Fei Wuliang listened to Ye Feng's words, then pondered for a while. After pacing back and forth in the office, he sat back on his desk and looked at Ye Feng and said, "well, I just said those words to him, and I don't think he was very happy. I went to him directly. Maybe he thought what I wanted to do!"

Ye Feng didn't wait for Fei Wuliang to finish, immediately understood Fei Wuliang's meaning, and then said with a smile, "OK, I understand the meaning of the secretary. Let me talk to him in the past, scold him, and let him sincerely come to apologize to the secretary. The Secretary doesn't need to mention the previous thing, just encourage him a little, and it's over!"

Fei Wuliang heard Ye Feng say so, can't help nodding, "well, you said the method is good, so do it!"

Ye Feng nodded and left Fei Wuliang's office. When he went out, he happened to see guterska picking up things at his desk. Some of his colleagues didn't say much.

Ye Feng went to the side of guterska, pressed the bag he was about to put things in, looked at guterska and said, "just go?"

Guterska said immediately, "what the Secretary said is very clear. If you don't want to go, you have to go!" Then he looked at Ye Feng with an apologetic look on his face and said, "brother ye, it seems that I can't do all the promises I promised you before. I'll see you later! No matter what you said to me, I will always remember those words in my life. No matter where I go, I will never forget them! "

Ye Feng said with a smile to guterska, "it's a pity I forgot to tell you a little!"

Guterska couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "what kind of faction is JAS akadi, what people are behind him, and often contact those people in the cabinet. Have you asked about all these things?"

Guterska immediately said, "of course I asked. He said that he didn't have any faction, so he wanted to climb Ye GE's high branch. In addition, he said that he had a relationship with my father. I don't think I can refuse!"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "yes, this matter not only you have a problem, I also have a problem, this JAS akadi is a big problem!" He said with a slight sigh, "I'll find him to figure it out later!"

Then he immediately asked guterska, "since I've decided to leave, do you want to go somewhere?"

Guterska shook his head and said, "I don't know. For the time being, I'm in a mess. I don't have the energy to think about it. Anyway, I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I have plenty of time to think about it! Take your time, there is always a place for me! I can't wait to die at home! "

Ye Feng patted guterska and said, "you are born to work in the cabinet!"

Guterska couldn't help but said with a bitter smile, "brother ye, it's this time. Don't tease me any more. I'm the one who knows that piece of material in my heart!"

But after staring at guterska for a long time, Ye Feng said, "what? Can't stand such a little setback? There is still a long way to go. How can it be plain sailing? It's not even a fart compared with what you'll encounter in the future! "

But guterska sighed, "I just want to find a safe and stable unit to do well. If I don't have those ambitions, if I don't have big ambitions, I won't encounter big things!"

Ye Feng smell speech then immediately toward Gu teska way, "before I said with you, don't belittle yourself, how such a little setback to beat you down!"

Guterska immediately sighed to Ye Feng, "sometimes, it depends on the actual situation. I also want to have ambition and make great achievements in the cabinet, but the reality is that I don't have contacts, so I can't stand here at all! What can I do? "

Ye Feng said to guterska, "the opportunity is not given to you by others, but to fight for it by yourself. When I was talking with you just now, I was beside him. He was right to let you go, but have you ever fought for it yourself?"

Guterska was speechless for a while. After a while, he said, "he wanted me to go. He just found this excuse and blamed myself. He had to be provoked by Jess arcadi. He gave me a handle. Of course, I won't let go!"

Ye Feng immediately said to guterska, "don't talk about doing this. If it's me, I know that you have introduced my contacts to other people without my permission. I will be angry if you don't even say it. I believe you are in that place, so are you!"

Guterska immediately said to Ye Feng, "I didn't mean to. I didn't know that JAS akadi was his contact..."

Ye Feng said coldly, "smart people don't make any excuses for their mistakes. No one cares about the process, but only the results. Now the result is that you introduce the person who does the work to me. No matter you have thousands of reasons, you can't change the result!"

Guterska was speechless again, and finally sighed, "it's my fault, I don't deny it, but now it's too late to say that. I've been opened, and it's too late to remedy it..."

Ye Feng looked at guterska and said, "you don't have any remedy. How do you know it's too late?"Guterska was stunned and looked at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he suddenly said, "brother ye, you and the secretary just now..."

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I didn't talk about you with the director at all. After all, JAS arcadi is my personal relationship now. I still need to deal with the aftermath myself!"

Guterska had a glimmer of hope in his heart. He hoped that Ye Feng would help him to intercede with Fei Wuliang. However, after listening to Ye Feng's words, he was disappointed.

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "what I said, it seems that you didn't take it to heart at all. I just told you that you can't count on others to help you with everything. What others give you is not opportunity. What you can grasp is opportunity. You decide whether to go or stay. I have nothing to say!"

Ye Feng said and walked away. Guterska stood in the same place, staring at Ye Feng, frowning slightly, doing nothing, as if thinking about something. Finally, he put down his bag and walked toward Fei Wuliang's office.

Ye Feng stands at the gate and smokes a cigarette. At this time, he looks back at guterska. What he can say, teach, and teach has been done. If this guy still has no consciousness, he still depends on himself for everything, even if he sees the wrong person.

However, when Ye Feng saw that guterska rang Fei Wuliang's question, he was completely relieved. He took a cigarette and murmured, "I can teach you!"

After about half an hour, Ye Feng finished smoking two cigarettes. Then he saw guterska come out of Fei Wuliang's office.

Everyone outside knows that guterska is going to be fired by Fei Wuliang. At this time, they can't help looking at guterska, but there is no expression on guterska's face. Colleagues all sigh a little, and some are secretly happy. Seeing guterska's expression, Fei Wuliang hasn't changed his mind after he enters the door to ask for love. Some people already think that he will be back after work I don't know how many people are waiting to come in. Anyway, guterska has always been dispensable in this department, and what he does is all the chores. The most important thing is that he doesn't have any personal connections, and it seems that he is a waste of time to interact with him. Now he's gone better, maybe he'll recruit someone again, and he's still in trouble There's one more way.

At this time, Ye Feng snuffed out his cigarette. Seeing guterska's expression, he could not help wondering whether Fei Wuliang had changed his mind again?

Thinking Ye Feng went to the side of guterska and asked him, "have you talked to the secretary?"

Guterska can't help but look up and nod to Ye Feng, "chatting!"

Ye Feng frowned, "still want you to go?"

But guterska stared at Ye Feng and didn't say a word. Finally, he couldn't help but said with a smile, "I apologized to the secretary. After he said a few words, he said that he was a little impulsive before. Let me continue to stay!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, completely relieved, immediately heavily patted Gu teska's shoulder, "let you stay, you this facial expression?"? On purpose? "

Guterska said to Ye Feng with a smile, "brother ye, I owe you another favor. To be honest, you must have said a lot of nice things to the director. Although you don't admit it, I can hear the director's voice!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "thank you, brother Ye!"

Ye Feng patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "what I did is not important, the most important thing is yourself!"

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