Back to the cabinet department during the conversation, when he just entered the door, he met a man who came out of another office. Ye Feng had a little impression of this man. It was Qin Feng, the cousin of Qin Lei, director of the Security Bureau, who had dealt with the case of blicos before.

But Qin Feng didn't notice Ye Feng. He got on the bus and left. Ye Feng asked guterska, "what position is that guy in the cabinet?"

Guterska can't help but frown and say, "what do you say about Qin Feng? You don't even know him? He is the elite of the cabinet. It is said that he is one of the cabinet ministers to be promoted this time! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help remembering that Qiao Huiying once told himself about the hierarchy in the cabinet. It seems that the lowest is the clerical system he is now working as. The top is the Secretary, the top is the backbone, then the back-up members, then the cabinet elite, and then the top minister and the cabinet chief assistant.

It turns out that Qin Feng is an elite in the cabinet and a future cabinet minister. No wonder Zhu Sanjia has to curry favor with this guy.

Guterska saw Ye Feng didn't speak, immediately asked Ye Feng, "brother ye, are you interested in him?"

Ye Feng did not speak, guterska immediately said, "I advise you not to contact him more!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at guterska, "what's the matter? What's wrong with him? "

Guterska then said to Ye Feng, "you should remember the opposition organization more than ten years ago, right? It is said that it has penetrated into all levels of federal government units in lungsburg! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move way, "have heard of, but concrete not clear, how?"? What does this matter have to do with Qin Feng? "

Guterska said, "do you know why Qin Feng didn't have any contacts in the cabinet but couldn't get promoted all the way?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at guterska, "Qin Feng has no contacts in the cabinet?"

Guterska immediately said, "now of course, there are contacts everywhere, but when he first joined the cabinet, there were no contacts at all. At least my parents' contacts arranged me to come in. That guy is just like parachuting, and he has been promoted all the way since he joined the cabinet

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help looking at guterska and said, "do you want to say that he joined the cabinet and was promoted in the cabinet, just like taking a helicopter, because he had something to do with that organization in those years?"

Guterska immediately lowered his voice and said, "I'm just hearsay. Don't pass it on. It's said that this guy, who didn't know where he received the information, betrayed a lot of members of that organization and made a great contribution, had a chance to enter the inner cabinet!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart was suddenly awe inspiring, his brow was slightly wrinkled, and his mouth was murmuring, "that is to say, his high official position today is obtained by betraying others?"

Guterska immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "although those are the opposition, he did it to help the Federation eradicate dissidents, but this method is still shameful!" Speaking of this, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "but everyone only knows that he is the elite of the cabinet, and he is the replacement candidate for the future cabinet minister. Who will remember what he did in those years?"

Ye Feng smell speech at this time tentatively asked guterska way, "I listen to your tone, you seem to sympathize with the gang of federal dissidents who were trapped by him in those years?"

Guterska's face suddenly changed when he heard the words. He was a little trembling. He even said to Ye Feng, "no, I don't mean that. Brother ye, don't misunderstand me..." Say anxious face all red, still want to explain what, but finally feel oneself seem to say what is futile, finally toward Ye Feng way, "Ye elder brother, you won't go to report me!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to guterska, "look, it scares you. I just ask. Why should I report you?"

Guterska a listen to this, complexion this just ease down, toward Ye Feng way, "you can frighten to death me, ye elder brother!"

At this time, Ye Feng asked guterska, "if you met the members of that organization, or the remaining evils, what would you do? To denounce them? "

After hearing this, guterska shook his head and said, "don't you know? It's hard to say, but I heard that this opposition organization also wanted to change some of the existing federal systems, but it was eventually suppressed by the current federal government! But I also listen to what others say. It's more than ten years ago. I was a child then. I don't know about that! "

After listening to the speech, Ye Feng looked at guterska and said, "if I meet them, I may help them!"

On hearing this, guterska's face turned white. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother ye, what do you say? Don't scare me

Ye Feng said with a smile to guterska, "I said help, but it may help them to hide. After all, as you said, they just want to change the federal system. They can't be guilty to death. Maybe they are the same as you. I sympathize with them, but it's only limited to this!"

Guterska immediately nodded and said, "listen to Ye GE's words, I seem to have some sympathy for them, but after all, how many years? Where there are these people, even if there are, these people are estimated to live a normal life in anonymity! Who will betray the boss at this time? "Ye Feng gave a bitter smile and said to guterska, "yes, I'm sure they're hiding!"

Guterska immediately reminded Ye Feng, "don't tell me about what I told you about Qin Feng. I've heard all about it, and there's no real evidence. If he knows about it, don't say it's us. It's you. I can't protect me!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "does Qin Feng have such great ability?"

Guterska immediately lowered his voice and said to Ye Feng, "it's said that behind Qin Feng is the Council of elders!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown when he hears the speech and says, "will the elder? What organization is more powerful than the cabinet? "

Guterska can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "you don't even know the Council. Are you still Mrs. ace?"

Ye Feng laughs and does not take over. However, guterska immediately says, "the members of the Council of elders have no actual positions, but they are all composed of ministers in the former cabinet and the previous prime ministers. They no longer hold any positions in the Federation. However, their contacts and students' nephews are still all over the country. Therefore, behind Qin Feng is the support of the members of the Council of elders Think about how capable he is

Ye Feng said to guterska, "you said Fei Wuliang can't protect you. I can understand. You said I can't protect you? You should know that behind me is the president! "

Guterska immediately said, "isn't the president elected by the cabinet? It's the same with the current president. Let me tell you this. At least more than half of the officials at all levels in all cities on the planet of essf will be related to the elders. They will wrap up our cabinet. If Qin Feng moves me, I will drag you and you will drag the president. Will the president fight against the elders for such a small role as me? "

After listening to guterska's words, Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath. Although all the people in the Senate are retired old men and women, their influence is still there. After all, maybe the reason why the federal system of eisf has become like this is not the president or the cabinet, but the Senate.

The Council of elders, the Council of elders, means that all the people in it are the elders of the Federation of eisf. They have retired to the second tier, but they can still control the bureaucratic system of the whole Federation of eisf. This is enough to show that the bureaucratic system of the whole Federation of eisf is the same. It's no wonder that the officialdom of the whole Federation of eisf has become what it is now.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighs in his heart. If he has a chance, he really wants to meet the old people in the Senate. Even Ye Feng wants to wake them up. When they are old, he will persuade them to retire. He doesn't want to be retired, but he is still infatuated with power. Isn't there any reason why eisf is not corrupt?

Guterska saw that Ye Feng was silent for a while, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "I've talked too much with you today. You just think I didn't say anything today!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "before, you still told me that as long as I say hello, you will be broken to pieces. Now you are afraid to be like this, even if you want to reveal these little news?"

Guterska, listening to Ye Feng's words, immediately moved his heart and said, "well, what else do you want to know? Just ask, I know everything! However, I made it clear in advance that what I heard may not be true. I also chat with cabinet officials at all levels when they deliver documents. I don't know the truth, the false and the true! "

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