After guterska stayed, he worked harder. Ye Feng followed him around one day, but he didn't say anything to motivate him any more. Some things had to be enough. If he said too much, the other party was bored and lost the original meaning.

If guterska is a material that can be made, it can be said that he can see through at one point. Obviously guterska still has a little gap in this point. Fortunately, he is not the kind of person who can't see through at all. Ye Feng is very satisfied with this.

After work, Ye Feng originally wanted to invite Fei Wuliang to have a meal. After all, he didn't investigate the case of Jess akadi, so he easily accepted the gift of Fei Wuliang. He should invite Fei Wuliang to have a meal.

However, Fei Wuliang declined, saying that there was something else to do in the evening. Although he didn't say anything, Ye Feng knew what else could happen at this time. Although he ran to a Jess arcadi, there should be many people waiting for him to deal with it.

Ye Feng didn't say much. He only said that he would make an appointment later, and then he went home. However, when he got home, he remembered that he had made an appointment with guterska and JAS akadi to meet him. Fortunately, Fei Wuliang didn't promise, otherwise he would break the appointment.

When guterska and JAS arcadi come, Ye Feng says to JAS arcadi, "you know, guterska can't even stay in the cabinet, and I offend people!"

JAS akadi immediately apologized to Ye Feng, "on the way, guterska has already told me, and I sincerely apologize to him, and now I solemnly apologize to Mr. Ye! It's really my thoughtlessness. It's causing you both trouble! "

Ye Feng turned his lips and said, "it's not me that you want to apologize most. I don't care. You all know who I am. No matter how wrong I am, Fei Wuliang doesn't dare to do anything to me. But guterska is different. He's helping you with his job!"

Hearing this, JAS akadi immediately asked guterska again and said to him, "this time it's really my thoughtlessness. I'll make it up to you, brother!" Then he took out a kraft paper bag and put it in guterska's hand. "A little heart, no respect! Don't give up! "

Guterska took a look at Ye Feng, and saw Ye Feng's jaw slightly, indicating that he would accept it. He was no longer polite. After collecting the things, he said to Jess akadi, "it's OK. It's nothing. It's just a small thing. The most important thing is to help you!"

JAS arcadi or repeatedly apologized to guterska and Ye Feng, Ye Feng asked JAS arcadi, "I really want to know one thing, why you have been paying unlimited contact fees before, but now you want to change the dock?"

Jess arcadi said, "it's a long story, and it's not up to me as a secretary to decide who to look for or not. It's all about listening to my leadership!"

Ye Feng asked Jess arcadi, "then what does your boss mean? You know, I work under Fei Wuliang! Some things, my ability may not be as big as him

Jess arcadi immediately said, "behind Mr. Ye is the president, which Fei Wuliang can't compare with..."

Before Jess arcadi finished, Ye Feng immediately said, "don't you understand me? Sometimes things are not done in this way. The county magistrate is not as good as being in charge now. No matter how strong my background is, I am just a clerk in the cabinet, and my authority is limited there. It can't be compared with the unlimited expenses of the administrator.... " Then he immediately asked, "by the way, you haven't said that this time you come to me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Jess arcadi immediately said with a smile, "I can say this for my boss. Our boss doesn't want to ask Ye Feng to help us! Just want to make a friend with Mr. Ye! We make friends in the long run, not in the present! "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "it's a good one, but don't you realize that since Fei Wuliang has found guterska's trouble, it means that he knows about it. In other words, in order to make friends with me, he has offended an old friend of your boss!"

JAS arcadi felt a slight movement on his face, and then sighed, "yes, I didn't think about it when I did it. Now it seems that I really have a headache!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "it's not that I speak badly. Your boss has found you. It's really bad luck. Can I make you a friend or later, but you help your boss offend a friend first. It's the first time I've seen such a secretary without brain operation!"

Jess akadi's face turned red when he heard what Ye Feng said. Guterska's face hit Jess akadi face-to-face and wanted to say something. However, when he saw Ye Feng's eyes, he didn't say a word. It was obvious that Ye Feng didn't let him take care of it.

At this time, Ye Feng put the bank card that had been sent by Jess Cardi on the tea table, pushed it to Jess Cardi and said, "this thing, please give it to your boss!"

As soon as Jess arcadi saw this, his face suddenly changed, and the cold sweat on his forehead was coming out. He quickly said to Ye Feng, "Mr. Ye, what do you mean?"Ye Feng said to Jess akadi, "isn't my meaning obvious?"

Jess arcadi stood up and said to Ye Feng, "Mr. Ye, you must not do this. If you do this, it's not easy for me to go back."

Ye Feng looked at Jess and said, "I'll take you back. Is that ok? How are you going to tell your boss about Fei Wuliang? "

Jess arcadi looked at Ye Feng hesitantly and said, "I don't think about it now. I don't even think about what to do with Fei Wuliang. Now if you do the same, I will be fired by our boss Mr. Ye... "

Speaking of this, a burst of excitement, unexpectedly want to kneel down to Ye Feng, Ye Feng but quickly reached out to stop him, "don't be so, such a big gift, I can't afford it!"

Guterska is also a surprise, NIMA, now the gift recipients are like this, the gift giver has to kneel down to the recipient and beg the other party to accept it?

Jess arcadi immediately cried to Ye Feng, "Mr. Ye, you have to save me!"

Ye Feng took a look at Jess arcadi and sighed, "I don't accept this money. Isn't it to save you?"

Jess akadi can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise when he hears the words, "ah?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "now you take the money, hurry to find Fei Wuliang. It's better to add some more on the basis of the money..."

Jess arcadi said, "I'm going to find him now, and he may not be willing to see me!"

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "why do you have the same problem with guterska? If you don't do anything, why don't you back out first? If you go, he won't see you! But if you see you, you can tell him that your visit to me is just an ordinary visit made by your boss, and it has nothing to do with your real purpose of entering lonarsenic Castle this time! "

JAS arcadi frowned and said, "Fei Wuliang is not a fool. He doesn't know?"

Ye Feng said with a cold smile, "Fei Wuliang is definitely not a fool. I think you are more like a fool!"

Jess arcadi looked at Ye Feng puzzled, and Ye Feng said, "the real smart people will pretend to be stupid, and the real fool will pretend to be smart. Fei Wuliang definitely belongs to the former, and you Hum... "

Ye Feng doesn't have to finish. Jess arcadi also knows that he belongs to the latter in Ye Feng's mind. That fool who pretends to be smart. Don't say, Ye Feng is right. If he is not stupid, how can he do such a stupid thing?

Ye Feng then said to Jess akadi, "if you do what I say, you have at least half the chance. If you still rely on your own" intelligence "and don't do what I say, you don't go back, just run away with the money!"

Jess arcadi immediately said to Ye Feng, "I will do as Mr. Ye said, but I can't use the money of Mr. Ye. If the boss knows, he will scold me to death!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you don't have to worry about this. When you finish your work, you can tell your boss that Ye Feng likes to make friends, but not all of them. If he wants to make friends with me, his sincerity is obviously not enough. Let him take more Hey, hey, come out

Jess arcadi smell speech heart immediately move, Ye Feng's words have been very obvious, what sincerity is not enough, obviously is not enough money, money is the biggest sincerity.

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