Ye Feng didn't say much, but after contact with guterska, he also roughly understood that this guy was a man with a little conscience and compassion, but he was also timid and didn't dare to make trouble. He just wanted to be a secretary in the cabinet.

On the whole, guterska is a man who has no lofty goal and no climate. Before, Ye Feng hoped to help him say a few good words in Fei Wuliang's side, improve the relationship between himself and him, develop him well and become his own person.

However, after a day's contact, Ye Feng is still somewhat disappointed with this guy. After all, Ye Feng has no interest in this kind of people. The only thing he can see in him is that this guy is not bad on the whole, he has a certain sympathy for the organization, and he has been in the cabinet for so many years. Although he is only an errand clerk, he is also a good friend For this reason, I have heard a lot of news and know a lot of things, which can still be used by myself.

One day has finally passed. Ye Feng has followed guterska around the palace, and he is familiar with the general route of the palace. It's worth running with guterska today, but he has never been to Qiao Huiying's presidential palace.

In the evening, guterska called Ye Feng to work together. Originally, he thought the cabinet could arrange a dormitory for him after he worked in the cabinet. However, from guterska's mouth, he learned that those who could have dormitories in the cabinet were at least those who worked above the office level, and those who really worked above the office level were not willing to live in the Han Ding palace. After all, they had more room to operate outside, so they were not willing to live in the palace Even so, especially before and after the Han Ding palace conference, it's more convenient for them to participate in various activities outside.

After leaving the palace, Ye Feng said goodbye to guterska in the square of the palace, and then called a car to return to the apartment. After returning to the apartment, Yueying Wuxiu and a Nan were not there. Ye Feng had to find something to eat by himself. Then he lay on the sofa, looked at the sunset outside, and sorted out what he saw and heard in the cabinet and the palace today.

The biggest gain is to know that there is an old Council. If these old guys have a chance, they really want to see what they look like.

Just thinking about it, the door of the apartment opened, and a Nan came in from the outside. As soon as she came in, she saw Ye Feng lying on the sofa. She couldn't help but wonder, "eh, didn't the cabinet arrange a dormitory for you?"

Ye Feng wry smile a way, "return dormitory, even a desk I still have not!"

A Nan couldn't help laughing and said, "this seems to be different from what you think. It seems that the cabinet is just like this."

Ye Feng sat up, lit a cigarette, looked at her and said, "don't talk about me. Have you seen Gu zhaohuide? Is there any result in going to the Institute of science and technology? "

Ah Nan sighed, "I've seen you, but Gu Zhaohui De is a bit old-fashioned. He seems unwilling to help, but he didn't say so much. He just asked me to wait for the news. I don't think he has much hope!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly way, "it seems that your side also didn't imagine so smooth!"

A Nan smell speech immediately toward leaf Feng way, "everything is difficult at the beginning, I always have a way to solve!"

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng immediately said to a-nan, "now almost everyone in the Han Ding palace knows that Qiao Huiying has arranged for me to enter the cabinet. Maybe Gu zhaohuide has also heard about it. Do you want me to talk to him? Maybe he answers me because he sees Qiao Huiying behind me?"

Ah Nan said, "come on, according to my understanding of him, the more so, the more suspense this matter is. Don't worry about it. I think I can't wait for tomorrow. I'll go again and ask about the situation!"

Ye Feng listen to a Nan so say, immediately a shrug way, "by the way, is not said to let the shadow of the moon no sleeve to hold the base camp?"? Where is this girl? "

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I just came back from the science and Technology Research Institute. How do I know? Isn't she at home? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it seems that we all live in the dormitory tonight, so she doesn't know where to go, does she?"

After a Nan went to the sofa and sat down, she asked Ye Feng, "what's the unexpected harvest of being in the cabinet today?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng took a puff of cigarette and said, "I didn't think that guterska is a little gossip. He knows a lot of inside information about the Han Ding palace."

A Nan was not surprised to say, "he is a special errand in the cabinet. He contacts people from various departments all day. Of course, he can hear a lot of gossip from various departments!" Then he immediately asked Ye Feng, "what news have you heard?"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said, "have you ever heard of the elder meeting?"

A Nan hears speech brow a wrinkly way, "elder meeting? Yes, it's said that it's an unofficial organization after the retirement of some former officials! What's the matter? "

Ye Feng then said to a Nan, "I met Qin Feng in the cabinet today! I know from guterska that this guy betrayed a lot of jestefeld's people in those years, and then he mixed up with the cabinet all the way to the cabinet elite. It's said that he won't be promoted to cabinet minister after that! "

On hearing this, ah Nan suddenly said, "is this news reliable? Don't it come from guterska's hearsay!"Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's impossible to tell. He's just hearsay. It's hard to tell whether it's true or not. He also said that behind Qin Feng is the support of the elders' Association."

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "who knows behind him? Does it have anything to do with us?"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "of course, it's related. Don't forget that Zhu Sanjia is one of us, and he's attacking Qin Feng recently!"

On hearing this, ah Nan suddenly took a look at Ye Feng, patted her head and said, "I'm confused by Gu Zhaohui, and I forget about Zhu Sanjia!"

Ye Feng sighed, "it seems that cat has not contacted you?"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "no! Shall I contact him now? Let him pay attention? "

Ye Feng nodded, and a Nan immediately took out the phone to call the cat face man. After the phone rang a few times, it got through. A Nan immediately said to the phone, "how are you these days? Is there any progress? "

The cat faced man said to her, "I haven't contacted her for a few days, but when I contacted her, I just asked about this. It's really disappointing."

The daughter smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "say serious with you, little poor mouth!"

The cat faced man immediately laughed and then said to a-nan, "Zhu Sanjia is normal these days, but the position of director of the Security Bureau has been vacant, so Zhu Sanjia is worried and has seen cabinet members several times!"

On hearing this, the girl's face suddenly moved and said, "is it Qin Feng?"

Cat face immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, but it looks like it's just an ordinary clerk!"

A Nan immediately toward the cat face humanity, "you pay more attention recently, see if he is still in contact with Qin Feng!"

The cat face man said that after knowing it, he whispered, "I haven't finished work yet. He's coming. Hang up first!"

After a Nan hung up cat face person's telephone, immediately toward leaf Feng way, "you also heard!"

Ye Feng nodded, then thought of a thing, immediately toward the daughter way, "you know the Han Ding palace assembly?"

Ah Nan immediately nodded and said, "of course, I know that every five years the conference of the Han Ding palace is held. Oh, by the way, this year seems to be the year when the conference of the Han Ding palace is held. In this case, it's only one month at most!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, it's going to open in a month, so the cabinet is very busy recently!" Then he immediately explained to her, "what I said is not as busy as you think!"

A Nan does not understand a way, "that is what busy!"

Ye Feng stood up, put out the cigarette, went to the balcony, and then said, "it's those cabinet officials who are busy contacting local officials!"

Ah Nan was stunned, and then suddenly said, "yes, every time the conference of the Han Ding palace is held, the next group of officials, the last group of officials, and a group of officials will be re elected. All these rights are in the hands of cabinet ministers. Cabinet ministers have their own connections, which spread all over the cabinet. Of course, they have to run at this time, otherwise they still have their own positions No, can it last for a long time? Don't they all depend on the words of these officials? "

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to a Nan, "so I wonder if I should help Zhu Sanjia and let him run to Qin Feng frequently?"

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