When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help saying to a Nan, "then I'm no different from those corrupt officials? Finally, I'm going to choose this way? "

A Nan said to Ye Feng, "of course, it's not the same. You should consider the difference between the purpose of collecting money from those corrupt officials and the purpose of collecting money from you."

Ye Feng can't help but say to a Nan, "what's the difference? Isn't it all the dirty money? "

A Nan said immediately, "of course it's not the same..." But before she finished speaking, there was another knock outside the door. Ah Nan immediately said to Ye Feng, "it seems that someone has sent money again!"

Ye Feng smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "say I am not in, lazy to deal with these guys!"

A Nan shrugged and didn't say anything. She went to open the door directly. Ye Feng didn't listen to what a Nan said to others over there.

After a while, the door closed. Ah Nan came back with a bank card and put it on the tea table in front of Ye Feng. "This is from the mayor of hutsi port!"

Ye Feng looks at the bank card on the tea table, can't help but frown at a Nan and say, "you actually took this money for me?"

But a Nan said to Ye Feng, "you don't remember what I said. You should not only take it, but also take it from anyone!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately said, "I haven't finished what I just said. Of course, you are different from those corrupt officials. They collect money to improve their life and enjoy life. The reason why I want you to accept the money is not to let you do these things!"

Ye Feng frowned and looked at ah Nan. Before she spoke, ah Nan immediately said, "you should have heard the words of keeping honest with high salary. This word means to protect the quality of life of those officials with super high salary, so as to give up the idea of corruption. But what I want to say is not to keep honest with high salary, but to keep honest with corruption!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "to be corrupt and honest?"

Ah Nan immediately nodded and said, "that's right. That's what I said. The biggest difference between you and them is that there are many places where we need money for the operation of our organization, but where does the money come from?"

Ye Feng understood the meaning of a Nan and said, "do you mean that I should use this money to run the organization?"

Ah Nan nodded, "including Zhu Sanjia! It can all work like this! In this way, we will save the trouble of having no money! "

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng couldn't help pondering. He fully understood a Nan's meaning, and immediately patted the tea table and said, "OK, that's it!"

Ah Nan looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? Have you figured it out? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "what can I think of? I don't know how these guys got their money anyway. It's just right to use their money to do our business!"

Then he sighed and said, "but I'm afraid that if I collect money like this, in a few days, I will become a daughter of longarsenbao. She nodded and said," in other words, I want to check the background and network of these gift givers! "

Ye Feng immediately snapped his fingers and said, "that's right, but it can't be generalized. Those who have nothing to do with it, those who want to rely on it, depend on their ability, while those who have no ability, depend on their relationship network!"

A Nan smell speech to nod a head way, "understand!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to her, "what else do you want to find Gu zhaohuide? It's better to stay with me and be a secretary. It's good to be in charge of these things for me, but I have to be responsible for these things, right? "

But a Nan shook her head and said, "I'm not suitable for this. I'm only responsible for setting up regulations for you. Let the moon shadow have no sleeves to carry out it. Doesn't she think she has nothing to do here? She should have nothing to say now when she is given such a job

After listening to the speech, Ye Feng nodded and said, "well, you can help me set up the regulations first. When the moon shadow comes back, I'll talk to her, and the money collected is just handed over to her. She is also responsible for the operation of the organization. It's convenient to use any money!"

A Nan can't help nodding when she hears the speech, and then she says that the room will help Ye Feng to set up the regulations. At this time, the sound of opening the door is heard, and the shadow of the moon comes back from the outside.

After entering the room, the moon shadow saw Ye Feng sitting on the sofa in the living room. She couldn't help but wonder, "don't you live in the dormitory?"

Ye Feng smiles at the moon shadow and says, "I want to live in the dormitory, but it's not good to leave you such a beautiful and prosperous woman here to guard the empty room alone, so I'll come back!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the moon shadow can't help a smile, then white Ye Feng a way, "come on, it must be the cabinet didn't give you arrangement?"

Ye Feng smiles. Instead of following this conversation, she simply talks to Yueying Wuxiu about what she just discussed with a Nan.

Moon shadow no sleeve smell speech immediately said, "I have no problem ah, and these corrupt officials to deal with, but I have a hand, you don't forget, I'm what origin!"

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately nodded. Of course, he knew that Yueying Wuxiu used to be a dead waiter in the opposition. She often had to contact some officials, which was just a routine for her.Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said, "that's how it's decided!" Then he asked Yueying, "by the way, you didn't stay in your apartment. What did you do when you went out?"

Yueying shrugged her shoulders and said, "you're not here. I'll stay here alone. I don't even have a speaker. Of course, I have to go out for some air. I just made an appointment with Qiu Xue and talked about her recent progress with Gu Zhaohui!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately asked, "what's their progress now?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve and says with a smile to Ye Feng, "the progress can be said to be rapid!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, but after listening to the shadow of the moon, he immediately said, "so you men don't have a good thing, pretending to be infatuated with love. In the end, it's still the animals of lower body thinking. When Qiu Yu and Gu Zhaohui go to bed late, everything is done!"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, Zheng Zheng ground looking at the moon shadow no sleeve way, "so simple?"

The moon shadow has no sleeves but shrugs, "otherwise, what do you think? Do you really think Gu zhaohuichi is a sentimental seed? He has been keeping his body for Joanna all his life. Come on, all men have the same virtue

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