The size of this private room is bigger than the apartment Ye Feng and his family live in, and the layout is luxurious. It doesn't look like a place to eat, but more like a place to stay at home.

After the three went in, the waiter came immediately and asked them what tea they would like to drink and what they would like to prepare. Ye Feng and guterska came here for the first time, and they were completely handed over to JAS akadi.

And Jess arcadi also showed his absolute respect for Ye Feng. Every time before making a decision, he would look at Ye Feng and say, "brother ye, what do you think?"

Every time Ye Feng says he's free, just look at it, but Jess arcadi still asks Ye Feng for advice every time, showing his respect for Ye Feng.

After Jess Arcadia was finished, the waiter also saw that Ye Feng was the only guest here. It should be the other two who wanted to invite Ye Feng to dinner.

When waiting for the waiter to go out to prepare, Jess akadi immediately said to Ye Feng, "let's have some tea first. It's fast to talk for an hour. Although we haven't eaten, we'd better eat with Fei Wuliang later!"

Guterska then said to JAS akadi, "Fei Wuliang is here to entertain the distinguished guests. He must be full of wine and food. When he comes, it's good to have a sip of tea. Are you going to let Ye Ge go hungry to help you?"

As soon as Jess arcadi heard this, her face changed greatly. She patted her forehead and called the waiter to prepare the meal in advance. If there were any guests at that time, she would have another one according to the menu.

After giving orders to the waiter, Jess arcadi immediately came back and repeatedly apologized to Ye Feng, "brother ye, I'm really sorry. I'm too busy!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "it doesn't matter if I'm hungry. I'm just curious about your efficiency. I really don't understand your boss. How can I let you come to longarsenic castle?"

Jess arcadi immediately said, "brother Ye doesn't mind. It's brother Ye. You have a large number of adults, and I'm not doing things properly. After all, I have a problem. Seeing brother ye, you have such a large number of adults, I can tell you that I've only helped our boss for two years. I've been another guy before, and I'm his deputy. This is the first time to go out to do things. I'm actually my boss My boss's brother-in-law My sister begged him to let me come This is my first time to work, and it's still such an important thing. If I fail, my brother-in-law will never let me go back to work again! "

Ye Feng smell speech this just nodded a way, "originally you are your boss's younger brother-in-law, this no wonder!" Then he took a look at Jess arcadi and said, "I've been used to being respectable in Sri Lanka before, and I'm obviously not experienced enough in dealing with people's life. It's good for you to come out this time. It's an opportunity for you to experience and grow up. Some things will grow up only after you hit a wall!"

Jess arcadi can't help nodding his head. He called Ye Feng's education. Then he even said in a voice, "fortunately, I met Ye ge you this time. If I met other people, I would have been scolded by my brother-in-law!"

Ye Feng then said to Jess akadi, "you don't need to thank me for this. I'm not related to you. I could have ignored this matter. Anyway, it doesn't have a relationship with me. What you really want to thank is guterska!"

JAS akadi and guterska's face moved slightly when they heard the words. Guterska knew that Ye Feng had helped him raise the price in front of JAS akadi. He was secretly grateful and thought that it was absolutely right for him to choose to follow Ye Feng.

And JAS arcadi said to guterska, "brother, thank you so much!" In fact, he and guterska's father are old friends, which is tantamount to calling guterska brother.

Guterska heard the words, just embarrassed smile, did not say much.

Ye Feng then said to Jess akadi, "you really need to learn from guterska when you are dealing with people. He's in our cabinet, but he's all-round. There's nothing he can't do well. The only drawback is that his parents left early and didn't leave him any connections. As you know, in the official circles of the Federation of eisf, the connections are sometimes better than you It's also important to be able to learn English! If not, guterska would have been working at least for a long time. "

"Yes, yes, my little brother guterska is absolutely human. I should learn from him," said Jess arcadi

Then he quickly said to guterska, "before your parents left early, I was busy, and I didn't have time to see them off. But now you don't have to worry. Your biggest weakness is gone. Now you have brother Ye's backer, and you're afraid that there's no interpersonal relationship. Outside, you still have me. As long as you have something to do, I'll help you You've done it right! "

Then he immediately said with an embarrassed smile, "but I'm not in longarsenburg, not in the cabinet. Maybe you don't like me, but I still say that. As long as you look up to me and use me, it's a matter of one sentence!"

Guterska said to JAS arcadi, "you're very kind!"

At this time, Ye Feng said with a smile, "if Fei Wuliang comes and sees you, he is not happy. What do you say to do?"

Jess arcadi can't help but be surprised. To tell you the truth, he didn't think about this problem at all. He thinks that as long as Ye Feng comes out, it's impossible for that situation to happen. Now he's really asked by Ye Feng.Ye Feng saw that Jess arcadi didn't say a word, and immediately said, "everything should be prepared for the worst, but it can't be done towards the worst!"

Jess akadi immediately said to Ye Feng, "I don't understand. Please give me your advice!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "that is to say, you should be prepared to bear the failure, and even think of the Countermeasures after failure, but since there is no failure, you should implement it according to a certain way of success."

JAS akadi immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "understand, now you are there, I am following a certain way to success!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Jess akadi, "I'm not the master key. I can open any door. If Fei Wuliang can't open this door, are you ready?"

Jess arcadi smell speech face suddenly move, immediately staring at Ye Feng, shook his head and said, "I really don't have this preparation, also can't bear, ye Ge, you want to teach me!"

Ye Feng looked at jescard thoughtfully and said, "first of all, you should put the responsibility on Fei Wuliang, and do the best thing you can. The worst situation is that one achievement and one pass, and the two offset each other!"

JAS arcadi can't help but look at Ye Feng in consternation. Guterska said to JAS arcadi at this time, "don't you understand? If Fei Wuliang still doesn't pay attention to you, you should take care of Ye GE's relationship. When you go back, you will tell your brother-in-law that Fei Wuliang's problem is entirely caused by him. Anyway, Fei Wuliang's eccentric temper is famous. Your brother-in-law has been dealing with him for so many years, and Xiangxin knows better than you. Even if you can't serve Fei Wuliang well, don't you still have it What's the credit for maintaining Ye GE's new relationship? "

On hearing this, Jess arcadeton suddenly realized and said, "yes, yes, I fully understand!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "brother ye, I'm determined to worship you. You can't change your mind like Fei Wuliang."

Ye Feng nodded his head with satisfaction. It's not JAS akadi's attitude, but guterska's growth. He can understand the deep meaning of his words before JAS akadi, which is enough to show that his wasted words are not in vain. In this short time, guterska's growth is enough to make Ye Feng happy.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to Jess akadi, "look at guterska, you think more thoroughly than you. You have to learn more, and you will have a long way to go. If you want to make friends with me, you should deal with guterska first!"

Jess arcadi immediately nodded, he fully understood the meaning of Ye Feng, that is to say, if you want to find Ye Feng in the future, you must first pass guterska. Of course, he knew the importance of guterska, and immediately nodded to guterska, "brother, we can't break up in the future, we should keep in touch!"

Guterska smiles and keeps silent. He admires Ye Feng a little more in his heart. In a few words, he directly pushes Jess akadi to himself. He doesn't care about Jess akadize's relationship, but he can make Jess akadize fall in love with him. This is really enough for him to learn.

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