one thousand five hundred and thirty-nine Interest relationship

listening to Yueying's words, Ye Feng, a man, can only shrug her shoulders and doesn't continue her topic. At this time, a Nan has come out of the inner room with a mobile phone in her hand and says, "I've drawn up the articles of Association, but it's the first draft. If you have any different opinions, we'll consider and revise it! ”

having said that, a Nan sent the first draft to Ye Feng, who had already taken out her mobile phone, looked at the first draft and said, "it seems that there are rules for corruption and perverting the law?"

After Ye Feng had a general look at it, he said to a Nan, "just follow your plan." Then he could not help but say to Yueying, "you are right, even the underworld has its own order, not to mention these corrupt officials, but the corrupt officials of eisf may not have these regulations, so I will give them a sample, either not to do it or to be the first corrupt official of eisf!"

Moon shadow sleeveless see Ye Feng ambitious appearance, can't help a burst of funny way, "you look like this, I really think you are going to do corrupt officials?"

Ye Feng is toward the moon shadow sleeve less way, "in fact, and what we want to do is not against, perhaps can complement each other!"

The moon shadow laughs without sleeves, and then sighs slightly, "I will ruin the name of Satan, which you won't easily get. At that time, the world will only remember Ye Feng, the corrupt official. Who can remember the hero Satan?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "to do something, whether it's good or bad, you have to have a bottom line. As for the fame and wealth after the event, whether it's a success or a failure, I just have a steelyard in my heart, and let others say what they like!"

At this time, she reminded Ye Feng, "the moon shadow without sleeves reminds me that the recruitment is still in secret in the name of Satan before you. If the people in the organization know that you are Satan, I'm afraid they will be disappointed."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Satan is just a name, Ye Feng is just a name, don't care too much about these, I can be a corrupt official Ye Feng, or their hero leader Satan, the key is how I grasp this discretion, to achieve the free switching of two identities."

When a Nan and Yueying Wuxiu listen to Ye Feng's words, they can't help but be silent. No one speaks. They all know that once Ye Feng decides something, it's useless to say more. It's better to take advantage of this time to help Ye Feng think, so as not to leave him any regrets.

Ye Feng is sitting on the sofa smoking cigarettes, thinking about his current identity, but it is a bit novel, unconsciously think of a person, is the world's famous writer's hero, trinket.

It seems that sometimes it's not a bad thing to read more novels. I can learn from the situation of trinket, but the ending of Trinket is not very good. If it's me, I must do better than him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng is full of confidence. The next day, Ye Feng goes to work in the cabinet early, while a-nan continues to visit Gu zhaohuide, hoping to have a result today, while Yueying Wuxiu stays in the apartment according to Ye Feng's agreement. I believe many people will visit him today.

As soon as Ye Feng arrived at the class, he saw you, guterska. This guy is really a hardworking bee. Ye Feng thought he was early, and he could meet this guy.

as soon as guterska saw Ye Feng, he immediately came over and apologized to Ye Feng, "brother ye, let me explain what happened yesterday!"

Ye Feng took advantage of the class has not come, light a cigarette, chaogutesca way, "explain what?"

Guterska said immediately, "I know you don't like yesterday, but I can't help it. That Jess arcadi found me, and I can't refuse it."

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and doesn't say a word, but listen to guterska continue to say, "I promise this will never happen again!"

Ye Feng patted guterska and said, "I don't blame you for taking that guy to find me yesterday, but you should have told me in advance that you killed so suddenly, which made me very passive, you know?"

Guterska immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I know, I know, I promise this is the last time!"

But Ye Feng smiles and hands guterska a flue, "how can it be the last time?"

Guterska took the cigarette, but looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way. He didn't seem to understand Ye Feng's meaning very well, and was stunned in situ.

Ye Feng took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for guterska. Then he patted him on the shoulder and said, "you can come to me for this kind of thing in the future!"

Guterska looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "ah? I thought you... "

Ye Feng said to guterska, "no one will be too much money. Don't worry. If you find such a person again, introduce him to me and I will give you a commission!"

Guterska smell speech facial expression immediately is to move a way, "commission?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you stay in the cabinet and refuse to go. Isn't it because there is enough oil and water here? If you introduce such a person to me later, I'll give you a 5% commission! "Guterska heard this, repeatedly said, "no, no, ye Ge, you are not angry, I am very happy, how can I also want your commission? Besides, this Jess arcadi only found me because he knew my father before. Where can I help you find such a person? "

Ye Feng patted guterska and said, "you belittle yourself again, don't you? I told you earlier that you are good at everything, but you look down on yourself too much. Don't worry. As long as you work hard, there will be an endless stream of such people in the future! "

Then he immediately said to guterska, "but I accept gifts as a person. I have a bottom line principle. I will accept anything that is not from anyone. I choose people!"

Guterska heard Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded, "understand, understand, if there are such people looking for you in the future, I will help you to check!"

Ye Feng said to guterska, "you help me. Do you know who I accept and who doesn't?"

Guterska immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's OK, so when someone comes to you in the future, you don't have to refuse and accept it. But you don't promise that they will succeed. You just promise to help them introduce them. As for whether you accept it or not, that's my business. As long as I accept his things, you can't get your commission!"

Guterska could not help nodding and said, "I see!" Said but immediately shook his head way, "but I don't want Commission, I said, can help Ye ge you work, don't give you trouble, I have been satisfied!"

But Ye Feng laughed, patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "I now tell you the true meaning of being a man. No friendship is everlasting, everything is a relationship of interests! Only the maintenance of interests is the most reliable! "

Guterska looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "interest relationship? So I have an interest relationship with brother ye? Isn't it a friend? "

Ye Feng looked at guterska and said, "we are friends, but we also have interests. Let me tell you directly, maybe one day our interests will still exist, but we are no longer friends!"

Guterska said, "I don't want any interest relationship..."

But Ye Feng patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "my friend, don't be silly. If I hadn't been introduced to the cabinet by the president, would you and I be friends?"

Then Ye Feng sneered and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't deny it. If I don't have any relationship behind me, you won't be my friend at all! This is the interest relationship! So don't say what friends are not friends, just look at the relationship of interests! "

Guterska was speechless when he heard what Ye Feng said. After all, as Ye Feng said, if it wasn't for the fact that Ye Feng was behind the president and introduced Ye Feng to the cabinet, guterska would not have had a chance to know Ye Feng. Even if he met Ye Feng on the street, he would not have seen more.

After thinking about this, guterska nodded to Ye Feng and said, "brother ye, I understand. Thank you for teaching me so much!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to guterska, "no one is born with the obligation to teach or take anyone. I just want you to help me find more of these customers, and you make friends with me because I have the president standing behind me?"

Ye Feng said that, and patted guterska on the shoulder, "don't think my words are so ugly, in fact This is the truth, but we can build a little more friendship on top of the interest relationship, so that our interest relationship may be more secure than the pure interest relationship between me and others, understand? "

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