Yueying no sleeve said to do it, immediately went to contact her friends, went into the room to make a phone call.

At the same time, Ye Feng said to a-nan, "do you think this method of moon shadow without sleeves is good?"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she sighed to Ye Feng, "in fact, you don't know women or men!"

Ye Feng is the first time to hear someone evaluate himself like this. He can't help but frown and look at a Nan and say, "I don't know men yet?"

A Nan immediately said, "in fact, you may not understand what Gu Zhaohui wants from the beginning to the end."

Ye Feng frowned, "doesn't he just want Joanna?"

The daughter shrugged her shoulders and said, "Joanna is good. The president's daughter has a good figure and a good appearance. But if you ask the whole eisf, regardless of her family background, there are many more beautiful women than Joanna, right? Why does Gu Zhaohui just like Joanna? "

Ye Feng said to a-nan, "according to my understanding, they are childhood sweethearts and have no guess!"

Ah Nan nodded and said, "but as far as I know, how many of those who are really childhood friends and have no guess can still be a couple when they grow up? Very few! The reason for this is that they are too familiar with each other. The one who loves each other deeply only mistakes the love between brother and sister as love, while the other just regards each other as brother or sister. That's why this is the case! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding and sighing. In fact, it's more than Joanna and Gu Zhaohui. Isn't it the same with Dixie?

Let's not say that he didn't know much about the life of Esther, just say that when he was on the earth, he grew up with Dixie, which belongs to the type of childhood and no guess.

And Ye Feng and Dixie are clear about each other's mind, know each other have good feelings for themselves, but dare not say that in the end, at least now have not come together.

Maybe they can talk about everything and give each other their lives and wealth, but they can't afford to give the rest of their lives to each other.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak for a while, a Nan immediately said, "the reason why Gu zhaohuichi is like this is that he doesn't know love yet. He needs a real love, although it doesn't necessarily have to be like what moon shadow says. Once she introduces her friend to Gu zhaohuichi, she must blossom and bear fruit. At least, she should let Gu zhaohuichi know what real love is It is also the experience that he must experience in the process of growing up! In this way, he can completely grow from a boy to a man

Ye Feng can't help nodding when she hears the speech. She hasn't spoken yet. At this time, Yueying comes out of the room without sleeves and says to Ye Feng and a Nan, "I've already agreed with my friend. She'll come first later!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the shadow of the moon and says, "you ask her to go to Gu Zhaohui, what do you want her to do here? I'm not Gu Zhaohui

The moon shadow has no sleeves and says to Ye Feng, "no matter how you say, you are also countless reading girls, and you are also Gu Zhaohui's master in Chi Mingyi. You have to guard for him. Don't say that I have cheated your precious apprentice in the future!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the speech, but he was right when he thought about it. Although he didn't know women at all, as a Nan said, he really read countless women. Any woman stood in front of him and didn't dare to say anything else. Did she really want to be good? These simple things can still be seen in her eyes It's from Ni.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately nodded to the moon shadow sleeveless, "OK, when will she arrive?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to say toward Ye Feng immediately, "she has already started, believe to arrive soon! It happens that she doesn't live far away! More than ten minutes at most

Ye Feng nodded and said that he would wait. After waiting for 20 minutes, he finally knocked on the door. The moon shadow immediately opened the door.

When the door opened, a 20-year-old woman who looked pretty but with a little bit of flattery was standing at the door. As soon as she saw the shadow of the moon, she immediately said, "this place is really hard to find!"

Yueying Wuxiu immediately asked her to come in, and then introduced her to Ye Feng and a-nan, "this is what I call sister, Qiu Xueyu!" Then he introduces Ye Feng and a nan to Qiu Yu.

Qiuyu nods to Ye Feng and a Nan and says, "Hello, I'm Qiuyu!"

Ye Feng takes a close look at Qiu Yu, and a-nan asks her to sit down. The moon shadow says to Qiu Yu, "don't be formal, just take it as your own home. Sit down!"

Qiu Xue nodded to the moon shadow, then sat down and saw that Ye Feng was staring at him. He was not at ease.

The moon shadow has no sleeve. At this time, Chao Qiu Yu says, "do you know what I said on the phone with you?"

Qiu Xueyu immediately nodded and said, "I know, I understand about it all!" Said to see a leaf maple after, toward the moon shadow no sleeve way, "but he also doesn't seem to be like you describe so?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell a speech to be stunned, immediately cover mouth a smile way, "what I say is not him! You are mistaken! They are all friends of Gu zhaohuichi! I just want to guard for him first! "On hearing this, Qiu Yu's face turned red, but there seemed to be a bit of loss in her eyes, but she said with a smile, "I say, it's too big!"

At this time, a Nan said to Qiu Yu, "do you know all about Gu zhaohuichi?"

Qiu Xueyu immediately nodded and said, "Oh, I can only say that I have a general understanding of it, but these are also from the sleeveless phone. I haven't seen people yet. It's a bit hasty to say that I understand them. I think I'd better talk about them after I see them!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech to also nod a head way, "I also say that the kid's general situation, as for later two person deep, of course also can understand, this need not say!"

Said the moon shadow has no sleeve to see a leaf maple way, "how? Is my friend OK? "

Ye Feng didn't say a word when he heard the words, and Qiu Xue Qiu Yu casually looked at Ye Feng at this time, and didn't say much.

After a while, Ye Feng nodded and said, "there should be no problem. Let's arrange for them to meet."

Yueying Wuxiu and Qiuyu can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they hear the speech. It feels like they are meeting their parents.

But a Nan said at this time, "now we directly arrange Gu zhaohuichi to meet Qiu Yu. Gu zhaohuichi's attitude must be exclusive!"

Moon shadow immediately said, "I also think so. This kind of green younger brother still needs a good training from our royal sister. She has no other skills, but she is born with the ability to meet the hero and even make him fall in love with herself. You can rest assured about that!"

Ye Feng nodded, and said to Yueying Wuxiu and Qiuyu, "in that case, the ancient Zhaohui will be handed over to you later! I've only asked about the rest, as long as I know the result! "

Yueying Wuxiu and Qiuyu couldn't help nodding. At this time, Ye Feng looked at Qiuyu and said, "but there's one thing, I must explain in advance. Don't cheat Gu Zhaohui's feelings! If you don't like it, you can say it directly, but don't cheat

Qiu Xueyu can't help nodding to Ye Feng and said, "don't worry about it. Sleeveless has made it very clear to me. I'll take it as a blind date this time. If you don't, it's your own will. Absolutely not forced!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, the shadow of the moon is toward Ye Feng said, "these should say shouldn't say, I have said, although you put the heart in the heart!"

Ye Feng nodded and said nothing more. Yueying Wuxiu left the apartment with Qiuyu to prepare their plans.

After Yueying Wuxiu and Qiuyu leave, a Nan asks Ye Feng, "do you think this one named Qiuyu has no problem?"

Ye Feng sighed, "there must be some problems. After all, no one is perfect. However, I can see from her eyes the yearning for a happy life that moon shadow has no sleeves to say. Although she may not like Gu zhaohuichi, Gu zhaohuichi may not like her, but at least, so far, she has not lied!"

A Nan didn't expect that Ye Feng could see so many things from Qiu Yu's eyes, but she didn't see anything. She thought that she had just said that Ye Feng didn't know women. Now she felt that she didn't know Ye Feng.

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