Ye Feng also understands why Fei Wuliang is angry. It seems that this JAS akadi is Fei Wuliang's contact all the time, but guterska, who doesn't know the rules, takes him to his side, which means guterska helped him dig the corner of Fei Wuliang.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly said, "it's that Gus akadi himself found guterska, in the name of his dead father and guterska..."

Fei Wuliang waved his hand and said, "no matter in the name of any person, his people are his people, and his faction is his faction. These are the rules. You don't know. Guterska can't have no idea. What you said to me yesterday, I remember that he is really a smart and capable person, but sometimes he is too smart!"

Speaking of this, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Fei Wuliang immediately said, "he wants to use JAS arcadi to surrender to you!" Then he sighed slightly, "yes, I've misjudged him in the past four years, but you haven't seen him clearly. He's far smarter and more capable than we thought!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart bottom not help but move ground looking at fee to have no quantity way, "you mean, he does so intentionally?"

Fei Wuliang stared at Ye Feng for a moment, then frowned, "you can't even see this?"

At this time, Ye Feng's heart moved to look at Fei Wuliang, but his heart moved. Fei Wuliang's purpose of saying this to himself is to tell himself that guterska is a very resourceful person?

Fei Wuliang took a look at Ye Feng and sighed, "Ye Feng, you've only been in the cabinet for a day, and as far as I know, you don't have the energy for official career, so you should ask me more about people. On the way of official career, smart people like to disguise themselves, and evil people often pretend to be honest However, on the surface is not seen! To see a person clearly, in fact, in addition to what he has done and what he has said, it also depends on his past! "

Ye Feng did not speak, Fei Wuliang immediately said, "if you were not the person introduced by the president, I would not have the leisure to teach you these things! Do you know what I mean? "

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move when he hears the words. He was still saying similar words with guterska in the same tone before, but now he is reduced to let Fei Wuliang preach to him.

However, Ye Feng has his own philosophy of looking at people, and Fei Wuliang is right. When guterska took Jess arcadi to find himself, it was not as simple as he said, because Jess arcadi asked him for help, and it was Qiao Huiying who valued the important factor behind him.

However, it is undeniable that Ye Feng also saw and recognized in the conversation with guterska that guterska may have some small abacus of his own, but human nature is not like this. Who does not have a little of his own mind, but is completely for the sake of others.

Fei Wuliang's words, Ye Feng stops, which is two important messages. One is that guterska introduces JAS akadi to himself without authorization, and touches the interests of Fei Wuliang and the forces behind him. The other is that Fei Wuliang wants to ring an alarm for himself by virtue of guterska, and wants to tell himself that although he is the president behind him, he has some interests, but he doesn't want to know No matter who is standing behind you, even the president can't break these hidden rules.

If there is a deeper meaning, it is likely that Fei Wuliang has a deeper calculation, or that the people behind Fei Wuliang have a deeper plan, but they have not yet seen it.

In short, guterska made Ye Feng understand not only Fei Wuliang's meaning, but also another meaning. In the official arena of Astor, there are some hidden rules. Even Qiao Huiying, President of the world, can't help him sometimes.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath, and then said to Fei Wuliang, "I apologize to you about Jess arcadi! I really don't understand some rules, so... "

Fei Wuliang waved his hand and said, "JAS arcadi is a small matter. It's just a guiding factor. Besides, behind him is nothing more than a local mayor. This kind of official is everywhere. The gift is nothing more than a bank card. You can't be poor without it or rich with it. I don't want you to accept it If you think that way, it's too much to belittle me! "

After speaking of this, Fei Wuliang pauses for a moment, then looks at Ye Feng and says, "you should always remember that behind you is the president. What you do not only represents Ye Feng personally, but also the president. So you should think about what influence the president will have if you accept the money, not just your personal influence!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "what the Secretary said is reasonable. It's my negligence for a moment!"

Fei Wuliang immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "since Jess arcadi has surrendered to you, it's also the reason to see the president behind you. Since he has no intention to continue to surrender to us, we don't want to force him to do so!"

At this time, Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "this side of guterska..."Fei Wuliang immediately said, "are you going to plead for him?"

Ye Feng said immediately, "it's not intercession!" Then he said, "guterska did this in violation of some rules. He deserves to be taught a lesson."

Speaking of this, Fei Wuliang immediately said, "but it's a little bit..."

Did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, Fei Wuliang immediately interrupted Ye Feng's words, "do you think I'm too much?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "no, I absolutely didn't mean that. I said that I should teach guterska a lesson, but now the meeting of the Han Ding conference is just around the corner. Besides guterska, who else in our department can do this?"

Fei Wuliang pondered for a while, motioned to Ye Feng to continue to say, but heard Ye Feng continue to say, "I think the director should use both kindness and authority. After giving him the punishment he should have, the director said that he had the same dignity. I believe guterska also felt it, but he didn't feel it. To tell you the truth, opening a guterska is not good for guterska What's the big loss? It's nothing more than leaving the cabinet and going to any place to find a job. I believe that with his ability, he won't be too bad! "

Fei Wuliang listened to Ye Feng's words and nodded, "apart from other things, guterska is indeed a rare talent. After he leaves here, maybe in the future, he will come to the cabinet as a confidant of local bureaucrats to deal with us!"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng immediately said, "I don't think he is determined to be local. Even if he leaves the cabinet, I don't believe he will leave longarsenbao. At that time, he will rise in other departments. What he is most afraid of is that he will be liked by people in other departments of the cabinet. I heard that a person named Qin Feng is currently working on network talents..."

Fei Wuliang, after hearing this, frowned at Ye Feng and said, "cabinet elite Qin Feng?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "besides him, who else can it be?"

Fei Wuliang immediately asked Ye Feng, "who did you listen to?"

At this time, Ye Feng said with a mysterious smile, "I didn't want to say it. After all, it's none of my business. But since the Secretary asked, I might as well tell you that guterska told me!"

Fei Wuliang heard this, his face suddenly moved, "this guy wants to raise his own price?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "even if he has this idea, it's common sense. But from this point, we have to admit that guterska's four years in the cabinet can be regarded as a well-informed role. He knows a lot about the cabinet and even the Han Ding palace. If such a role is really attracted by other people, the loss will be great I'm sorry for you

Fei Wuliang, listening to Ye Feng's words, immediately moved his heart. After pondering for a long time, he nodded and said, "what you said is not unreasonable. Guterska really has his ability and can know a lot of inside information!"

Thinking of this, Fei Wuliang couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "but if I told him to go away, I've already said it. How can I get it back?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I just said that the officer has fully demonstrated his majesty. Now it's time to show his grace!"

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