After listening to what Ye Feng said, Qiao Huiying stared at Ye Feng for a long time, and then said with a smile, "the current federal regime of eisf is as stable as gold, but it's not so easy to overthrow it. What would you do if you want to overthrow the federal regime of eisf?"

Ye Feng's face moves slightly when Qiao Huiying asks him this question. Ah Nan and Gu Zhaohui's heart also moves. Unexpectedly, Qiao Huiying will ask Ye Feng such a sensitive question.

Now Ye Feng also knows that he is not answering at the moment. If he doesn't answer, he is not. If he answers, Qiao Huiying will doubt it. If he doesn't answer, Qiao Huiying won't be at ease.

But Ye Feng weigh, or toward Qiao Huiying way, "I'm just an ordinary people, so high-end things, how can I know?"

Qiao Huiying smiles at Ye Feng and says, "are you ordinary people?" Then he said with a cold smile, "Ye Feng, do you really think I know nothing about you?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help looking at Qiao Huiying. He still pretended to be stupid and said, "what do you mean, Mr. President? I don't quite understand? "

Qiao Huiying said to Ye Feng, "you can't kill nearly ten of my bodyguards downstairs in one go by ordinary people."

when Ye Feng heard this, he immediately surprised Qiao Huiying and said, "so those people are your bodyguards? I can't see that! "

Qiao Huiying snorted coldly, and then said to Ye Feng, "well, you don't have to pretend any more. I don't want to say any more unnecessary nonsense. With your skill and ability, you don't have to pretend to be ordinary people anymore, do you?"

After listening to what Qiao Huiying said, Ye Feng laughed and didn't explain much. However, Qiao Huiying immediately asked, "now you can tell me, if you want to overthrow the federal government, what will you do?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at Qiao Huiying at this time and said, "I didn't plan to do it again. Of course, I didn't think about it. Now if you want me to say it immediately, I can't say it!"

Qiao Huiying heard Ye Feng say so. After a long sigh of relief, he said to Ye Feng, "I didn't think about it. Let's think about it slowly."

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "why do you want to think about this?"

Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you know? In eisf's cabinet, there are people who are responsible for thinking about these problems every day. When they think about it, they have to solve it and take preventive measures. I think this part is quite suitable for you. Are you interested in going to the cabinet? "

After hearing this, Ye Feng's face suddenly changes and looks at Qiao Huiying. Gu zhaohuichi is even more astonished and envied. Regardless of Ye Feng's identity as Satan, Qiao Huiying should not know Ye Feng's identity. For Qiao Huiying, Ye Feng is an ordinary person. How can Qiao Huiying value Ye Feng so much and let him enter the cabinet directly?

A Nan obviously didn't expect that Qiao Huiying would suddenly decide to let Ye Feng into the cabinet. She can't help but look at Ye Feng and Qiao Huiying in surprise. While Qiao Huiying didn't pay attention, she used two colors at Ye Feng to signal that he would agree. After all, if she could enter the cabinet, it would get twice the result with half the effort for them.

Ye Feng heart is also a burst of surprise, Qiao Huiying will be so good, directly arrange their own into the cabinet? Don't you think there can be such a good thing in the world?

At this time, Qiao Huiying immediately said to Ye Feng, who was silent all the time, "you don't have to be surprised. It's easy to get into the cabinet, but it's hard to get out. Besides, I arrange you to get into the cabinet. I don't just want to be a member of the cabinet. I start with a clerk. If you are willing to work hard, you can be promoted to an official in three years. If you have the ability, you can be promoted to an official in three years When you upgrade from a secretary to a backbone, if you work hard and have extraordinary ability at this time, you can stay up for another three years to become a post supplement member of the cabinet. Ordinary people are already very good at this level. Many people work as post supplement members for their whole life. This time, they rely on personal connections. If you have my support behind you, it's only a matter of time before you become a full member If you stay in the cabinet for a few more years, you'll be the elite of the cabinet. It's only one step away from becoming the first assistant of the cabinet! "

After listening to Qiao Huiying's words, Ye Feng can't help frowning. He immediately understands that Qiao Huiying has done so much to see whether he is his personal contact and whether he can become his direct family. His purpose is to put his own people into the cabinet.

At this time, Gu Zhaohui immediately said to Ye Feng, "what else do you think about? How many people dream of this opportunity? How many people have been struggling all their lives. They are just ordinary officials of ordinary organs. It's just a dream to enter the cabinet."

At this time, a Nan also winks at Ye Feng and indicates that Ye Feng agrees to come down. This opportunity is really rare. Whether you have to work in the cabinet or not, it's a wonderful opportunity.

Ye Feng looks at Qiao Huiying with a deep thought. He thinks much later than a Nan and Gu Zhaohui. Indeed, once he enters the cabinet, he will be at the core of the Federation of eisf. Although he is only a small clerk, he is too close to the center of power. Promotion is only a matter of time, not to mention the president's personal blessing?

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help saying to Qiao Huiying, "I'm afraid that the precondition for all this mentioned by the president is the condition before I promised you?"Qiao Huiying immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "that's right. Only if you agree to my previous conditions, then everything will become logical. I arrange my son-in-law to enter the cabinet. No one will have any opinions, right? If you know that these guys don't know how much blood relationship they put in every year, I'll turn a blind eye to it. "

After taking a deep breath at this time, Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "but Mr. President, it seems that I never thought that I might refuse your request?"

Qiao Huiying can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "what do you mean? Are you going to reject my cabinet proposal or my son-in-law's proposal? "

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly moved when he heard this. He looked at Ye Feng and Qiao Huiying, then stood up and said in surprise, "what? Mr. President, you You want him to be your son-in-law? "

Qiao Huiying looked at Gu Zhaohui with a puzzled face and said, "not bad! What's your opinion? "

Gu Zhaohui shook his head awkwardly and said, "no, I don't mean that I mean I Joanna Anna, does she know? "

Qiao Huiying said to Gu Zhaohui later, "if Joanna doesn't know and doesn't like it, I won't think about it at all. It's because Joanna says she likes it that I'll come to him to talk about it!"

Gu Zhaohui sat down on the sofa, looking at Ye Feng and Qiao Huiying, shaking his head and saying, "does Joanna like it? This How could it be? "

A Nan then quickly appeased Gu Zhaohui and said, "don't think about it any more. It's very complicated!"

Gu Zhaohui took a look at ah Nan, then stood up to take a look at Ye Feng and said, "you already know, but you've been hiding it from me?"

Ye Feng was a little ashamed of Gu Zhaohui. At this time, he kept his head down and didn't say a word. However, Qiao Huiying looked at Gu Zhaohui with a puzzled face and said, "I said Gu Zhaohui's boy, what's your nerve?"

A Nan immediately explained to Qiao Huiying, "he has always liked Joanna..."

Qiao Huiying smell speech face slightly move, immediately a sneer way, "you also like Joanna?" Then, without waiting for Gu Zhaohui to speak, he immediately said, "forget it. Anna can't like you. Besides, even if she likes you, I will refuse!"

Gu Zhaohui looked at Qiao Huiying and said, "for Why? What can't I do? "

Qiao Huiying frowned and said, "your father is Gu zhaohuide, vice president of the Federal Institute of science and technology, isn't he? Let me tell you something, your father is retired, that is, the president of the science and Technology Research Institute. He is too far away from the political center. The son-in-law I need can enter the political center and become my right-hand man. What about you? Can you

Gu Zhaohui looked at Qiao Huiying and said, "I can also I didn't get into the political center, but I will try to... "

Qiao Huiying can't help sneering, "I don't know how much ability you have, but you should know yourself, and your father Gu zhaohuide should also know. Otherwise, with your father's ability, you can say whether you are big or not, and whether you are small or not. If you can't do it any more, it shouldn't be a problem to arrange you to enter a government administrative unit, but what are you doing now?"

Gu Zhaohui looked at Qiao Huiying in amazement for a while. He couldn't say a word for a long time. He really didn't have any interest in politics, and his father didn't seem to be interested either. Therefore, Gu Zhaohui's family is doomed to have nothing to do with politics in their whole life.

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