After listening to Ye Feng's words, guterska was silent for a while, then nodded to Ye Feng, shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "since Mr. Ye has said that, I won't embarrass Mr. Ye, but I'm still very happy to hear that Ye Feng regards me as a friend!"

Ye Feng also shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "I'm a man. I don't have any other hobbies. I just like to make friends all over the world. Naturally, the more friends, the better. The more friends, the better way to go. This can never be wrong!"

Guterska nodded and agreed, "what Mr. Ye said is right. It's really necessary to make more friends when you go out, especially when you work in the government. We offend Mr. Ye, and the purpose of sending this thing without your permission is the same!"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said that it was right, but after listening to guterska, he immediately frowned and looked at Ye Feng and said, "according to Mr. Ye's habit, those who don't accept things become friends, but they accept things that do things. So, you don't take things as friends?"

After listening to guterska's words, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, first of all, people I haven't met, and I don't know much about his life habits and personal temperament. Naturally, I'm not a friend. If I go back directly, if he thinks I look down on him, it's not good for me!"

As soon as guterska heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "when Mr. Ye said this, I really remember that we were a little cautious when we were working. We were always suspicious. You were right when you did this, so he didn't think you looked down on him. That's troublesome!"

Speaking of this, guterska immediately said, "although we don't have many people in our department and we don't have a large organization, we are also complicated. No matter what Mr. Ye's background is, it's better to have a few more minds to handle the problem under his hands!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "fortunately, I have friends like you. When I go to work, if there's anything I don't think about, you need to mention me more!"

Guterska immediately said, "Mr. Ye is so polite. I'm a little clerk. How dare I mention Mr. Ye you?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to guterska, "I've passed, just like you. I'm an ordinary clerk and clerk. I'm not so good!"

Guterska immediately said, "clerks and clerks are not the same, and clerks and clerks are not the same. There are many differences between them. How can my background compare with your background, Mr. Ye? You're here to gild me. There's no limit to my future. I'll be content to work as a cabinet secretary in my life! "

After listening to guterska's words, Ye Feng frowned and asked guterska, "the relationship in the cabinet is complicated. It's your ability to stay down!"

But guterska said with a wry smile, "what kind of skill do I have? I'm just short when I see people. Anyone here can scare you to death if they tell me the background! I lowered my status and pretended to be a grandson everywhere. That's why I'm here today! "

Ye Feng frowned at guterska and said, "according to the tradition of the eisf Federation, the political system is related, especially in such an important place as the cabinet. You are absolutely not an ordinary person. Ordinary people don't even have the chance to work as a cabinet clerk! Don't belittle yourself

After listening to Ye Feng's words, guterska took a long breath and sighed, "since Mr. Ye regards me as a friend, I will not hide it from you. Yes, my family background was OK before, but it's a pity that my parents passed away after arranging for me to join the cabinet. Before, they were indeed from some factions, but they were no longer here. How can I help them Maybe it'll keep my parents together? I don't know how many factions are staring at my quota. I'm also scared. I walk on thin ice every day. I'll do whatever they ask me to do. I'll do it until they are impeccable. I dare not give them a chance to fire me and hesitate! "

After listening to guterska's words, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at him for a moment, "since it's so hard, why do you have to support it here? Isn't it hard to find a good living with dignity when you are so old

Guterska then said to Ye Feng, "who is willing to bear hardships after I'm used to living a good life? Although I'm as busy as a grandson every day, the treatment of the cabinet can't be compared with that of other places. My salary for one year is almost up to that of the mayor of a city. Where do you say I leave the cabinet to find such a good living?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "you're just a little clerk. How can your salary be similar to that of the mayor of a city?"

Guterska immediately said with a mysterious smile, "if you rely on death wages alone, you can't compare it, but Forrest of the cabinet, and many local officials come to lonarsene castle to see who they want to see and inquire about the new resolutions of the cabinet recently. They have to pass us, the clerks, to inform them. These people are not stupid. First, they can't work in the cabinet What ordinary people, in the future one by one, may fly into the clouds and become prosperous. Secondly, it's only the dwarves who ask for help, and it's only right to be filial to them! "

Listening to guterska's words, Ye Feng can't help but feel awed. The situation of these clerks in the cabinet is just a glimpse. From this point of view, not only the cabinet, but also the bureaucratic system of eisf has been rotten to what extent?Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, guterska immediately said to Ye Feng, "there are many things I can't remember to tell you now. After you officially start to work, you'll be clear after three or five months!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "in this way, even if you are a small clerk in the cabinet, you might as well be a local mayor in the past!"

Guterska immediately said to Ye Feng, "Mr. Ye, you don't have to say that there is such a person, our secretary. He started from a clerk, and his performance is said to be good. So the people behind him want to transfer him to the local place for experience. He pretends to be ill and refuses to go. He just depends on this clerk and doesn't want to go to the local place to be mayor However, it also offends his background forces, so after so many years, he has just become an officer! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a burst of sob, unexpectedly still really have such person? It's wonderful to think about it.

Guterska reminded Ye Feng at this time, "but you can't underestimate us. As I said just now, when he worked as a clerk, his performance was quite good. Although there was no hope of promotion, he still had some ability. In addition, he was still in the cabinet, and even if the forces behind him were not happy with what he did in those years, after all, he could still provide them with help in the cabinet They want some inside information, so they can't offend them! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng asked guterska, "what's the name of our secretary?"

Guterska said immediately, "ferocious!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "what? How much waste

Guterska immediately laughed and said, "this is his taboo. Don't call him that. He hates being called that! He said, "waste is not waste, waste is not waste!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "if I go to work, do I have to report to Fei Wuliang first?"

guterska immediately nodded and said, "of course, no matter what your background is, but after you go to work in the cabinet, you are his subordinate, so you should avoid some things!"

Ye Feng immediately asked guterska, "for example?"

Guterska immediately said, "for example, I said the living name, which is his taboo, and he is not used to people coming into his office and not knocking at the door. Secondly, he doesn't like people talking about his past! You should pay attention to all these. It's good for you! "

At this time, Ye Feng asked guterska, "after all, you said that he didn't like and disliked things. What about his personal interests?"

Guterska immediately said with a smile, "he is more lustful! But don't like that kind of little girl who doesn't know the world, like married mature women! Because of this, a lot of married people in our department dare not say they are married, and dare not let their wives go to their work places! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning and murmuring, "this guy has this hobby? What a surprise

Guterska immediately said, "so you should also pay attention to it. Don't let him stare at it. Otherwise, you won't know when you have a green hat on your head."

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