At this time, there was a knock at the door of the apartment, and the girl's face moved and said, "isn't it over before it starts?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "in this period of time, the shadow of the moon without sleeves and the snow Qiuyu may not even see Gu Zhaohui's late face. How can it be over? There must be something about Qiao Huiying's arrangement! "

As soon as she heard this, her face suddenly moved. She hurriedly went to open the door, but saw a man in a stiff suit standing at the door. Seeing that it was her who opened the door, she could not help frowning. Then she picked up a piece of paper in her hand and asked her, "isn't this Mr. Ye Feng's residence?"

On hearing this, a Nan immediately nodded and said, "yes, this is Ye Feng's residence. What can I do for you?"

The man then breathed a sigh of relief and said to her, "is Mr. Ye Feng at home? I'm a cabinet clerk. I'm here to deal with some related matters for Mr. Ye Feng before he takes up his post! "

As soon as she heard this, she immediately asked the man to come in. After the man came in and saw Ye Feng, he quickly walked towards Ye Feng. Then he held out his hand and shook hands with Ye Feng and said, "Hello, Mr. Ye. I'm a clerk in the cabinet clerk's Office. This time, I'm mainly entrusted by our Secretary to send you a document so that you can sign it for backup!"

Then the man took out a document, handed it to Ye Feng and said, "you need to look at the information, and then fill it in according to the requirements of the form!" Then he took out a pen and handed it to Ye Feng! There are examples. Don't worry! "

Ye Feng took a look at the document handed by the man, but saw that most of the information in the document had been filled in, and Ye Feng also noticed the information, which could be said to be cheating. Even Ye Feng's family background had been "done" well, and Ye Feng didn't need to think about it at all.

Ye Feng can't help but say to the man, "in that case, you might as well help me fill it out directly. What else do you want to do for me?"

The man explained, "this information must be written by myself! Otherwise, don't bother Mr. Ye! "

Ye Feng see this person's attitude is modest, there is no need to say these with him, after all, he is a runner.

A Nan asked, "these can be sent directly. Why bother you to go there in person?"

The man said with a dry smile, "it's better to make a deal face-to-face. Although the network is developed and convenient, there are also many hidden dangers. What kind of future trouble is left behind by those who want to, which will have an impact on Mr. Ye's official career. That's not good!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "it seems that it's not the first time you've done this. What you think is thoughtful!" I picked up my pen and started to go up the form according to the example.

The man stood on Ye Feng's side and watched Ye Feng fill in the form without saying a word. When Ye Feng encountered something he didn't understand, he also pointed out Ye Feng. After Ye Feng completely filled in the form and handed it to him, he immediately took it up and looked at it and said to Ye Feng, "OK, no problem! I'll take it back and file it! "

Ye Feng then asks that humanity, "generally this kind of situation needs to wait how many days to have the result!"

The man immediately said to Ye Feng, "well, Mr. Ye, in general, it takes about 15 days for this kind of document to be signed, filed, approved and released!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "meaning I still want to wait 15 days?"

The man quickly said, "what I'm talking about is that under normal circumstances, Mr. Ye's situation. According to my experience, there should be the following three days at most! Mr. Ye had better not go anywhere, because I need to confirm in person below! At that time, there will be people coming to contact you. Generally speaking, I will come to you three days later without any accident! "

Ye Feng listen to that person so a say, can't help but frown a way, "I this kind of circumstance, is what circumstance?"? It's either 15 days or three days, isn't it? "

That person then toward Ye Feng a smile way, "Mr. Ye still really can talk and laugh, you of course and other people's situation is not the same, this still need to say more?"

Ye Feng, of course, understands what this man is talking about. What else can he say? It must be because he was arranged by the president himself.

Then the man said to Ye Feng, "is there anything else for Mr. Ye to order?" Seeing Ye Feng shaking his head, he said goodbye immediately, "then I'll go first!" Then he handed Ye Feng a business card and said, "during this period, if you have any questions, Mr. Ye can contact me according to the contact information on the business card. I'm always here!"

Ye Feng took a look at the card, saw the man's name is guterska, can't help nodding, "thank you!"

That person immediately and Ye Feng polite after a few words, this just left the apartment, back to the cabinet.

See guterska left, Ye Feng this just relaxed a airway, "it seems to have to wait three days!"

Ah Nan said to Ye Feng, "didn't you listen to that man? Others will have to wait 15 days. You are not satisfied with the fact that you have dropped from 15 days to three days! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't know that on the earth of the micro universe, there are only 60 minutes per hour. Here it is 100 minutes. For no reason, there are two or three days more than on the earth. It's hard to endure such days!"A Nan says to Ye Feng at this time, "boil? It seems that your days are hard

Ye Feng shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm just not used to the work and rest here!" Then he said to her immediately, "but these three days are not free. I'm ready to join the cabinet!"

A Nan nodded and said, "although it's just an ordinary person who goes in, maybe what he does is the same work as that guterska just now, but the level he touches is totally different. You see, when he touches you, he is totally different from others!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile and said, "when did I become a powerful person at different levels of longarsenic castle?"

A Nan said to Ye Feng solemnly, "you are now the villain of the president. Of course, you are different from the general powerful class. You didn't see that guterska's attitude towards you just now. That's a man who is servile. I'm sure he will be a different face to the general people!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding after hearing this. It's undeniable that what a Nan said is right. Now her identity is completely different from before. Qiao Huiying must have said hello to the cabinet, otherwise guterska would never have this attitude towards herself.

In fact, Ye Feng knows that he doesn't need to prepare anything at all. He just needs to adjust his mind. He also needs to pay attention to the fact that he doesn't really go to work in the cabinet. He has other purposes when he comes to longarsene Castle this time. He can't really treat himself as a man who only wants to climb up.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help nodding and said to a-nan, "but I didn't expect that I should also seek a position for you at that time. Otherwise, once I start to work, cat is not here, and you and Yueying will be left in the apartment."

But a Nan said to Ye Feng, "I've already thought about it. When you are in the cabinet, I'll go to Gu zhaohuide!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly, immediately understood a Nan's meaning way, "do you want to look for Gu Zhao Hui De, enter the Federal Institute of science and technology?"

Ah Nan could not help nodding and said, "that's right. With the memory of jasterfeld in my head, I think it's OK for me to go to the science and Technology Research Institute to be an ordinary clerk. Besides, Gu Zhaohui has already left. I believe Gu Zhaohui is short of staff."

Ye Feng smell speech but toward a Nan say, "Gu Zhao Hui de may not use you this unknown person!"

A Nan then toward leaf Feng a smile way, "I don't want to drag what relation, just seek him to prove that I have this ability, this also doesn't calculate what?"? I believe I can

Ye Feng can't help nodding to a-nan, and then said, "it's OK, so we all have something to do. You go to the science and Technology Research Institute, cat is in the Security Bureau, I go to the cabinet, and moon shadow sleeveless can continue to stay in the apartment, responsible for organizational matters, the only thing that makes people uneasy..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng didn't continue to talk about it, but a Nan soon became interested and said to Ye Feng, "do you mean, Dixie?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding a way, "don't know what she is doing now, what found!"

A Nan immediately said, "this road is also her choice. In fact, it may not be a bad thing. After all, the progress on our side is relatively slow. Maybe there is a faster shortcut on her side that she may find out!"

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