Ye Feng with a certificate into the guard's office, and the person in charge said there is a document to be sent to the guard captain Hanks.

The person in charge led Ye Feng to Hanks' office, and then went in to report that the cabinet came to deliver the documents, while Hanks asked someone to take Ye Feng in.

After the person in charge took Ye Feng in, Hanks saw that it was Ye Feng. He could not help frowning and then waved his hand. After the person in charge went out, he said to Ye Feng, "it seems that the rumor is true?"

Ye Feng knows what the rumor Hanks said means. It must be Qiao Huiying's arrangement to enter the cabinet. The guard has heard about it.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said with a smile to Hanks, "it seems that the president's work is not low-key at all! I've become a celebrity because I've heard about it in the streets

Hanks said with a faint smile to Ye Feng, "Oh, by the way, are you just a clerk in the cabinet now? Why do you have to come in person to run errands? "

Ye Feng said to Hanks, "this is what the president means. Let me sit up from the bottom. I want to see if I'm the material. He doesn't want to trust anyone."

Hanks can't help nodding when he heard Ye Feng say that, but he said, "anyway, you're also the first day to work, aren't you? I'm not familiar with many things, and I shouldn't let you send this document! "

But Ye Feng said, "the reason why I sent it is that I saw that the document was sent to you, so I'll take this opportunity to visit you. It's a fake for personal gain."

Hanks smile, did not say anything, but opened the file to see, this will be the file away, then toward Ye Feng way, "but I have no time to greet you here!"

Ye Feng can't help but smile at Hanks and say, "there's always a cup of tea for the hard work."

Hanks laughs. He pours a cup of tea for Ye Feng and hands Ye Feng a cigarette. Then he says, "I can spend a cigarette with you too. Recently, there are so many things. I'm so bored!"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, just smoked a mouthful, then looked at Hanks and said, "what's the matter with the Han Ding palace recently?"

Hanks smoked a cigarette, and then he said to Ye Feng, "the once-in-a-five-year conference of the Han Ding palace is about to begin. At that time, local officials from all cities in the world will come to the Han Ding palace to participate in the conference. The security work at that time should not be careless!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "Han Ding palace meeting?"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "don't you even know the meeting of Han Ding palace?"

Ye Feng can't help shaking his head toward Hanks and said, "if you don't say that I haven't heard of it, what's the purpose of this meeting of the Han Ding palace?"

Hanks looked at Ye Feng in surprise, and then said, "this is one of the great events of the whole eisf. The term of office of a local governor is usually five years. Every five years, he will come to longarsenburg to report the local situation. The cabinet needs to evaluate the performance of local officials. Can the official be re elected? Although it is still one month before the formal meeting, it is still necessary for the cabinet to review the situation Many local officials have begun to walk around... "

Speaking of this, Hanks immediately changed the topic and said to Ye Feng, "it's useless to talk more about these things with you. Now that you are in the cabinet, you may know more inside information than I do! I'm just the captain of a convoy, as long as I'm responsible for the security work of the temple! "

Ye Feng quickly asked Hanks, "where will the meeting be held?"

Hanks immediately said, "in the glorious Hall of the front hall of the Han Ding palace, only there can hold tens of thousands of people!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "front hall of things, you are responsible for the key convoy also to be responsible for?"

Hanks said, "of course, we don't need us at ordinary times, but we have to participate in the meeting of the Han Ding palace every five years. After all, the tiger guards in the front hall are short of manpower, not to mention the guards in the middle hall. Even the guards in the inner hall have to transfer their manpower. What's more, I'm still the leader of the tiger guards."

Ye Feng can't help but sigh when he hears the speech, "then you are really hard enough!" Then he took a few puffs of his cigarette. Then he stood up, put out his cigarette and said, "in that case, I won't waste your precious time. Goodbye!"

Hanks also stood up and said to Ye Feng, "then I won't leave you. It's a lot of things in my hand!"

Ye Feng waved, didn't say anything more, just said to wait for a while, then left Hanks' office.

When Ye Feng returned to the cabinet department, guterska just came back. Seeing Ye Feng coming back, he immediately asked Ye Feng, "brother ye, have you sent the documents?"

Ye Feng nodded, and then asked guterska, "the conference of the Han Ding palace is about to open. Has the cabinet become busy recently?"

After hearing the documents on the desk, guterska said to Ye Feng, "I have to send the documents first, or Ye Ge will come with me. I'll take you to know the road or something!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "that's the best!"

On the road, Ye Feng became a driver for guterska, driving him along the roads of the Han Ding palace, delivering documents to the various office areas of the Han Ding palace.When guterska and others returned to the car after delivering all the documents, he said to Ye Feng, "I'm sorry, brother Ye. As you know, the conference of the Han Ding palace is about to open. Now the government offices at all levels of the Han Ding Palace are very busy. There are tens of thousands of documents sent to the cabinet for approval every day! At least a few hundred copies are distributed to our department! It's really tiring

Speaking of this, guterska handed Ye Feng a cigarette and lit one himself. Then he said to Ye Feng, "now it's one month before the official start of the conference, and it's already so busy. Half a month after the official start, it's even busier than now!"

Ye Feng smell speech smoking cigarettes, driving the driveway, "so, in the cabinet work really not idle!"

Guterska said with a smile, "it also depends on when the cabinet is busiest, which is two months before and after the Han Ding palace assembly, and the rest of the time is more leisure!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, and then asked guterska, "I heard that the local officials have started to walk around longarsene fort, and even started to work with our cabinet?"

Guterska immediately said with a smile, "at this time, it started several days ago. Do you think we are late for work every day? It's not like that before, it's just the latest! "

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly looking at Gu teska way, "recently busy, but late?"? Not busy but not late before? What's the reason for that? "

Guterska immediately said, "the cabinet is busy. There are people under us, but in private, we can only do it by ourselves."

Listen to guterska say so, Ye Feng immediately understand what's going on, immediately said, "you mean, guterska is busy with their own things?"

Guterska said to Ye Feng, "it's not just us who do the work. The work of any department is the same. In the daytime, we have to deal with the officials at all levels or the officials' confidants who come from other places in the evening. Sometimes we have to socialize until early in the morning. Can we go to work later?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng asked guterska, "are you so blatant now? Isn't there any regulatory department in eisf that specializes in such matters? "

Guterska immediately said, "there is indeed a department to prevent corruption, but the people in it are more corrupt than those corrupt officials. Setting up such a department has no effect on the people below. It's just to prepare more gifts than they are supposed to give!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help sighing a way, "it seems that eisf is rotten to the root, rotten to the bone marrow!"

As soon as guterska heard this, his face suddenly looked at Ye Feng, and then reminded Ye Feng, "just tell me that, don't tell anyone else! Especially in the Han Ding palace, if this kind of words spread to the eyes of those forces in the ears and ears, it would be troublesome!

Ye Feng said with a wry smile, "isn't there any honest official who never gives gifts?"

Guterska immediately said, "yes, why not? However, most of these officials have no chance to participate in the conference of the Han Ding palace, and they can go on for at most one term. The overall environment is so small that a small group of people can't shake the whole bureaucratic system! "

When Ye Feng heard this, he sighed for a while, but he didn't say anything more. Today, he completely knew why there were so many abandoned city fireflies under the aesf Federation.

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