Ye Feng can't help nodding after hearing the speech. He didn't say anything more, but he thought to himself, yes, they are moving towards the goal according to their own way, and Dixie is also following her own way. Now everyone is on the official journey.

Three days later, Ye Feng first heard the good news brought by Yueying no sleeve, but she excitedly said to Ye Feng, "let me tell you a good news, Qiuyu has already contacted Gu zhaohuichi!"

Ye Feng and a Nan can't help but move when they hear this. It's much faster than they expected. A Nan directly asks Yueying, "tell me, what's going on?"

Yueying Wuxiu then said to Ye Feng and a-nan, "we arranged a chance meeting first. Qiuyu fell down on the road and bumped into Gu zhaohuichi. She also soiled Gu zhaohuichi's coat and asked for Gu zhaohuichi's phone. She said that after dry cleaning, she would contact him!"

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "it seems that whether men seduce women, or women seduce men, whether in the micro universe or the main universe, whether it's eisf or the earth, it's a way that can't be separated from its ancestors!"

A Nan continued to ask Yueying, "so, Qiu Yu can't help holding Ye Feng's hand to Gu Zhaohui's late Gu teska," Mr. Ye, congratulations to you first, and then we will be colleagues! "

A Nan said to guterska, "last time you had to fill in the form, you went there in person, and this time you sent a letter of acceptance? Just send it by direct mail! "

But guterska laughed and said nothing. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "Mr. Ye, can I have a chat with you alone?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, a Nan immediately said to Chao Yueying, "by the way, I want to hear the details of their affairs. Let's go to the house and chat slowly?"

Yueying Wuxiu is so smart that she can understand what's going on. She nods to a Nan and enters the room with her.

Ye Feng then said to guterska, "now there is no one else here. If you have anything, just say it directly."

Guterska this time, immediately toward Ye Feng a smile way, "just now that lady also asked, this kind of admission notice is completely can mail over!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "is that right? Then why do you have to go there yourself? "

Guterska immediately took out another folder from his pocket and put it on the coffee table. He slowly pushed it in front of Ye Feng and said, "this is the director of our department. Let me give it to you!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, guterska immediately took out a folder and put it on the coffee table and said, "this is for you from me and my colleagues together!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. He looks at guterska in surprise and says, "what do you mean?"

Guterska said with a shy smile, "Mr. Ye, just open it and have a look!"

Ye Feng opened the Secretary's folder first. As soon as he opened it, he found that it was actually a card with the words of Federal Bank of eisf written on it. He frowned and said, "what's this?"

Guterska immediately said to Ye Feng, "this is for you. The bank code is in the folder!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, can't help a Leng, he just was admitted, nothing more than a and guterska the same clerk, the Secretary actually bribed a clerk?

But Ye Feng also understood that it must be because Qiao Huiying was behind him, otherwise the director would never do this. He took a look at another folder and said, "needless to say, this is what you and your colleagues sent me?"

Guterska immediately said with a shy smile, "yes, but of course it's incomparable with the director, but it's also our intention!"

Ye Feng looked at guterska thoughtfully, and didn't open the folder.

Guterska can't help but wonder, "Mr. Ye? What did I say offend you? "

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "no, no! I'll take the Secretary's share. Please take back your share! "

Guterska looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "why? Why can't we accept what we do? "

Ye Feng stares at guterska for a long time, then shrugs his shoulders and says, "let me tell you this, I have contacted you twice. Although it's not much, I think you are a good person. I don't know the name and appearance of this officer. I've treated you as a friend. Of course, I can't take things from friends!"

Then, without waiting for guterska to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "I know your intention, that is to make a friend with me. Now we are friends. If you treat me as a friend, we will take it back. We are friends. Of course, if you insist on giving it to me, I will take it, but we can't be friends!"

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