Although after some twists and turns, Ye Feng finally agreed to Qiao Huiying, but also let Qiao Huiying feel that he did not want to enter the cabinet, showing his naive and rebellious side, so as to be more in line with the temperament of a hot-blooded youth of Ye Feng's age.

It's also this kind of temperament, coupled with some things Qiao Huiying encountered when she was young, that makes Qiao Huiying completely relax her vigilance to Ye Feng. After knowing the whole story of Ye Feng's heart activities, a Nan has to admire Ye Feng's idea, which is absolutely unexpected to ordinary people.

Since he has promised Qiao Huiying, the next day will be easier. Just wait for the news from Qiao Huiying in the apartment. However, Ye Feng always feels sorry for Gu zhaohuichi. After all, Gu zhaohuichi left the apartment that day and never contacted again.

On the way, a-nan tried to contact Gu zhaohuide once to ask about Gu zhaohuichi's recent situation. However, Gu zhaohuide told a-nan on the phone that Gu zhaohuichi seemed to be a different person recently. When she came back that night, she had a big fight with Gu zhaohuide, saying that she would never go to work in the Institute of science and technology again, and asked Gu zhaohuide to use her own contacts to bring Gu Zhaohui back to work Later arranged to go to work in the federal unit, and after Gu Zhaohui went to work late, he was completely different from before, especially progressive.

Hearing Gu Zhaohui's words, a Nan can't help but feel a sigh. No matter what the result is, the affair between Joanna and Ye Feng has stimulated Gu Zhaohui to become more progressive. Maybe from another side, it's also a good thing, isn't it?

After a Nan told Ye Feng the news, Ye Feng just nodded and said, "if Joanna likes him a little, I will quit. Even if this shortcut is very close to our success, I will give up without hesitation!"

A Nan said, patting Ye Feng on the shoulder, "if you can think about it, it's best. I'm afraid Gu Zhaohui will hold back his strength, but he won't be able to do it in the end. I'm afraid he will be hysterical!"

Ye Feng said to a-nan, "you can rest assured that if Gu Zhaohui wants to sell us, when he hears such shocking news for him that day, he can tell Qiao Huiying all our details. If he didn't do it at that time, it means that he won't do it at that time."

A Nan Wen speech tiny sigh ground looking at Ye Feng way, "hope like you wish!"

The shadow of the moon has never said a word, listening to Ye Feng and a Nan say so, can't help but toward Ye Feng said, "I have a once and for all solution, completely solve this matter!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon without sleeves. In fact, Gu zhaohuichi didn't do anything, but after all, he must be uncomfortable. His speculation is that Gu zhaohuichi's mood is still normal. He won't sell them, but what if Gu zhaohuichi can't think of it that day.

Since the moon shadow has said that she has a way once and for all, Ye Feng of course, immediately asked the moon shadow sleeveless way, "what way?"

The moon shadow has no sleeves. At this time, she smiles and says, "like Gu zhaohuichi, a young man who doesn't know the world and claims to be a saint of love, I have many ways to deal with him!"

A Nan said to the moon shadow, "don't sell pipes. If you have any way, just say it. He doesn't know how guilty he is for this matter. If there is a way to solve it, of course it would be the best! "

Yueying Wuxiu takes a look at Ye Feng, and then says with a smile, "if you get cheap, you will soon marry the first daughter of the Federation and become the president's son-in-law. How can you still have these troubles?"

As soon as Ye Feng was about to speak, the moon shadow immediately said, "OK, OK, I won't care. I really have a way. For a man like Gu zhaohuichi, who is just in love, just find a woman who understands him!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly looking at the moon shadow, no sleeve way, "understand his woman? What do you mean

Moon shadow immediately said, "now Gu Zhaohui is trapped by love. We can arrange a chance meeting between him and another woman, so that he can slowly find out that there is no grass in the world. There is no shortage of women in this world!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon and say, "do you mean that you plan to go out in person?"

Yueying said to Yefeng immediately, "bah, I'm not interested in this kind of strange boy who doesn't know the world, but I have a suitable person. Maybe she's a little young to deal with you, but she still has a way to deal with Gu zhaohuichi

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "this isn't very good?"? If one day Gu Zhaohui knew it later, wouldn't it be counterproductive? The result is even worse. Your friend can't cheat him all his life! "

The moon shadow has no sleeve but says immediately, "if is can cheat him for a lifetime?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon with no sleeves and say, "cheat him for a lifetime?"

Yueying Wuxiu immediately explained to Yefeng, "to tell you the truth, my friend was also one of the dead attendants of the opposition. She used to be specialized in intelligence collection, and she had to sell her complexion and body. But she was tired of this kind of life. She always wanted to find a good man to live in anonymity for a lifetime. I think Gu Zhaohui was late It's very suitable for him. First of all, he's a blank sheet of paper, and he doesn't know the world. As long as there's a way to make Gu Zhaohui fall in love with my friend, she will be able to keep him in the dark all his life! "After hearing the words, Ye Feng sighed and said, "it's a good way. I just think it's unfair to Gu Zhaohui!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to immediately white one eye, leaf maple way, "you are because know my friend once betrayed color appearance and body, so for Gu Zhaohui late is not worth it?"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and refuses to comment. In fact, he does have this idea in his heart. Anyway, Gu zhaohuichi is from a decent family. His father is the vice president of the Federal Institute of science and technology. As long as he works hard, his future is limitless. What kind of decent woman can't he find?

Moon shadow sleeveless see Ye Feng didn't speak, immediately sneer a way, "you are really full Han don't know hungry Han hunger, if you have a choice, which woman is willing to sell hue and body?"? Not forced by life? Can't such a woman find a man to marry and live in peace? Does such a woman have no right to pursue her own happiness? "

Ye Feng was more and more excited when he heard that the moon shadow had no sleeves. He couldn't help but move. He said to the moon shadow, "I don't mean it, just..."

Before Ye Feng finished, a Nan said immediately, "he doesn't mean that. He just thinks it's not good to cheat Gu Zhaohui like this!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and agreed with a Nan, "yes, that's right, that's what I mean!"

The shadow of the moon without sleeves hummed coldly, but it didn't make a sound. It was obvious that it really rose.

At this time, a Nan immediately said, "actually, it's nothing. The most important thing is that after your friend and Gu zhaohuichi, you can be kind to him wholeheartedly. What you have done before is not important at all. Moreover, if you can really make Gu zhaohuichi fall in love with your friend, with my understanding of Gu zhaohuichi, even if he knows your friend's contact in the future, it's absolutely not important It's better to be an accountant

After listening to a-nan's words, Yueying Wuxiu immediately said, "my friend really wants to live a stable life. Unless she doesn't like Gu Zhaohui, she will never do anything sorry for Gu Zhaohui after marriage."

Ye Feng couldn't help but said with a wry smile, "it's all eight characters. You think of marriage. First of all, it's necessary for two people to look at each other right? As long as one of them doesn't agree, it won't be done at all! "

"So, we have to make arrangements for them to have a chance to meet each other. In the future, things will come naturally and let it go."

After listening to the words and pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "in this case, I'll leave it to you to do it! I believe no one is more competent than you

The moon shadow has no sleeves and hums coldly, "don't you look down on women like us?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but a surprised way, "you also betrayed the color and body?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech, the facial expression slightly moves, immediately says, "the body I have not betrayed, but the color aspect, in some occasions, is also a necessary means, this is a woman's natural weapon, I certainly will not use!"

A Nan immediately said to the moon shadow, "he's right. It's right to leave this matter to you. First of all, you want your sister to have a good home. Secondly, it can help us solve the problem in front of us. You are familiar with the people on both sides, so there is no one more suitable for this matter than you!"

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