As soon as Ye Feng saw that it was guterska, he immediately went to say hello. On the first day he came to work, he didn't have any acquaintances. Ye Feng didn't know much about guterska. When he saw guterska, he was much more stable.

But Ye Feng couldn't show it in front of guterska. He just nodded to him and said, "you're early too!"

Guterska said with a smile to Ye Feng, "there's no way. In the cabinet, those who get up earlier and leave later than others, do the most things and get the least money are the clerks of our cabinet!"

Ye Feng hears speech one stunned way, "didn't you say yesterday that even the clerks in the cabinet are comparable to the local mayors?"

Guterska said with a smile, "that's right, but compared with other units, the clerks in our cabinet are indeed the best paid, but they are also the busiest clerks in all units!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding a way, "that also has no way, more work more!"

Guterska immediately nodded and said with a smile, "yes Said immediately toward Ye Feng way, "Mr. ye should have just come, has not found the Secretary to report?"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said to guterska, "yesterday I wanted to tell you not to call Mr. Ye. Mr. ye called me shengfen. I said, aren't we friends? What's the name between friends? Or I'll call you Mr. guterska, too? "

Guterska heard this, immediately embarrassed smile, Ye Feng immediately said to him, "call me Ye Feng, if you don't want to call me ye Ge, Feng Ge is OK!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, guterska immediately nods a way, "that I later call you wild pigeon!" Then he said immediately, "by the way, brother ye, why don't I take you to report to the secretary? On your first day here, the environment is not familiar. I'll take you there!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "that feeling is good, thank you!"

Guterska immediately said that it was ok, and then he took Ye Feng to the office. When he passed the office hall, many people had already come. When he saw Ye Feng and guterska, they all looked over.

It must be guterska who told you about Ye Feng's appearance. After seeing Ye Feng one by one, they could not help but stand up and nodded to Ye Feng and said, "Mr. Ye!"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the speech. He nods to the crowd frequently and says, "don't call it that way, just call ye Ge!"

Guterska also immediately said, "yes, Ye Feng said that we are all friends, so it's called taishengfen, just call ye Ge!"

As soon as they heard this, they immediately changed their words and said, "brother ye, good morning!"

Ye Feng this just nodded, but in the heart secretly way, see these guys a flattery of the face, oneself still really not quite accustomed to.

At this time, Ye Feng has followed guterska to the door of an office on one side. Guterska says to Ye Feng, "I'll send you here, but the secretary should not be here. You can wait here, but don't enter his office at will!"

Ye Feng nodded, and immediately said a thank you to guterska, "OK, I know, you go to help you!"

Guterska nodded and turned to busy himself. Ye Feng was waiting at the door of the office, watching more and more people in the office hall. The desks in the hall were almost full, and he didn't see Fei Wuliang coming to work.

Ye Feng can't help thinking, it seems that the fee is really when his leadership, unexpectedly to this point still don't come?

After waiting for about half an hour, Ye Feng can't stand any more. If he didn't come here with a purpose, he would not be angry.

Guterska went out to do a job and came back. Seeing Ye Feng still standing at the door of the office, he came to Ye Feng and said, "brother ye, the Secretary hasn't come back yet?"

See Ye Feng nodded, guterska immediately said, "this is normal, the secretary often like this, I can't say it's normal not to come half a day this morning, or you go to my position to sit for a while, wait for the Secretary to come, you go to him to report!"

Ye Feng said to guterska, "I'll take your seat. What do you do?"

Guterska said, "I'm ok. Anyway, my job is to run all over the world. I'm just an errand runner. I don't spend more than one tenth of my time outside the office. I'll go out again later."

Listen to Gu teska so say, leaf maple this just nodded a way, "also good!" Then he immediately followed guterska to his place, but as soon as he sat down, he saw a man rushing into the gate.

Then I heard the people who were working at their desks, all of a sudden stood up, nodded to the man and said, "good morning!"

Ye Feng's heart moved, and he immediately took a look at the man. But he saw that the man was about forty years old, with curly hair, a beard and small eyes. He looked like a wretched man. No wonder he had such a wretched hobby.

However, the Secretary Fei Wuliang didn't speak much. Instead, he went directly to the door of the office and said to a guy nearby, "pour me a cup of coffee and don't add milk!" Then he immediately opened the door of the office, went in and closed the door.Guterska immediately said to Ye Feng, "brother ye, the Secretary has come. Go and report for duty!"

Ye Feng then mumbles a way, "this point just comes, a little while all want to have lunch?"

Guterska shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's normal. We have a saying that we do things, never do things!"

Ye Feng can't help but say to guterska, "no wonder your ideal is to be a person who doesn't do anything!"

Guterska said with a bitter smile, "I don't know how to achieve this ideal! I can only think about it! "

Ye Feng nodded, no more words, immediately toward the fee boundless office walked in the past, just make coffee guy with coffee also came over.

Ye Feng immediately took the coffee and said, "I'm just going to see the secretary. I'll send it for you."

The man immediately nodded his thanks, gave the coffee to Ye Feng, and went back to his desk to do the work.

Ye Feng carrying coffee, this time knocked on the door, but listen to the inside came the voice of Fei Wuliang way, "come in!"

Ye Feng opened the door and went in. He found Fei Wuliang sitting with his back to the desk. He said, "just put it on the desk!"

After putting the coffee on the table, Ye Feng heard the man say, "by the way, has the new person arrived today? What time is it? You ask guterska to call to urge, don't think it's the president behind you, so arrogant! "

At this time, Ye Feng cleared his throat and said, "secretary, I'm the new person who came to report today. I've been here for a long time!"

Fei Wuliang's face changed as soon as he heard this. Then he turned to look at Ye Feng and said, "how are you? Are you the new man, Ye Feng

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, I am Ye Feng! Come and report to the secretary today! "

Fei Wuliang stares at Ye Feng for a while, and then the repressive color on his face gradually disappears. After taking a look at the admission notice from Ye Feng, he throws it aside and looks at Ye Feng. "Although you are introduced by the president, do you know what you are doing here?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded his head and said, "I know. I'll start with the clerks first!"

Fei Wuliang nodded and looked at Ye Feng. At this time, he saw that Ye Feng took out a folder and put it in front of him. He frowned and said, "what is this?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "this is given to me by the Secretary before. I know that if I don't accept it, it will reduce your face, so I didn't refuse in front of guterska, but I know I can't accept it, so I brought it back to you personally!"

When Fei Wuliang heard this, his face suddenly moved again. He picked up the folder on the table and opened it for a look. He really gave it to Ye Feng. Originally, it was meant to be given to Ye Feng, and Fei Wuliang didn't plan to come back.

But yesterday he heard that Ye Feng only received his gifts, not others, which made him very unhappy. Although the other party was arranged by the president, he worked under his own hands after all. He gave gifts to him to give him face, but he didn't accept others' gifts, only his own. What do you mean? Do you look down on yourself?

However, seeing that Ye Feng has brought his gift to him, Fei Wuliang looks at Ye Feng thoughtfully. He is not unwilling to give up the money. If so, he will not give it away.

At this time, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean now?"

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