After listening to what Ye Feng said, guterska couldn't help looking at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he said to Ye Feng, "brother ye, I always thought you were different from other officials!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown at guterska and say, "what's the difference?"

Guterska said to Ye Feng, "I don't know how to say that. Anyway, I think you are different from them. At least you are not the same kind of people. Although you are not the kind of incorruptible person, you are at least different from those corrupt people. At least you have your own ideals, but I didn't expect that..."

Ye Feng did not wait for guterska to finish. He immediately patted guterska on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I know what you mean, but didn't you also tell me yesterday, what's the end of those so-called incorruptible officials in eisf? Either they finished one term and didn't take the next term, or they were run directly without being full. It's good to have ideals, but ideals are not Divorced from reality, you know what I mean? "

Guterska shook his head and said, "I don't quite understand!"

Ye Feng immediately continued to face guterska, "don't you understand? That is, before you think about who you want to be and how big things you want to do, you should first fill your stomach and ensure that you have a healthy body. Moreover, before your big event fails, you should ensure that you are not kicked out ahead of time! What I'm doing now is to ensure that I'm still in the game. Although I'm far away from what I'm going to do, at least I'm still on the card table. I still have the capital to gamble. But if I'm like those incorruptible officials, I'll probably be driven off the card table before I get the cards. Can you understand that? "

As soon as guterska heard this, he immediately nodded and said to Ye Feng, "I understand. Brother ye, the reason why you do this is to do great things and accumulate capital in the future?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but nod a head way, "although not completely correct, but the meaning is similar!"

Guterska immediately asked Ye Feng, "so what's the big thing ye wants to do? If I can help, I will help! "

Ye Feng looked at guterska thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, he slowly looked at guterska and said, "you should do what I told you first. As long as you do well, you can not only earn money, but also accumulate capital!"

Guterska said with a smile, "what do I want those capitals to do? As I said earlier, my wish is to work as a secretary in the cabinet for the elderly... "

Ye Feng looked at guterska and said, "you have this idea now, but after you sit in the office, you may not think so. What's more, I have to tell you that if I accumulate enough capital, when I want to do something, I don't see who I am with, but the capital of the other party. That is to say, you want to help me, although out of kindness, but at the right time Sorry, I still need to see if you have the capital in your hand and are qualified to sit on the same card table with me and continue to kill all sides together! "

Guterska said to Ye Feng, "brother ye, your metaphors are all about gambling. I can't digest them for a while."

Ye Feng said to guterska, "yes, life is like a gamble. If you win, you will get everything you want. If you lose, you will have nothing. Even after you die, no one will remember your name!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng continued to say to guterska, "let me tell you this, if I want to gamble with one person now, I have one million, but you only have ten thousand. When you know that I will probably win the next one, I can take you to play. But when the gambling capital is getting bigger and bigger, I have accumulated tens of millions, or even billions, and your money is not enough The capital is only 10000. Even if I win the next one 100%, at that time, don't say whether I'm willing to play with you. Just look at my capital. Do you want me to play with you? "

Guterska immediately nodded knowingly and said, "I understand, brother ye, I'll listen to you in everything!"

Ye Feng patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "you are a smart man. A smart man should think more than others, instead of just looking at the immediate interests. A small secretary will not be your end, it should be your starting point!"

Guterska immediately said to Ye Feng excitedly, "brother ye, no one has said this to me before. Thank you for teaching me so much. I think I know what I should do and what I want in the future!"

Ye Feng nodded his head with satisfaction and said, "if you can think like this, it's not in vain for me to waste so much talk with you. I'm not everyone who says so much to him!"

Guterska immediately said, "I understand Ye GE's kindness. I know it in my heart, but I have little capital now. I'm not qualified to help Ye Ge. When I have accumulated enough capital, I will help Ye ge you!"

Ye Feng looked at guterska and said with a smile, "remember what you said today. Don't deny it then!"

Said Ye Feng did not wait for guterska, "after work tonight, you bring that Jess arcadi to my house!"

Guterska was shocked and said, "take him?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "money has been accepted, at least to know what people want me to do?"Guterska immediately nodded and said, "understand, understand, after work, I'll go to him right away!"

Ye Feng took a deep puff of his cigarette and then threw it away. Then he said to guterska, "this is the only one who promised to help him without checking. What do you mean?"

Guterska quickly nodded and said, "I know that YeGe is looking at my face. I don't want guterska to have the big face of this day. I will keep it in mind!"

But Ye Feng shook his head with a slight sigh and said, "you still don't understand what I mean!"

Guterska looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "isn't that what ye Ge means?"

Ye Feng sighed again. Then he shook his head and sighed, "I've wasted so much words with you. It's no more than saying a few more words!"

Then Ye Feng immediately asked guterska, "what did I just say to you?"

Guterska was surprised and said, "let me accumulate capital, so that I can follow Ye Ge in the future!"

Ye Feng said to guterska, "this JAS akadi was your father's contact before. After your father's death, does he have any help for you?"

Guterska immediately shook his head and said, "no, until last night, I had no impression of this man at all. He found me last night. If I didn't say he was my father's acquaintance, I didn't know him!"

Then he immediately added, "I even doubt whether he and my father know each other or not."

Ye Feng said with a smile to guterska, "whether he and your father are old friends or not, it doesn't matter. Do you understand? The important thing is, since he said he was your father's old friend, you don't care whether it's true or not, let him be your father's old friend. What you need to do next is to change the so-called friendship between him and your father, and change the friendship between him and you. This is your capital. Do you understand what I mean? "

Guterska heard what Ye Feng said so thoroughly. If he didn't understand it, he was a real fool. He immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I understand, brother Ye!"

Ye Feng just nodded and said, "so, when he comes to me, I can never be his contact. If he wants to work for me, you have to use your wrist and means to control him. If you want to come to me, you must always pass you. This is your value to him! If you want to keep your value all the time, he will be inseparable from you all his life and always ask for you, and he is your first personal relationship! "

Guterska immediately looked at Ye Feng with admiration and said, "brother ye, to be honest, you just came to work yesterday. On the first day, I thought you didn't understand anything. I thought you were a rookie in officialdom, but it was after listening to what you said today that I realized how ridiculous I was The rookie is myself

Ye Feng patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "it's important to have self-knowledge. It's a good thing for you to wake up in time! But I'm also a beginner. I'm just a little more savvy. Thank you very much

Guterska looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "thank you for me?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, if you didn't bring Jess arcadi to see me yesterday, I haven't thought of these!"

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