Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward Fei Wuliang said, "there is no meaning, the secretary gave me these things, show look up to me, how can I have no eyes, good or bad, received the Secretary of this thing, you say I am still a person?"

Fei Wuliang can't help but stretch his brow a little after hearing what Ye Feng said. He says to Ye Feng, "I don't have any other meaning. After all, you are the president's person. Coming here is gilded, and you will leave in a few days. Your status in the future must be much higher than mine. Maybe it will be my boss at that time. I sincerely want to make friends with you, don't you Do you want to be my friend? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "the secretary is serious. Although I am the one arranged by the president, I am your man in front of the secretary. No matter what happens in the future, I have to take care of what is in front of me first. If I can't deal with the interpersonal relationship with the Secretary well, what else can I expect to be promoted? Let's look back and say, if the secretary is with us clerks If the relationship is not good, who will work hard for the secretary? On the contrary, even if I am promoted one day and really become the boss of the Secretary, I will still rely on you to do the work. I still understand this point! "

Fei Wuliang said with a smile, "I can't see that you are young. On the first day you come here, you can know the interpersonal relationship of the cabinet. You are right. The subordinates should think more about the superiors, but the superiors should always think about the subordinates. Only in this way can the relationship between the superiors and the subordinates be good, and the superiors and the subordinates work together for the cabinet ministers We can get twice the result with half the effort. Do you think so? "

Ye Feng nodded again and again and said, "if I listen to what the secretary says, I'm better than ten years of study. After that, I'll be on duty under the Secretary, and I'll ask him to do more. I'm a clumsy person, and I'll inevitably delay the official work, so I have to do more!"

Fei Wuliang immediately waved his hand and said, "it's OK, as long as all the clerks in our department can be as compassionate as you, the superior leaders and the colleagues, then I'll be much more relieved. In the future, we are all colleagues, so we don't have to be so polite!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "I'm in a hurry today, so I haven't been prepared by the secretary. I'll make it up in the future!"

Fei Wuliang immediately said, "it's unnecessary. As long as you work well under me, don't add to my troubles. In this way, you are good to me. You are stable and I'm safe. When the time comes, you can do well. That's the biggest gift for me!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "this is natural! I don't know what I need to do on my first day at work today? Do as you please

Fei Wuliang stared at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while, then said, "you just come to work and don't know a lot of things. You'd better follow other colleagues to learn more. After understanding the situation, it's not too late to do things!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, "then I will give other colleagues help, by the way to understand the situation!"

Fei Wuliang immediately nodded and said, "well, you can see who has something to do and needs help. You should be diligent and help him. I don't want you to do nothing just because you are the president's person. After all, you come in to experience. If it comes to the ears of the president, it's not good for you and me, so as long as you study hard and do more If you have a good relationship with your colleagues, you'll never lose out! "

Ye Fenglian even said yes, and then said, "then I'll follow the clerk named guterska first and help you?"

Fei Wuliang heard this, his face could not help but move, "do you know him?"

Ye Feng said hastily, "the documents he sent to the cabinet twice, and I'm not familiar with other colleagues, so..."

Fei Wuliang suddenly nodded and said, "you have to study. There are many colleagues in the office, but this guterska, you still have less contact with him!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng asked Fei Wuliang, "I'm new here, and I still don't understand a lot. I haven't consulted the director. What's wrong with this guterska?"

Fei Wuliang pondered for a while and then lit a flue. "Let me tell you something, the people who can enter the cabinet are not simple people. This guterska came in with his parents' relationship at the beginning. Unfortunately, his parents died and the lights went out. As soon as his parents were gone, the interpersonal relationship became complete, so guterska didn't have any connections at all Yes, it's a special case of our department. In general, according to the usual practice, we will find any one to open him up. After all, in the cabinet, you know, people who want to come in from outside are about to crush their heads. It's unfair to the people outside, but I can't make it too obvious. The face of the cabinet is not clear It's to be maintained, but this guterska is a capable person who does everything properly. I can't find any reason. I'm a kind-hearted person, so I've been spending so much time, and I haven't had a chance to find him! I want to persuade him that a man like him who has no connections, even if he lives in the cabinet to death, will not be able to make a head start. At most, he is still a clerk. So I want to find an opportunity to persuade him to find another job! "

Ye Feng listens to Fei Wuliang's saying, and says in his heart that what he says is not different from what guterska said. At this time, he can't help but say to Fei Wuliang, "secretary, there's a sentence, I don't know whether to say it properly?"Fei Wuliang immediately said, "since you and I are friends, and we are still colleagues, there is nothing to say!"

Ye Feng at this time immediately said, "this guterska, according to the director said, should be impeccable?"

Fei Wuliang can't help nodding and said, "I don't deny that. This guy may also feel that I'm looking for you to open him up, so he works very hard, and he's very smart. He always wants to go ahead of you to do some things, so that you can't be faultless. That's why he's so late!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, immediately said, "since this guterska is so capable, why do you have to open him?"

Fei Wuliang can't help but frown and say, "I said that this guy has no connections in the cabinet, and he can't be promoted even if he keeps it!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "what the Secretary said is right. This guy doesn't have any connections at all, but it's just a piece of white paper?"

Fei Wuliang can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "do you think, a person who has no connections under your hands, and is still so capable, but you just want to open him, why don't you want to promote him instead? Let him be your man, and you are his network

Fei Wuliang's face suddenly moved and his eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Ye Feng with a cigarette in his mouth. He seemed to be thinking a little. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak again, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "go on!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "guterska must know his own situation now, so he made great efforts to worry that he might be fired at any time. At this time, if the secretary gives him a hand, I believe guterska will be grateful. He will treat the Secretary as a benefactor, so he will naturally become the person who does the work, and the director is his network, like this If you don't do it, I believe that if you know, you will try your best to do it! Guterska may not be used by the Secretary, but it must not be used by others! "

Fei Wuliang heard Ye Feng say that, his face suddenly changed, and then he patted the table and said, "yes, yes, what you said is all right. Why didn't I think of that? Last time I heard other departments mention guterska! But I didn't think of it. It seems that I made a mistake! "

At this time, Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "it's not too late for you to know now. You just need to express your own meaning properly, and show your kindness and power, so as to make sure that guterska will bow down and be willing to serve you!"

Fei Wuliang nodded and said that Ye Feng was considerate. Even if he was not poached by other people, he would get up sooner or later, and it would be too late to win over him.

Thinking of this, Fei Wuliang immediately said to Ye Feng, "then you should learn from guterska first, find an opportunity to reveal my mind to him, and then I'll find an opportunity to talk to him face to face!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately nod a way, "that I went to him?"

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