Guterska heard Ye Feng say so, can't help a Leng, then seems to understand what, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "Ye Ge means, if I didn't take JAS akadi to you, you haven't thought of this?"

Ye Feng smiles and says to guterska, "maybe I will think of it in the future, but it may be delayed for a long time. You've saved me a lot of time!"

Guterska listened to Ye Feng's words, then nodded with a smile and said, "it's best to help Ye Ge. I'm afraid Ye Ge thinks I'm useless! Then I'll be meaningless when I'm around brother Ye! "

Ye Feng just wanted to say something, but guterska immediately realized it, and then said, "I understand, ye Ge, just as you said just now, I will try my best to improve my capital, strive to continue to play a sustainable role around you, and will never drag you down!"

Listening to guterska's words, Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then said with a smile, "if you can realize these, it's already very valuable! I hope you will remember my words. Even if you don't follow me or anyone in the future, it should be your precious one! "

Guterska couldn't stop and said, "yes, listening to Ye GE's words is better than reading for ten years. I feel that I've been in the cabinet for so many years. I've really wasted my time, just like the Secretary Fei Wuliang. If ye Ge didn't help me tell him, I didn't even think about going his way! Moreover, I always rely on my intelligence. I think that as long as I work hard and quickly and think ahead of the leaders, I won't be fired. Now I think that I am so naive, and it's a miracle to be able to stay here today! "

Ye Feng patted guterska on the shoulder with a smile, and then said with a smile, "it's best if you can figure it out, otherwise I've wasted so much talk today, and it's really in vain!"

But guterska said to Ye Feng, "I remember every word of Ye GE's words. Now, how can I let Ye Ge do it for me? I really don't know how to thank Ye Ge!"

Ye Feng then smiles, takes a deep breath, looks at guterska meaningfully and says, "I hope you can remember what you said today. If I need you in the future, you can still treat me like this!"

Guterska immediately patted his chest and assured Ye Feng, "brother ye, no matter what happens in the future, I guterska will always be a pawn of you. As long as brother Ye thinks that I can still be used, he will give orders, even if it's going to Dao Shan or cooking oil. If I frown, I guterska will not be human, and I don't deserve to live In the world of love

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction. No matter whether guterska's attitude will change with the improvement of his identity in the future, he can see from guterska's eyes that at least guterska is sincere in every word he says to himself now.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "I believe you are a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness and can do what you say. I hope you won't let me down!"

Guterska was just about to make a further statement when a man suddenly said at the door, "what are you two talking about in the early morning?"

Ye Feng and guterska smell speech heart is a move, two people all hear out, come person is their department's secretary Fei Wuliang, two people turned around to look at the door.

But Fei Wuliang was walking in quickly at this time. After taking a look at them, he immediately walked towards the office door and said to them, "just in time, I have something to look for you. You come in with me!"

With these words, Fei Wuliang has entered the office. Ye Feng and guterska can't help looking at each other. They don't seem to know what Fei Wuliang is looking for in the early morning.

But they didn't say much. They immediately walked towards the office. After guterska knocked on the door, he heard Fei Wuliang's voice, "come in!"

After Ye Feng and guterska push the door in, Fei Wuliang takes a look at them, and then says to guterska, "guterska, how long have you been in our department?"

Guterska's heart moved when he heard this, and then he said, "secretary, I'm still one month and four days short of four years here!"

Fei Wuliang nodded and sighed, "yes, it's almost four years!" He lit a cigarette, but he didn't go on.

Guterska took a puzzled look at Fei Wuliang. He secretly said to himself what Fei Wuliang meant at this time.

After Fei Wuliang took a puff of his cigarette, he said to guterska, "go and simply clean it up!"

Guterska and Ye Feng could not help but move when they heard the words. Guterska asked directly, "secretary? What do you mean

Fei Wuliang immediately said, "do you understand what I said?"

Guterska said immediately, "if you don't make it clear, I really don't understand it very well!"

Ye Feng also frowned. What the hell is Fei Wuliang doing? He said it to him yesterday. Why do you want guterska to leave now?Guterska is also looking at Ye Feng in surprise. He seems to be asking the same question. Brother ye, don't you say Fei Wuliang has no problem here? What does he mean now?

At this time, Fei Wuliang smokes a cigarette and slowly spits out a mouthful. Then he says to guterska, "are you ok? What do you mean? I ask you, in the past four years, have you improved a little? My department doesn't want idle people and useless people. People who want to come in are always there. Since you don't want to be promoted, move it and leave it to other people who need it! Isn't that good? "

Guterska immediately said, "but, secretary, you didn't say yesterday..." Said immediately and stopped, feel so say seems not very good.

Fei Wuliang looked at guterska and said with a sneer, "what did I say yesterday? Did I meet you yesterday? "

Guterska's face was blank, and then he muttered, "secretary, I don't want to say something, but since you have said it, I have to say it! I'm the busiest and most tired person in the whole department. I'm as busy as a dog every day Of course, I'm not asking for credit with you, but in the past four years, I've been working as a slave and servant. Even if I didn't get credit, I've got hard work, right

Fei Wuliang sneered, "do you want me to be so straightforward? Where is the cabinet? Do you need someone who can do a good job even as a busboy? What the cabinet pays attention to is human relations and social skills. You don't even know the most basic social skills, and you have the face to tell me that you have no credit or hard work. It seems that you have been in vain for the past four years, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Go out and pack up your things. I'll give you one day to explain what you are doing. Don't come tomorrow! "

Guterska wanted to say something else, but Fei Wuliang was completely indifferent at this time. He didn't want to say anything more, so he turned around and left.

After waiting for guterska to leave, Ye Feng immediately turned around and left, but he was stopped by Fei Wuliang, "did I let you go?"

Ye Feng looked back at Fei Wuliang and said, "yesterday you promised me to do well. Today you will go back. You don't want guterska to go, but do you want me to go?"

Fei Wuliang stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then said with a smile, "how can I let you go? You may not remember, but I can't forget that behind you is the president. How dare I let you go? "

After staring at Fei Wuliang for a long time, Ye Feng said, "I don't want to hide and tuck in any more. Is the Secretary dissatisfied with me? Let's just say it! You don't have to be so weird. It makes everyone unhappy! "

Fei Wuliang immediately said with a smile, "since you said so, I will not hide it!" Then he got up, went to the window, looked out of the window and said, "who did guterska take to see you last night?"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words, and then he roughly understands that it's all gutesca who takes JAS akadi to see himself. But what does gutesca have to do with this feiwuliang when he takes JAS akadi to see himself?

Fei Wuliang saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said, "although you are the president behind you, many rules, especially potential rules, can't be touched. I can think that nothing has happened, but the forces behind me may not think that way. It's a matter of principle, although JAS arcadi doesn't represent a big force My people are my people. Maybe your new president didn't tell you these rules. Well, I don't think the president will tell you these rules. But guterska has been in our cabinet for four years. Doesn't he even understand these rules? There are rules about how big a cake is and who will share it. Not everyone can eat it. Yes, you are the president's man, but guterska should figure out who he is! "

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