At this time, Ye Feng said to a Nan, "with the current technology, it should not be a problem to make such a simulation hand?"

A Nan's heart moved when she heard that Ye Feng was right. Now, as far as the technology of eisf is concerned, this is really not a problem, and the things made can definitely be confused with the real ones.

She thought and said to Ye Feng, "the question is when do you find out it's fake? I can't see whether it's true or not. Even if it's false, I'm afraid it's enough to confuse the true with the false, so it's hard to tell the true from the false? "

Ye Feng is holding the hand to see a circle, this way, "the hand is not to see the true and false, the problem is in the blood, the hand has really confused the real with the false, the blood is really real blood, but it is not human blood."

Then he went to the kitchen and took his hand to the faucet. After a while of washing, the blood stains of the injured and broken wound were immediately washed away. Then he handed his hand to a Nan and said, "you see, if it's a real hand, and it's just cut off, let alone washed on the faucet, even if it's washed by a high-pressure gun, it's impossible to leave any blood stains. Look at the broken wrist How clean is the washing place? The bones on your face are bones, the flesh is flesh, there is no blood at all

A Nan was afraid of that hand. After listening to Ye Feng's words, she found that the fracture was so clean as Ye Feng said.

Gu Zhaohui took a look at it at this time and took his hand with courage. After looking at it in his hand, he immediately nodded and said, "really!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "the blood stains on it should be animal blood. The smell of animal blood is obviously different from that of human blood. Human blood has a strong fishy smell, while animal blood has a strong earthy smell. I immediately smelled that smell just now."

A Nan this just returned to God, looking at Ye Feng way, "so say, this hand is not the moon shadow without sleeve?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "not only is it not her, but I believe she will come back soon!"

A Nan smell speech half believe to half doubt ground looking at Ye Feng way, "that is to say, the other side is indeed Qiao Hui Ying to send to test your person?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "eight or nine can't leave ten!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Hearing the knock, Ye Feng immediately looked at the door, and then said to a Nan, "if I guess correctly, the shadow of the moon will come back without sleeves. There must be others!"

She immediately went to open the door. As soon as the door was opened, she saw the moon shadow standing at the door intact. Although she heard Ye Feng say so, she was still surprised when she saw the moon shadow without sleeves. She instinctively took a look at the moon shadow's sleeveless hands and made sure that the moon shadow's sleeveless hands were still behind. Then she relaxed her way, "you scared us to death !”

The moon shadow without sleeves looks at the girl in surprise and says, "are you scared to death? What's the situation? "

Seeing that moon shadow has no sleeves, a Nan looks at her in surprise and says, "aren't you tied away?"

The shadow of the moon has no sleeves, but a face surprised tunnel, "tie away? No? "

Gu Zhaohui came over at this time and asked Yueying, "we saw you taken away with our own eyes!"

Moon shadow without sleeve immediately said, "Oh, someone said that they would invite me to dinner, so I went out for a while. When I saw you coming back, I specially called a few times, but you may not hear me!"

A Nan immediately asked, "who invited you to dinner?"

The shadow of the moon has not answered, Ye Feng immediately said, "this question is not important, she came back intact, that my guess is not wrong!"

Ah Nan was also relieved at this time, but Gu Zhaohui went to the door to look outside and said to Ye Feng, "master, what you said is wrong. She's the only one coming back!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "even if he doesn't come now, he will come soon!"

As soon as his voice fell, Gu Zhaohui saw the elevator door slowly open, and several people came out, one of whom was president Qiao Huiying.

Seeing this, Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly moved, his eyes fixed on Qiao Hui, but his hand beckoned behind him, "teacher Always Here comes the president

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. He expects Qiao Huiying to send someone to come, but he doesn't expect Qiao Huiying to visit in person.

Just thinking about it, Qiao Huiying had already walked to the door and looked at Gu Zhaohui standing at the door with a surprised look on her face. She frowned slightly and said, "you should be Gu Zhaohui's boy, right?"

Gu zhaohuichi immediately nodded excitedly and said, "yes, I'm Gu zhaohuichi, the son of Gu zhaohuide! Does the president know me? "

Qiao Huiying just nodded and didn't say anything to Gu Zhaohui. Then he looked at the girl and moon shadow inside the door. Then he said with a smile, "I didn't expect that we would meet so soon!"

A Nan and Yue Ying immediately stand on both sides of the door and nod to Qiao Huiying. Qiao Huiying looks at Ye Feng standing in the living room. A moment later, he says to Ye Feng, "what? I'm here in person. Don't you invite me in? "

Gu Zhaohui came in immediately, reached out his hand and said, "please, Mr. President!"After Qiao Huiying went in, he said to the two bodyguards, "just wait outside the door." he motioned Gu Zhaohui to close the door later, and then he walked toward the living room.

After walking to the opposite of Ye Feng and sitting down, Qiao Huiying cocked up her legs, then lit a cigarette and took a puff. Then she looked up at Ye Feng and said, "I believe you should know my purpose this time?"

Ye Feng sat opposite Qiao Huiying, then shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Qiao Huiying said with a slight frown, "can't you see that it's a test for you to put on such a good play?"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "what's the good play?" Say to immediately make a pair of suddenly shape way, "you mean that the moon shadow has no sleeve to be kidnapped?"

Qiao Huiying frowned at Ye Feng and said, "don't tell me, you don't see that this is my test for you?"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "I really didn't see it!"

Qiao Huiying, however, looked at Ye Feng suspiciously. After a while, he said to Ye Feng, "so, you really don't want to assassinate me?"

But Ye Feng frowned, "why should I assassinate you?"

Qiao Huiying stares at Ye Feng and says, "then I'm very curious. Under the premise that you don't see that this is a play, you'd rather give up your confidant's life than agree to the request of the kidnappers?"

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath and said to Qiao Huiying, "to tell you the truth, I don't want to say no, but I know I can't do it even if I can do it. I don't want to say no, I don't want to feel sorry for Joanna!"

Qiao Huiying listens to Ye Feng's words. She smokes a cigarette and stares at Ye Feng for a long time without speaking.

Ah Nan and Gu Zhaohui are also looking at Ye Feng. They both secretly say that Ye Feng has already calculated that this is Qiao Huiying's test for him, and they even pretend that they don't know.

After waiting for a long time, Qiao Huiying shrugs to Ye Feng and says, "I don't care if you know or don't know. In a word, I'm satisfied with the result. At least it proves that you are not my enemy!"

But Ye Feng was still fooled and said, "enemy? You are the president. Where is your enemy? "

Qiao Huiying said with a smile to Ye Feng, "who told you that the president has no enemies? I tell you, the president not only has enemies, but also has many. I don't know how many people in the federal world want to assassinate me! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "but the president is surrounded by experts, and he lives deep in the Han Ding palace. Even so, it's hard to succeed. Besides, if you kill yourself, you will still have a new president. I don't think it's a wise choice!"

Qiao Huiying smell speech complexion but slightly move ground looking at leaf maple way, "Oh? Not a wise choice? If I assumed you were my enemy, what would you do? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, immediately a shrug way, "don't know, but at least I won't choose to assassinate so stupid action!"

Qiao Huiying is staring at Ye Feng to see, "you don't have to be formal, we are just chatting, if you are my enemy, let you deal with me, how will you do?"

When Ye Feng heard the speech, he took a deep breath and said, "I definitely have a grudge against you. They should all be political enemies. In this case, it's a matter of policy convenience. It's useless to deal with you. It's better to find a way to solve the problem of policy and overthrow the whole regime."

Qiao Huiying, listening to Ye Feng's words, immediately looked at Ye Feng with her eyes moving. Then she murmured, "overthrow the whole regime?"

A Nan, Gu Zhaohui and the moon shadow are also awe inspiring. No one expected that Ye Feng would answer Qiao Huiying's question like this.

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