angry. Let me wait!"

A Nan smell speech facial expression a ground to look at Ye Feng way, "so say, the other side is not necessarily the person of the president?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, did not speak, Gu Zhaohui said immediately, "they should not have started on the shadow of the moon, right? If you call back now and say change your mind, maybe there's still a chance! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath, then lit a cigarette and said, "my intuition tells me that my guess should not be wrong, and the other party is just playing the last trick!"

A Nan can't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment. She suddenly thinks that if she is caught this time, maybe Ye Feng will do the same, regardless of her own safety?

Ye Feng then stood up, went to the windowsill, looked out of the window, continued to smoke cigarettes, silent.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of the whole apartment becomes depressed. Neither a Nan nor Gu Zhaohui says anything more. Now it's too late to persuade Ye Feng.

As time went by, there was a violent knock on the door, which broke the dull atmosphere in the apartment. A Nan immediately got up and walked towards the door, saying, "who will it be at this time?"

But a Nan attached to the monitor at the door looked for a while, found that there was no one outside, heart suddenly moved a way, "no one?"

Ye Feng then came over, immediately opened the door, but found a paper box at the door, there seems to be some blood on the paper box.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. Ah Nan covered her mouth and lost her voice. "This shouldn't be..."

Ye Feng also took a deep breath, then squatted down, picked up the box, turned and walked into the room.

After a Nan closed the door, she immediately followed up, but saw that Ye Feng had put the paper box on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Gu Zhaohui was also surprised and said, "what's this?"

Ye Feng stares at the box for a long time and doesn't open it. If his intuition is wrong, then this paper box is probably the last thing they want to see.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone rang again. Ye Feng picked up the phone and saw that it was the other party's strange number. After taking a deep breath, he immediately connected the phone.

As soon as the phone was put through, the cold strange voice of the man came from the other end of the phone and said, "you should have received the gift box for you, don't you?"

Ye Feng, after a hum, stood up and said, "got it!"

When the other party heard Ye Feng's tone, he immediately said, "haven't you opened the box yet? It's a gift I prepared for you. You will like it very much! Open it up and have a look! "

Ye Feng began to open the box while he was on the phone, but the action was not very fast. To be honest, Ye Feng himself was worried about his wrong guess, which hurt the shadow of the moon.

After the lid of the box was lifted, Ye Feng's face suddenly burst. A Nan covered her mouth directly, and then stood up. Even Gu Zhaohui took a breath of cold air and left the sofa.

Ye Feng frowned and looked at the box. It was a hand, and it should have just been cut off, and it was still bleeding. The size of the hand should really be a woman's hand.At this time, the other party sneered on the phone and said, "see the gift I gave you? If you like, I can give you another one! "

Ye Feng at this time in the heart of a burst of chagrin, the other party actually cut the shadow of the moon sleeveless hand?

At this time, the other party continued to say, "I can give you another chance to correct your mistakes. Now you answer me again. What we asked you to do, do it or not!"

Ye Feng smell speech face slightly move, immediately cold hum a way, "you'd better kill her directly, I can tell you very clearly now, you and my revenge is done, I don't care who you are, I can do nothing in this life, I'll find you revenge, you cut off the shadow of a sleeve hand, I will cut off all your hands Come down

The other party heard Ye Feng say so, the other party obviously some unexpected, and after pondering for a long time, this coldly said to Ye Feng, "it seems that I think highly of you, originally thought that this confidant is very important to you, did not expect that you are so cold-blooded, actually ignore her life or death, it seems that she is really entrusted by the non-human ah, but you may not realize it In the current situation, regardless of the death of the moon shadow, the initiative of the situation is in our hands.... "

Ye Feng said with a sneer at this time, "I think you don't know the situation. At this time, do you think I will still agree to your request? Now even if you leave the shadow of the moon with no sleeves, it's too late. I've listed you on my blacklist now. None of you can run away! It's not easy to assassinate the president, but I want to kill you. Is it much easier than assassinating the president? Don't think that I can't find you after your voice is processed. The technology is so advanced now. As long as I record your voice and remove the camouflage with technology, that's your reason. I believe it's not too difficult to find your people with your voice. There's a little situation, I hope you can have a clear awareness when you decide to cut it off When the moon shadow has no sleeves, your life has entered the countdown! Cherish the last time of your life

On hearing this, the other party immediately took a breath of cold air, because he had heard from Ye Feng's tone that Ye Feng was not joking with himself at all. He had been targeted by Ye Feng, and Ye Feng was right. Although his voice had been processed, it could be restored through technology, but the process might be a little complicated It's just a little bit, but today's technology can still do it.

But he still sneered at this time and said, "Ye Feng, it seems that our enmity is settled?"

Ye Feng hummed coldly, "are you aware of this now? Is it a little late? "

The other side took a deep breath, and then sighed, "I want to know why you would rather sacrifice your confidant than help us assassinate the president?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "first of all, I don't like being forced to do things by others. Secondly, the president is not bad. I don't want to make Joanna suffer the loss of her father! Third, I don't have this ability! But it's easy to kill you

The other side did not say anything, immediately hung up the phone, Ye Feng took a look at the mobile phone, then sneered at a look has not yet returned to God, then picked up the hand in the carton, after a careful look, it said, "do and really quite like!"

A Nan can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "what do you say? You mean, it's fake? "

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