Fei Wuliang listens to Ye Feng and nods, indicating that Ye Feng can find guterska.

After leaving Fei Wuliang's office, Ye Feng goes directly to guterska's desk. However, guterska is not there at this time. It is estimated that he has gone out to do business. Ye Feng just sits at his desk and waits.

And at this time, not an office clerk came to say hello to Ye Feng, Ye Feng also smile one by one.

When guterska came back, he saw Ye Feng sitting in front of his desk. He was surprised and said, "haven't you seen the secretary? Haven't you arranged your desk?"

Ye Feng stood up and said to guterska, "he said, let me follow you to learn and adapt to the environment, so I'll report to you!"

As soon as guterska heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "learn from me? What's there to learn from me? There's nothing to learn from the whole department! "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's obvious that the whole department is the busiest on your side. If you want to learn something as soon as possible, it's still on your side. Don't be modest!"

But guterska said in a low voice, "it's true, but the whole department knows that you have no future to follow me. I've told you what I want to do!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately understand guterska's meaning, he has no background, follow him is the most no future.

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "this is not a problem, I have found a background for you!"

Guterska frowned and looked at Ye Feng. At first, he didn't quite understand Ye Feng's meaning. Then he suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean you want to be my background? Brother ye

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and says, "I'm just a clerk like you. What qualifications do I have to be your background?"

Guterska said immediately, "how can it be the same? You are personally arranged by the president, who is your background. If you don't know, we don't know how many people want to be attached to your big tree! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "the relationship between me and the president is actually different from what you think. In short, it's hard to say. You can't count on me. Besides, I'm a little ugly. Even if my background is the president, it's my background. You depend on me. I'm just a clerk, and the president behind me can't be your background!"

But guterska said, "this background relationship is the network, which is one layer after another. Your background is the president. For us, this is your resource. You must be strong in the future, so it's not wrong to depend on you!"

After speaking of this, guterska frowned and looked at guterska, "but listen to Ye Ge, the background you found for me is not you, who will it be? I'm curious! "

Ye Feng said to guterska, "who has the most authority in our department?"

Guterska said immediately, without even thinking about it? Of course, it's our section chief... " Just say here, eyebrow immediately a wrinkly way, "leaf elder brother, you don't tell me, you look for the background for me is we work?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "what's wrong? Since he is the most authoritative person in the whole department, of course, you need to find him as your background! "

Guterska shook his head and said, "brother ye, you may not know that the person who most wants me to leave in the whole department is us. How can he be willing to be my background?"

Ye Feng patted guterska and said, "don't belittle yourself. I've talked about you with the director. That's right. He has the idea you said before. He wants to get rid of you and arrange his own contacts. But after I told him, he has given up this stupid idea and decided not to drive away your mind in the future!"

On hearing this, guterska's face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "are you serious? Why don't you drive me away? " Said another face helplessly murmured, "this is impossible, the whole department, I am the most useless person to him!"

Ye Feng patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "forget what I said? Don't belittle yourself. In my opinion, in the whole department, you are the only one who is most useful to him! Looking at the whole department, you are doing the hardest and most tiring work, and you are the most diligent. A smart boss will never miss such subordinates! The director is just confused for a moment. After my reminding, he has realized this. You are a talented person. You should firmly believe this! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, guterska still some incredible, in this department's vent is himself, every day to worry about the next day to go to work will be told not to come back, so hard days year after year, day after day, now is about to pass.

And guterska can see that Ye Feng doesn't laugh at all. He doesn't have to joke with himself. But guterska is a smart man. He knows that Ye Feng is fighting for all this for himself.

Thinking of this, guterska excitedly held Ye Fengdao, tears almost came down, "brother ye, I really don't know what to say. Thank you very much. Thank you for helping me so much!"Ye Feng shrugged with a smile, patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "there's no need to say thank you between friends!"

Guterska immediately nodded, and then said to Ye Feng solemnly, "brother ye, don't worry, I guterska will keep this kindness in mind. No matter whether you agree or not, I have taken you as my background. As long as you can use me in the future, you can speak. If I guterska say no, I will be in vain!"

Ye Feng laughed, patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "don't say these silly words. Your current background is to do things. You should keep this in mind. Don't let him see that you have two minds. In that case, I can't protect you!"

Speaking of this, he said with a pause, "as for us, we are always friends, not to mention who is who's background. Maybe I have something to ask you in the future!"

As soon as guterska heard this, he immediately said, "how can it be that you are the president's man, and the people who ask you to do business in the future may be able to walk around the Han Ding palace No, it's a circle around lonzabur! "

Then he immediately said, "I don't know how to speak. I'll keep brother Ye's worries in mind. I'll go to work, but I'm still saying that. In my heart, I'm no one's person. I'm brother Ye's person. As long as you have something, just say Hello!"

Ye Feng listened to guterska and immediately laughed. Instead of continuing this topic, he said to guterska, "where are you going next? I'll go with you and fight! "

Guterska said, "Oh, by the way, I'm going to the nave to send a document to Hanks, the leader of the convoy."

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "in this case, I will deliver the document to you! What are you going to do with two people? "

Guterska can't help nodding and said, "it doesn't take two people to send a document, but are you familiar with the route of the Han Ding palace?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to guterska, "if you are not familiar with it, you should be familiar with it gradually. Besides, I can't always follow others, can I? Let me exercise myself, too

After listening to the words and pondering for a moment, guterska nodded to Ye Feng and said, "OK, I'll take you to apply for the certificate of our department first, and then I'll let you go alone and exercise."

He said that vangutska took Ye Feng to apply for the work permit here. After that, he took Ye Feng to get a small two seater sightseeing car. He said that it would be used by Ye Feng in the future. After all, it is very convenient to have a car.

After thanking guterska, Ye Feng took the documents and drove to the guard office in front of the nave. It was not good to pass all the way. However, with the cabinet clerk's certificate, it was unimpeded. At most, he was stopped and asked more questions.

Although I'm not very familiar with the route of the Han Ding palace, the good thing is that eisf is intelligent and direct. The navigation on the car is more advanced than that on the earth. Follow the navigation. Although I drive slowly, I feel in front of the guard palace of the middle hall as promised.

After all, Ye Feng is not the first time to come here.

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